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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. They are either enabled by someone else, were injured at some point and get enough in disability/SSI to supplement their lifestyle, they eat the worst kinds of cheap foods in excess; a whole box of kraft is like 1400 calories and you gain 1lb of fat for every 3500 calories you consume, no exercise weight loss only happens if you have a deficit of calories, Hypo Thyroid or Metabolism condition that prevents them from losing weight. There are also 3 body types which will determine how you should exercise or intake calories. Ectomorph: Lean and long, with difficulty building muscle. (basketball players, speed runners, swimmers, pro eater Kobayashi ) Endomorph: Big, high body fat, often pear-shaped, with a high tendency to store body fat. (Strong men competitors, construction workers, bikers, and the lazy) Mesomorph: Muscular and well-built, with a high metabolism and responsive muscle cells. (Body builders, Actors) An ecto will have to work much harder to build any muscle as they will lose it quickly. One the plus side they can eat like a horse and lose the weight as fast as they lose muscle. Endo are the out of shape in shape type people. The ones who can lift 800lbs but still have a gut in a norse type physique. Their body structure can build large effective muscles however they will not gain much definition. They can skip weeks of training without losing any strength, however they will build up fat faster than the others; so without the exercise they just pack on weight which is much more difficult for them to take off as their body is prone to keeping all the gains good and bad. Meso are the body builder types pretty much a jack of all trades. They will never be as strong as a trained Endo or as lean and fast as an ecto. They will however look cut and still be fairly strong.
  2. You are too kohai for me to notice that; step up senpai!
  3. Only on boards not in life
  4. I don't know if we'll be having one. I know my brother and friends had their one canceled due to lack of interest. Probably due to people not really being where the want to be in life at the moment, or they moved and can't afford to take time off to go to the event. A couple of the kids I played football with did pretty well though. Barclay got drafted by Greenbay at $5 million and has a $1 million dollar extension, and Fusco was drafted by the Vikings with a $25 million dollar extension. Barclay pretty much got by on being tall. He sucked in high school I used to knock him around the field. Hell I remember throwing him around the locker room for being a cocky shit and talking down to the varsity team. Fusco was chill though we got along pretty well, actually used to be good friends with Barclay before he got full of himself. Makes me wonder what my chances would have been if I didn't have to quit over cracking my lumbar disc and having to rehab my back from lifting an f150 off the ground as a teen. Lubar injuries suck! It took like 5 years of hard training just to be able to do normal activities without discomfort. I'm still shocked that I get into bar fights and don't lose. It's like come on people I'm not even at my best Broken lubar disc, torn rotator cuff, no acl in my right leg, stiff hands from frost bite. God damn if I even tried half the time someone might die
  5. Sorry what was that, I didn't notice you.
  6. That still makes me senpai
  7. I was joking, it's funny because to be forever 27 you have to be dead by 27. Then everyone says how talented and not overhyped snowflake bullshit you are.
  8. I joined original asmb on 6-6-06
  9. Worse when you think that I have been considered an adult for a decade now....
  10. I can no longer be part of the forever 27 club :::
  11. In general pg13 horror has been annoying me lately. I love a lot of the films like insidious and the conjuring, but holy hell bump it up to R. I get that pg13 is a larger demographic, but I have noticed it really limiting what the stories could have done. Really if you are going to go PG13 just make a high budget tv series like the Walking Dead.
  12. They changed the character in Dr.Strange from a Tibetan monk to a Celt just because China would have banned it otherwise. China just this year at the UN told Japan that they weren't bombed for no reason and told them to stop trying to wash their hands of the atrocities they committed in WWII. These people weren't even alive then and are still salty. The context was that Japan was giving a speech about atomic bomb guilt; while China was promoting their Atomic Weapons. The remake of Karate kid was a different issue. The story took place in China which is where Jackie Chan was born. Old Karate Kid's Mr Miyagi was born in Okinawa Japan. The only issues that I had ever heard from that film were because Will Smith's kid can't act, and was being forced into a new movie every year. Really I'm surprised that China will even allow a film called Ghost in the Shell to be in their country. They have a strict stance against anything that alludes to the supernatural or existence of an afterlife. The idea of ghosts is an odd trigger for them.
  13. Makes sense, wasn't thinking about season one ::HMM::
  14. It's 40 episodes in total which is a lot. The last code reads. /images/episodes/c_episodes_anchor39_off.png Since it starts at anchor00 that makes 40. 00 is being counted as the recap episode. I'm wondering if they have some mini omake or ova episodes that they will be counting, as 40 episodes for a season is a lot.
  15. I like that funi does casual up some of the dialogue in most shows they do. It does annoy some people because they also do it with their subs, or changes the context of the character. Got my sentai copy of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?. Gotta see if the dub on that will be any good, as sentai is really hit or miss with their casting.
  16. Best steak sandwich I have had
  17. I don't even pay attention to critics. The main reason why they aren't going to allow it is because SJWs were going insane over white washing the last year. Even if the movie is good they will piss and moan that the Major and other characters aren't Japanese. I remember reading one a while back when someone was saying how white washing will ruin the movie, and you should cast people by race, but then they were hyping up some all black cast stage play of the founding fathers in another article. Also they suggested Lucy Liu would have been an acceptable Major....Someone of Chinese decent. I don't know if they know but, China and Japan haven't been on the best of terms since WWII (look up unit 731). Really the majority of both sides would be offended if a Chinese person played a Japanese; except liberal arts student bloggers.
  18. HardcoreHunter


    Internet piracy is why the Pedophilia, Bestiality, and Snuff industry are in such dire straits. You people make me sick!
  19. Just have casual sex, they don't have to be your girlfriend for that. However they do tend to be other people's girlfriends...or wives. Bars are not the best place to find "single" women to put it that way.
  20. A bit of a stretch, but it did have promise.
  21. It was dropped by the author. His reasoning was that he didn't feel it was right to have a story about zombies when tsunamis still exist as they are too closely related in subject matter. Still it's a shame when authors pass.
  22. V/H/S had one decent story the rest was junk. V/H/S 2 on the other hand was pretty good each story was fairly interesting and had some creepy moments. V/H/S 3 was pure garbage. I enjoy anthology tales, but the first and last v/h/s films were horrible. It's a shame that I can count a handful of good horror anthology films. Creepshow 1&2, Trick r Treat, A christmas horror story, VHS 2, Tales from the hood, tales form the darkside.
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