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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. I still wouldn't call it an anime. A lot of episodes of Tiny Tunes were made in Japan as well. I get the point you're trying to make, but it's like calling Markiplier or Pewdiepie a sitcom.
  2. I think they actually had to go back and change some of the stuff in My girlfriends a Gal because of the backlash on it. I don't think they did the same for prison school though. Dragon Maid also had a line in it but idk if it got changed. As for anime I'd say no, Japan will do what Japan does. They make things for their market, and if we just so happen to enjoy it then thats good, if not then they couldn't care less. The issue more is with localization practices. Really the politics need to be left out. It dates the material, it would be like when Cowboy Bebop or Outlaw Star were being aired, and the dub keeps making references to 9/11 never forget, or hurricane Katrina because it was relevant at the time. It's in poor taste to insert these politics imho. What is probably worse is how confrontational the ADR staff has gotten over this. They've called people out as misogynists over it. Funimation had since gone on record claiming that they have no responsibility for things that their writers say (makes no sense). However claimed that adding unrelated material that doesn't fit the scene is disrespectful towards the material and it's creators. In the end if it affects Funimations bottom line enough they'll step in and be more hands on with their ADR staff.
  3. Double Jointed High Genetic Tolerance to Sedatives and Alcohol. Actually had to have tests done to see how much sedative they'd need to give me. Depending on the drug it can take 3-9x the normal amount to affect me. Infinite Teeth, my brother and Grandfather also have this. Pretty much if we lose a tooth a new one takes its place within a couple months. The most times I've had a tooth grow back so far is 4x.
  4. (inhaling toke sounds) Yeah man...Thats like (exhaling sounds) Yeah you know.
  5. PC was hanging on bios splash screen. Checked my components and my 2tb hdd was doing the click of death. At least the only things I had on it were steam games, and I got 6 years out of it.
  6. The opening cords from mr blue sky
  7. If it says it's a tall then it's longer, if not then it's just going to be the same as any other XL shirt.
  8. XLT is longer, so if you have a long body or tuck your shirt in it's usually better to get a tall.
  9. seems to only be on this website but my keyboard will type oddly as if the shift keys are messed up and my mouse wheel will quit working periods and commas will do this<> just seeing if anyone else is having this issue. iT SEEMS TO HAPPEN AT RANDOM as you CAn see, it shouldn't be an issue on my end since I'm not having this issue on other sites or in the browser. I have also made sure that stick keys and sTUff like that werent oN
  10. Went to 7-11 to get a free slurpie, but the machine was broken. Instead I just got a bag of Doritos, a bag that I had forgotten in my car while I'm in bed. I don't want to get dressed to go outside and get them, but at the same time I really want some Doritos. 7-11 more like 9-11 am I right.
  11. I think it says something that there was more story progression at this point in FLCL than there has been in Progressive. Hate to say it but the pacing for Progressive is god awful.
  12. Just had an issue where the site wouldn't connect for over an hour on chrome. I think a lot of these may be ISP issues. Example around the same time I was getting redirects to my ISP's browser which I don't use while on a manga site. However frequent sites like Facebook, Netflix, and Youtube were working fine. I think the ISP are just focusing keeping major site access on while they do some type of tweaking. As around the same time I could log on here, I can also access the manga site.
  13. Yeah, I just didn't see any on the google image search, but you could date just about everyone. Either way it was a pretty fun addition for the games. Especially since it was around the height of shipping wars for the series, weird to think how long ago that was. That game came out in 04, I didn't even join ASMB till 06.
  14. Most of the girls wanted to jump Naruto after the Pain arc. I remember Ino saying something like "I could really fall for him". Overall though Naruto with any of the girls are usually just presented as ship teases. I remember the old PS2 games that had a side dating sim type game where you could take Temari, Shizune, Anko, Hinata, Sakura, Garra, Sauske, TenTen, and Hanabi out on dates. Dates end with Naruto in a bath with the girls, either because goes into the wrong bath or it's mixed bathing day.
  15. Toriyama has been doing a lot of retcon since super. Though I guess he hasn't liked Chichi since the start and only had her hook up with Goku out of spite, because his publisher meddled in his Dr.Slump manga, and wanted him to do the BulmaxGoku ship in Dragonball. As well Toriyama is a big One Piece fan, and has been trying to model a lot of Super's design after One Piece. The only HinataxNaruto ship moments are in filler arcs and movies. Outside of that she says that she Loves Naruto during the pain fight, and Neji tells Naruto to take care of Hinata. It's weird because even after Hinata said she loves Naruto, and risked her life defending him. He doesn't ever bring this up with her, and I don't even think he speaks with her till Neji tells him to take care of Hinata. So Confession happens in episode 166, and he doesn't say a word to her till episode 364. Almost 200 episodes with zero interaction.
  16. I would like to think that his final words were Damnit Chumlee.
  17. Needs a Jojo to be continued edit before the elbow drop.
  18. The true test is to marry your friends mom, then become his step-dad, but ensure that he can come to you with problems because you're not just his father, but his friend.
  19. You must be taking it off to pee. Try leaving it on, if it gets too full though you'll need to change it.
  20. If windows is messing with your info without your consent then that's illegal. They got sued a couple years back when their win10 upgrade from 7 or 8 was too aggressive and just upgrading people without consent.
  21. My uncle died of Diabetes and my brother has Diabetes. Is yours type A or type B? Type As are born with it and there isn't really anything they can do about it. Type Bs developed it later in life usually due to obesity. If they lose enough weight though their body could return to a normal state.
  22. Mr Rogers gave George A Romero his first paid job in film. He directed and was the cameraman for the episode where Mr Rogers had his Tonsils removed in 1960. Later in 1968 he directed Night of the Living Dead, which he didn't make money on due to a copyright issue.
  23. As a kid I grabbed a solo cup to drink, grabbed the wrong one and ended up with a mouth full of chew spit and ashes.
  24. Every year pittsburgh tries to get him added as a saint, but no luck as of yet. I guess the pope just hates kids and good people.
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