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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. The Floods are white and live like 7 miles from me, I'd say over 99% of the school is white. I had a graduating class of around 700 students and there were only 4 black kids, a handful of asian kids, and 3 Arab kids who were siblings. The only mexican girl I knew in the school was half mexican. Still it's sad knowing that these girls tired to ruin that kids life just because they didn't like him. I guess the kid has been in therapy and has had to be home schooled. It's really fucked with his ability to trust people. The few friends that he did have I guess abandoned him and never came back even after he was found not guilty.
  2. All of their court claims are shit like that, go read the deposition. They couldn't even bring up when Monica said that Vic kissed her in a room over a decade ago because of the statue of limitations and lack of evidence. The only things that they can bring up in court are small petty disputes. Not to mention a lot of her claims are harmed by video's and tweets between her and Vic as little as a week before the big blowout happened. There's a video of her hugging him in the editing room. There are messages she sends him with Kiss emoji, etc. However on vic's side of that we have Monica threatening to press charges against fans for "attacking" her when they weren't; which she had since apologized for, and that message from Jamie saying she wants his balls and doing jokes about dodging Subpoena for a month. That kinda shit can harm a case, Judges don't like to see that.
  3. They sent him to Juvi where he was supposed to say until he turned 18 then would be sent to jail, but the other girl's evidence was able to get him out after 9 days. So he didn't get to go to adult ass rape jail, but that was the original plan based on the court ruling. But yeah he was convicted based on 5 girls who just didn't like him. There was a counter suit and the Judge gave the girls a slap on the wrist said that they didn't do anything wrong, and it's wrong to ruin 5 people's lives over a dumb childish mistake. This was at my old high school which is why I even know anything about it. https://archive.triblive.com/local/regional/lawsuit-accuses-seneca-valley-mean-girls-of-targeting-boy-with-false-allegations/
  4. If you edit photos and present them like that without context then they're faked. None of them say that here is a photo of a fan asking vic for a hug/kiss and photo; which is what the people in the photo's came forward and complained about there photo's being used. It would be like me writing an article saying Tom Brady Pedophile then ignore to mention that the photo is his son. That is called misleading journalism and is grounds for libel; given it causes damages to a party.
  5. I think it goes to show though that you can't just take a persons word at face value without real evidence. We actually had a case out my way where 5 girls accused a boy of rape and he went to jail with no evidence. Another girl then came forward and said, hey these girls just wanted to get him in trouble because they didn't like him, they wanted me to help them, here's the text messages etc; and they let the boy out.
  6. No I doubt he'll win a case against funi, I even said that I'm sure he won't win that case. I did explain on what would be possible for him to actually gain if he did win though. There is no way in hell he's getting a full million even on the slim chance of him winning that case. However I do believe that he will win his other case against Monica and the others. Their Suit involves him eating a jellybean with their name on it, and having nightmares/emotional distress about it. That isn't really how an emotional damages case works. There has to be physical or tangible evidence in these cases. Like if they were distraught enough over Vic that they had to go see a Therapist, they could in turn sue and gain Therapist fees etc.
  7. Don't know the video, but I'm fine with ANN going under, the place has become a garbage fire over the years from a journalistic standpoint. They faked a bunch of photos; the one admin defended the photos that he shopped because they were based on "allegations" despite not labeling the photos as a dramatization. Then said some stuff about having to believe all allegations from women even if there is no proof. Then two weeks later the guy was accused of rape by some girl, and he denied said it never happened; which goes against his logic of all allegations are true because women wouldn't lie about things like that. I remember like 8 or 10 years ago having an argument with Zac. They were plugging Dark Horse comics a lot at the time. Then they were talking about the Evangelion "spin-off" Angelic days. He said and a guy from Dark Horse both said; It's a canon continuation of NGE, then shit talked NGE and hyped up Angelic Days etc. I was like wtf are you talking about it's a slice of life rom/com spin-off. He got all pissed called me troll told me to fuck off; pretty much followed me through the boards there and fucked with me until I got annoyed with his shit enough and left. All because I called bullshit on them, at what I hope was just getting their facts wrong; but it sounded more like dishonest marketing practices trying to shill really one of the worst manga spin-offs I've read. From what I hear Zac and the other higher ups on the site haven't gotten any better.
  8. He can sue for it, but it's difficult and most likely not going to be the money that he's asking. Pretty much I think he's going to win his case against Monica and the gang. However his case against Funimation itself doesn't hold much weight since voice actors are freelance. He can sue for loss of monetary income given he provides proof of income lost via standard Defamation case. I doubt he's getting a million based on that. At best a voice actor is getting 15k-25k extra cash if they are hitting up all the major anime cons a year. Even if Vic were at the top of his game it would take 40 years of doing conventions before he'd see a million dollars; he'd be 96 years old. At best I could only see them granting him 10 years worth if that which would be a quarter million. More I think he wants the law suit against Funimation to more rattle cages. This has created a lot of Drama and now has big daddy Sony watching what is going on, and could result in management being shuffled and bumped down/out.
