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Everything posted by garbagepailcat

  1. Yankee scum
  2. Bea’s Restaurant Sweet tea
  3. @GuyBeardmane, let’s have a frizz contest
  4. Dabs get me so stoned. I’m jealous.
  5. And if you guys barely see each other at work, it’s prob not much of a risk.
  6. Be friendly and introduce yourself. Read her response. If it seems like you’re just annoying her, leave her be. Don’t mistake politeness for mutual interest. Once you’ve built a rapport, ask her to lunch or out for drinks or coffee. Something low pressure.
  7. It’s so bad. I hate it. I’m never leaving the safety of my bathtub ever again.
  8. Oh, I know. That’s the worst part. I try to ignore the voice in my head that tells me bad shit happens when I leave the house, but then shit like this really supports those thoughts. I’m just glad everyone was seemingly okay.
  9. I was one car behind it. Two carpet rolls came flying out of the back of someone’s truck and hit an old lady’s car. Everyone was going like 60. HELLO ANXIETY MY OLD FRIEND. LET’S NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE AGAINNNN
  10. I still have double nostril piercings and enjoy most music that has been posted in this thread. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Some things don’t change.
  11. Scene kids were nerds too, but maybe in a different way
  12. I wonder if scene kids exist anymore or if they are called something different now? Do high school girls still cut their hair into ~fashion mullets~ and post photo captions of bad nevershoutnever lyrics?
  13. Thank you for being here with me during this trip down memory lane.
  14. A terrible, terrible trend.
  15. Only if you cut your wrists and blacked your eyes
  17. My husband managed a hot topic for like 8 years. 😂
  18. It’s all so badgood!
  19. what about a lil hardcore? Hmmmm? Picking up pennies, anyone?
  20. To this day, I love Gerard Way more than life itself. I think to a lot of kids, alternative was alternative. Genre didn’t really matter. AFI def got a little weirder than most emo or pop punk stuff of the time, imo. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
  21. Omg Breathe Carolina I know there were a lot of bands that sounded like that, but now I can’t think of any.
  22. Yeah, TBS was always super emo. AFI used to be super punk then transitioned to more of an industrial sound.
  23. So you fucked. Sweet.
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