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Puppy Power
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Everything posted by scoobdog

  1. Has walked behind a Laker Girl, pulling her luggage.
  2. How you doin Ghosty?
  3. Drink more water bro……..
  4. I wonder what an overdose of Ketamine looks like? Jk, it’s too good for him.
  5. Told LeBron about the trade just so he could see his reaction.
  6. The state is interested in desal, but environmentalists are not. The problem with it, and in particular the RO process used to remove salt and other minerals from sea water, is that the discharge back into the ocean can be toxic to sea life. Even if the RO “brine” is predominantly salt being put back into salt water, it’s creating pockets of high salinity in coastal waters where a lot of vulnerable plants and animals, including several species of small fish, mollusks, and sea weeds. It also has the potential of altering migration patterns for larger mammals and fish. That’s not to say that Newsome hasn’t pushed for more desalination, he just doesn’t have the hubris to flaunt environmental protection regulations to do it.
  7. I don’t think the size is of much importance in this case. I brought it up because it bring a jet would explain why it disintegrated the way it did on impact as well as the sheer amount of fires at the crash site.
  8. Supposedly it was Lear Jet, so it wouldn’t be that small of a plane.
  9. So this is what happened. You have a way of burning people don’t you?
  10. Was nontheless amused by the fail coup and ate a burger in celebration.
  11. Once had to dodge a cute, but not particularly sophisticated, assassination attempt by the Chik-Fil-A Cows.
  12. You could interpret what he said? (That's an insult, P-stoned. Fight me, bro.)
  13. Well, I mean... The post snort suckfest has to happen somewhere, and you have no idea where her/his fingers have been.
  14. It was happening every maybe 10 or so submits for me at one point, then it stopped, now it's doing it again at about the same pace.
  15. I honestly do not know how anyone can blame democrats for Trump's presidency when he's had a well documented history of doing exactly what he says he will do with as little thought as the ideas themselves entail. This roll out is the perfect example of the kind of chaos he typically creates in his quest to honor campaign promises he makes but no one actually asked for or wanted.
  16. Honestly, I just assumed Leather Rokk was a name you gave her. She does seem like a pretty free spirit.
  17. Knows what he's talking about.
  18. Is contemplating a Spec Ops raid on said refrigerator with a team made up entirely of French soldiers.
  19. Anyway, digging up the confidential meme got me to thinking about some of my other creations and I found some in the same folder....
  20. Do I gotta fire up the Scoobatron for Cheech and Chong?
  21. Nothing. Everyone knows Cheech carried the duo.
  22. And you get to hang out with your friends too.
  23. Also. I can't be prouder of the Scoobotron 9001. It's trashy, petty, and condescending all at once.
  24. I fucking love Cheech.
  25. Hey. I actually had my insurance carrier provide said box unprompted. I have a hard time believing it’s out of the goodness of their heart, but it was free, so whatever.
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