  9. right click the icon on desktop, open file location, click the uninstall exe That doesn't work go into task manager and find spotify and end task. Then go back and try to uninstall through control panel again
  10. Go to start, type control panel click it, click Programs and features, find spotify right click and click uninstall
  11. The virtual youtuber this guy is paying for is really a guy using pitch shift on his voice.
  12. I was going to say Game Boy Color, but that is 20 now since it came out in Nov 1998.
  13. A Christmas Horror Story - I watched this on netflix the other night, and I was actually surprised. It wasn't amazing but it was enjoyable to watch. Possibly going into it with low expectations could attribute some to that. It's somewhat of a creep show/Trick r treat like anthology tale. Much like trick r treat many of the stories have some connection. The main connection being William Shatner; who plays a raido DJ that is trying to get his listeners through the holidays. His segments seem nonsensical till the end of the story. There are 3 tales and the film jumps between each story. I would have rather had them finish each story before going on to the next, but one of the stories requires this type of story telling for the optimal effect. One story has the focus on an asshole family going to a rich aunt to ask for money. The asshole son smashes a statue of Krampus, this leads to the events to follow of them being hunted by the demon. The other story is of Santa in the North Pole. One of his elves gets sick and dies. However elves apperently can't die. This leads to the other elves getting infected as well and becoming zombies. The rest of the story is Santa killing his helpers which has a great end. The third story has some creepy moments and only ties some with the final story, all in all the connection it has with the other story felt unnecessary. A cop who is taking time off from the force due to stress of a case he worked on last year, and his family go looking for a christmas tree. They find a tree on land that is marked no trespassing. Their child gets lost, but is soon found in a hollowed out tree. However the kid is different in an eerie way. The is more confirmed when you see a refection of the child that is not his own. There is some sort of fallout between the mother and the father over the kid being an asshole. At one point the kid outright stabs his dad with a fork, the dad gets mad and goes to beat the kid, but the mother flips shit over it. Later the kid destroys the presents under the tree and smiles like a dick about it. The dad actually beats the kids ass for that with a belt. The mother flips shit once again but says the father is fucked up in the head. From there the story starts to pick up but it's about over by that point. The final story which I felt was somewhat of a throw away or filler story; is about three kids that are working on a project. It's about two kids that were killed in another school that time of year. The video they watch has the cop from the aforementioned story doing a walkthrough of the case. The kids sneak into the basement area of the school where the murder happened and are locked in. To follow is some eerie grudge type stuff, and some good jump scares that actually got me a few times. I would give this a 3.5/5, really it's worth a watch if you have netflix Krampus - Made by the team behind Trick r Treat. I found this film to be not as good as I had expected. It is almost the reverse of my experience of A Christmas Horror Story. Not that this film is bad, in fact I think it is better than the other film. However I had fairly high expectations of it, that it seems couldn't be met. The movie has a few flaws, the cast, pacing, and some segments. The issue with the cast is that they are not only unlikable, but they are forgettable. The only characters that I can really remember are the Grandma who barely spoke, the Aunt that spouted one liners, and the main kid. All I remember about the parents on both sides is that one is that one side is well off with upper middle class problems, and the other is what you expect of a sterotype trump supporter that thinks they are better off than the rich upper middle class inlaws. The pacing has some issues, with some scenes taking much longer than they should. The one that I actually hated involved the gingerbread men. It felt too out of place for the film. Also it was probably the longest running scene in the film. I think it was trying to act like Gremlins, but it was like watching the Minions attack people. The story as a whole was alright, the lore of krampus and how he works is probably one of the more interesting parts of the film. I would say this is a 3.9/5 Gremlins - Probably the first black comedy christmas film. Still it's more like a film that just takes place at christmas than a christmas film. I think it tries to shoehorn in some christmas lessons from time to time, but really it's just about the Gremlins causing chaos. In short a dad gets some mystical living animal from a chinaman. The rules are sunlight kills it so don't do that, Don't get it wet, and don't feed it after midnight. What do you know all of those things happen in one way or another and shit goes down. I loved the puppet work of this as a kid, everything moves like it's a real living thing. 4.5/5 Santa's Slay - Another black comedy, the only reason I even gave this a shot was due to Goldberg staring in it. The best thing this has going for it is the history of Santa. The story goes that like Jesus, Santa was born of an immaculate conception. However rather than god being the father, his father was Satan. Satan...Santa I see what you did there movie. Santa in this case is an asshole. He is pretty much like the robot Santa from futurama in the past. An Angel appears and makes a bet with Santa. If Santa wins he will get the Angel's soul, if the Angel wins then Christmas must become a positive happy holiday for 1000 years. It just so happens that he lost and the 1000 years are now up. Really that's about it to the movie other than Santa killing some people. I give it a 2.8 out of 5 Silent Night Bloody Night - This is a whodunit slasher type of film. The issues of the film are more a product of most 70s films. The tone is very much a night of the living dead meets Don't look in the Basement. A house of people who don't trust each other and are quick to blame everyone else for the killings. The film has a good amount of tension moments, but this also leads to a lot of dead air where nothing happens. The film even has a damn narrator to move the plot along. 2/5 Jack Frost - It's pretty much childsplay with a snowman instead of a doll, done on a shoestring budget. A serial killer (not chucky) is melted by a chemical. His body dissolves into the snow. His DNA then fuses with the snow, and is promptly built into a snowman by the sheriff's son. The killer snowman now kills people, and the people of the town think it's the kid and not the snowman like he says. The puppet work for the snowman is pretty cheesy, and the deaths are more comical than in childsplay. Also loads of puns are used, it's clear that they tired to copy the personality of chucky, but without any of the tone or charm. This film as a sequel, but it's not as good as the first one which isn't saying much. 3.1/5 Black Christmas - I am going to talk about the 74 version as I liked it better than the 06 version. The 06 version tries to go for more of a gritty tone like the remake of Texas Chainsaw. The 74 version just feels like a more well put together piece, without trying to be something else. In the film you never get to see who the killer is, you get some stories of the killer being an escaped psycho, but you never get to see him. It's also very well filmed. I like that it goes for a mix of somber music for violent death scenes. Pretty much it's about a family and friends being killed by this Psycho. The acting is actually really good for the 70s. I really like this film and give it a 5/5. They have it on youtube to watch which is a plus.
