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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. I think the mangaka might have some kind of a sweat or smell fetish. Midnight has sleep pheromones, Bakugo and his family all have sweat based powers, Pinky has acid sweat and fluids, Tsuyu I think said that she can make her skin slippery, Grape has adhesive sweat.
  2. The only time I think it applies is if they are shitfaced falling down drunk. My one friend got into a fist fight with a guy over something about who makes the Olympic bobsleds. The conversation made no sense, but I'm sure the conversation was compelling, but I just wasn't drunk enough at the moment to understand it at the time.
  3. It may have been too thick. Sometimes I make two smaller loafs if I think it's going to be like that.
  4. As a Kid I collected round objects. Don't know why but round things were pleasing to hold and look at. Buttons, Marbles, a perfectly round 5lb hunk of unpolished marble that I found while breaking open another stone. I also collected keychains for a while. When I was 7-12 I was into Pokemon like a damn drug. It's still weird to think back at how insanely happy pokemon made me as a kid. From playing the game to collecting cards everything felt like it was a massive achievement. Getting through rock tunnel not knowing that flash was a thing, beating the rival, evolving a pokemon for the first time. I actually wish I could feel that way about games or anything in general anymore. When I was a teen it was animal skulls, either ones I would find in the woods or off of animals that I hunted. If they weren't already skulls I would just place them in a cage on the ground and let the bugs do their work. I also collected Horror movies for a time. It has become more moot overtime due to streaming, and commentary/special features aren't as good as they were in the early 2k. I now buy anime for series that I enjoyed, but I wouldn't fully consider it collecting.
  5. Flareon is probably the worst due to it's stats being a physical fire type with low def and hp. The only moves it can really use to it's advantage are Fire Fang and Flare Blitz, one is just a fire type version of bite and the other does recoil damage.
  6. Does the devil count as a god?
  7. I'm actually for long term DLC rather than spitting out a game that runs off the same graphics engine every two years. Beating the Bozak trail to get that bow was one of the most frustratingly satisfying things I have done in a game in years.
  8. Your drug dealer said the same thing.
  9. The iron fist ability boosts punching moves by 20% but it only raises the elemental punches up to 90 with the chance of status. HJK though is still better since it's 130 but gets a 50% stab boost making it 195, it's accuracy is also 90% which isn't bad. So Lee is a much more solid pick than chan.
  10. Heads up drinking nothing but water is probably the worst thing you can do. When you eat food again you are going to have a insulin rush, and your body will put on more weight than it was before because it'll be in starvation mode. Eat more high fiber and lean protein meals.
  11. My credit cards exp is coming up soon, and I know it's going to suck having to change all my auto pay accounts. whut
  12. No I accepted that when I was little. You die and everything just turns off. Even if you believe in the afterlife your memories and soul are two separate things. The soul wouldn't hold onto any memories because differing thoughts and opinions would be counter intuitive to a peaceful exsistance, despite our views of it being the key defining feature of humanity.
  13. He has an eye for Freudian horror. His films Hellraiser, Candyman, and Nightbreed all are heavily focused on sexuality. Hellriaser deals with bdsm and fetishes; based around creatures of hedonism to the point that receiving and inflicting pain is the only way that they can experience it anymore. In the book Pinhead is a woman which has more symbolism with the box being opened and closed to summon her and her gash "the name of a group of centobites". Candyman covers interracial sexual taboos. The mirror thing might have some odd rape message as they are asking for it, but then hate dealing with the consequences. . The Nightbreed is about gays....Pretty much that Clive Baker is gay and wanted to make a gay based horror film. Pretty much a guy turns into a "monster" and begins to hang out in a graveyard with other "monsters", where he steadily accepts that he is one of them. There is a moment where his old Girlfriend tries to save him and his coming to terms with being a "monster" and staying with his own kind. There is also this really homosexual overtone with a doctor that he has that asks to see him in his office after a shower, but in his office the doctor is wearing tight leather and not respecting personal space. The doctor later turns into a "monster as well". I like the worlds and practical effects that Barker builds, but I feel that his stories always come out short because he focuses too heavily on the theme and less on characterization and progression. As well he often will add things that are cool, but make no sense in continuity.
  14. I made that sunday, but I forgot to take a picture.
  15. I didn't know that writing off the top of your head was called dazed....I guess I always write in a daze. ::HMM::
  16. I don't know if there is such a thing in Japan as non physically stressful work. It's funny and tragic how any story I read of a Japanese worker is that they always have points where they just end up in the hospital because they don't sleep or eat due to work. On Did You Know Gaming the main guy that Made Smash Bros ended up in the hospital because he forgot to eat. Its the damn country that invented cup noodles, and vending machine pizza. You would think taking time to eat and work at the same time wouldn't be an issue.
  17. Then pissed all over me in my bed while I was asleep!
  18. Deku is going to have some killer arthritis in the next few years. Still this episode does make me think of what heros would make more powerful kids. Bakugo's mom has Glycerin sweat which keeps her skin looking young, and his dad has a mild oxidation sweat that can explode. The combo of those quirks made it so Bakugo can make huge explosions from his sweat. I would say Bakugo's best match for a superior child would be Ashido. The result would probably be the ability to launch an explosive acid. Bakugo would also match well with Hado, who's power is enhanced shockwaves.
  19. They announced Sun and Moon Ultimate
  20. fighting games have the controller vs fight stick vs Hit box argument.
  21. I keep in touch with some people from the boards. Crazy_Anime_Punk got her 4year eng major last month and got a job working at a video game company yesterday, LatinoGangstar is doing a game channel and just got a sponsor, and Ciddy has just been working. Lost contact with foryouwhynot when the site went down. Last I remember he was looking into a transfer and had a kid.
  22. Most games it's better to use a Mouse and Keyboard, but there are also a lot that benefit from a controller like fighting games. Really aside from games where you need more than 4 hotkeys or an fps; a controller is pretty acceptable. AAA Games today are made with consoles in mind first. The mechanics are optimized for a controller so it makes sense. The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls had this issue where it's nearly impossible to play with a keyboard and mouse.
  23. Anime blogs and Youtubers are natural enemies. Just like Twitter and Anime Bloggers, or Reddit and Anime Bloggers , or Tumblr and Anime Bloggers, or Anime Bloggers and other Anime Bloggers. Damn Anime Bloggers; They Ruined Anime Blogs!
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