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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. People needed it to survive the hurricane.
  2. Well Goku is also brain damaged for what that's worth. Like you said Goku doesn't really like human traditions ie raising a family.
  3. She was on a "break" from Yamcha at the start of the blue saga due to him being with other girls. According to Toriyama's info which he has retconed about every time he is asked about sayin relationships. First it was that Sayins mate with the strongest male/female they can find, then they will eventually go their separate ways. A retcon added that Bardock and Goku's mom stayed together which was uncommon. A comment by Vegeta to Goku is that they are attracted to Chichi and Bulma respectively because of their aggressive strong natures. Interestingly Goku ended up with the strongest woman on earth "at the time". Vegeta's reaction in the image is more of a pride issue which they have pop up a lot in DBZ, but he seems to have gotten over in super. As well Vegeta is the odd one in this scenario since he enjoys being around Bulma, while Goku keeps trying to wander off.
  4. They did finish Rave Master, but it was on at like 6am. Also there are the crossover ovas with Fairy Tail.
  5. Yugioh I think had more appeal. Also I confused Go with Shogi in my head for a moment. Go is the one where you flip pieces.
  6. Robot Jones, Mike Lou and Og, and Sheep in the big city were all trash. Sheep was probably the worst of those ones, due to it getting a lot of praise form critics. Robot Jones wore itself thin quickly. I remember him starting out with a really irritating mac robot voice which later got switched to sounding like Alphonse from FMA. Robot Jones just didn't seem like that great of a main character. Case in point they pretty much did an expy of him in Gumball with Bobert, he even did an episode where he had a self assessment journal when he was trying to analyze how organics interact.
  7. I remember seeing it on TV. Its weird that they thought that one would have hit it off. I think they missed the point of why things like Yugioh did well because there is variation in how you build a deck and it's collectible. Go is just Japanese Chess, like real chess but it's more complicated and ridged.
  8. I actually liked MAR at the time; Also Rave Master.
  9. HardcoreHunter


    You can find things like Collagen protein powder and mix it with wet catfood.
  10. Not really a spoiler, since I didn't mention any other characters names, just that his sexual preference is more or less confirmed in the current manga. If I had said That would be a spoiler.
  11. How do you buy things when you don't have a mortgage or rent is what I'm reading.
  12. Pretty much what those indicator lights are for on the strip to tell you if it's grounded, so you can tell if something is going bad.
  13. I have actually had some electronics fucked up by power outages in the past, so it's more a case of live and learn.
  14. Your PC should be on a UPS. Things can get messed up when your computer just shuts down without going through it's processes.
  15. I'm still waiting for a switch bundle worth getting. Either way I'm going to jump on board when either Monster Hunter or Pokemon comes to it. Zelda and Arms look fun, but I need actual games confirmed before I pull another Wii U regret.
  16. I have a $2400 pc And the stuff around my TV probably ads up to $1k Also all surge protectors are power strips but not all power strips are surge protectors.
  17. Well I have one in my bedroom that has the xbox one s, AC, tv, cable box in it. One in the living room that has the ps3, tv, sound bar. One in my PC room that I use to power backup drives and speakers. One in my guest room that hooks up a Dehumidifier, tv and cable box. One in my kitchen that I plug blenders, Mixers, Fryers, toaster, and the Microwave into. Then in my PC room I have the UPS for the PC, Router, Modem, Monitors.
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