  14. 13 GHOSTS, Oculus, Conjuring, 1408 1408 kinda makes me think of that one skit in Creep Show; where the Guy is in his penthouse that gets infested with roaches. King wrote both, so I think he might have some hangups on being alone in hotel rooms. Would like to hear his input on Silent Hill 4 the room.
  15. So you dream that you have lockjaw.
  16. The Thing 2011 Really wish they'd have come up with a better name, makes it a dick to find, since there's The thing, John Carpenters The Thing which is a revision of the old bw one, and The Thing 2011 which is meant to be a prequel to John Carpenters The Thing.
  17. I to have lots of laundry.
  18. Kiyone Makibi was one, but it was like how Meryl from trigun was one.
  19. Parody has become a broad term. In my view it's more of a satire, as I see parody as an exaggeration of another series. This is usually done with spinoff series like the chibi Rock Lee and Attack on Titan shows. Satire just takes elements from a genre and flips them. Like how 99% of Isakai are about stopping the demon lord, in this Ainz is the Demon lord.
  20. Talk about strange or scary dreams that you've had. For me one that I remember from when I was little had to do with Lamb Chop's Play Along. At the end of the show they'd always sing This is the song that never ends. My dreams tend to start off with normal events prior to going off the rails. So I'm dreaming that I'm watching an episode of Lamb Chop with my cousin and brother, and the show is doing the ending song. The difference is that the song keeps going, and going, and going. Sherry who controls the lamb chop puppet is looking confused, and yells "I'm not doing this", as the Lamb Chop puppet continues to sing the song. The kids in the video are also becoming upset, but they can't stop singing it. The video has some static and the screen warps to a different verse in the song. Sherry is screaming "Stop It, Please we need Help". One child had bitten off his tongue to try and stop singing, it didn't work. The camera zooms in on his tongue laying on the ground. All the children are crying, and the one that bit off his own tongue falls onto his back, his mouth is still moving with the words of the song as he coughs blood which falls back onto his face. The screen cuts to static again for a moment. The child is now pale white, lying on the ground dead covered in his own blood. Sherry is hitting the puppet screaming; trying to pry it off of her hand, but to no avail. The song is still being sung without missing a note. I start screaming in to my parents to come in, they shrug it off and say they'll be in in a minute. Flashes of the children are shown. They are looking tired with sunken eyes and gaunt faces, Their clothes are covered with snot and tears. One child is rocking back and forth in a corner smacking his palms into his ears until blood begins to trickle from them. The screen changes again everyone is weak and can barely stand, another child appears to be dead from exhaustion, many of the children are shaking uncontrollably, but can't stop the singing. Lamb Chop is still singing, Sherry looks broken, but her head suddenly turns and stares at the child who'd died from biting his tongue off. The camera cuts again and we see the children and Sherry hovering over the body covered in blood eating his flesh. We see some more cuts as children drop dead and are consumed. Sherry eventually chokes the last remaining children to death, then sits there weeping staring into the camera; Lamb Chop begins choking her with her own hand. The camera goes into a time lapse mode, focused on Sherry's face. She begins to decay, but the puppet doesn't stop singing. Eventually she becomes so decayed that her hand that her hand that holds lamb chop falls off, and lamb chop falls to the ground, and the singing stops. My cousin and brother then begin singing This is the Song that Never Ends, It goes on and on my Friends. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was, but they'll continue singing it forever just because cont. I scream and bolt into my parents living room. When I enter my parents laying dead, torn apart and being eaten by what looks like an adult in a mascot like Lamb Chop outfit. That dream always bothered me a lot when I was little.
  21. I had a cold that went into a sinus infection that turned into bronchitis that I'm just getting over. I know that feel.
  22. Rewatched Night of the living dead, Halloween, and Hellraiser, plan on rewatching Dawn of the Dead and An American Werewolf in London.
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