I think the last time I actually wept was when my mom died in May of last year. Before that, probably the day before I got sober.
Crying is a great thing. It's cathartic.
So you were the weird kid that sat in the back and stared at the cheerleaders, and when they would happen to glance at you, they wouldn't express how creeped out they were because they kinda felt bad that you were so weird and sad, but in your mind you took the non-disgust as reciprocation of your feelings.
I know where this is going. I've seen true crime documentaries.
Did you get nervous? I know a lot of people do.
Usually I try to just joke around with the officer and put the both of us at ease. It's never gotten me out of a ticket, but it makes the whole thing less stressful.
That's not what I said at all, dammit! I just said that Mexicans do. I never said other people don't.
Also, there's only one race, and that's the human race. So NOW who's the hate tank, heh? Yeah, it's you! You've been hoisted on your own petard!