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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. Slap her ass and tell her them sandwiches aren't making themselves.
  2. In a nutshell what is going on with MAL?
  3. Never watched Atlanta. Really I was indifferent towards him until some people had me listen to this is america, I said it was a dumb song and was told I don't get the "struggle", I have too much "white privilege", by some snowflakes who think they know what america is, but the furthest they've been into it outside of a gated community is a liberal arts campus. I grew up in a biker gang that cooked meth, got shot before I was 14, got a tattoo at 15, been stabbed twice, had multiple bottles broken over my head and almost lost my left eye, hit with a tazer, etc etc and after all that my parents never paid for me to go to a college to get a throwaway degree. In fact I remember my dad kicking me in the stomach and dick so hard when I was a kid that I pissed blood for two days and had to go to the hospital. But yeah I guess I don't get the "struggle" with all my privilege. I guess it's more to say I hate the people who like him more than I hate him himself.
  4. Looks like Viz did the english manga releases for them which is why I was thinking that.
  5. Not only is he bad at music, but he'll probably outdo Johnny Depp at being the worst Willy Wonka.
  6. Anytime you'll have 3 shows from the same studio, it's usually a packaged deal. I believe Deadman Wonderland, Black Lagoon and Kekkashi were all Viz and around the same time. So the deal was probably for DW and BL with Kekkashi as the redheaded stepchild of the three.
  7. Girls crushing on girls is apparently pretty normal in japan. However it's viewed as a phase and they'll grow out of it to be a wife and have children. Pretty much the prim motive for japanese women is to get married so they don't have to work. It's one of the reasons why Americans have been stealing up Japanese girls. Mainly being that you don't visit Japan if you're broke and have a bad job, and Japanese girls know this. As well Mixed children have better chances of getting into high end schools in japan.
  8. Yeah I don't get why he liked it either. As for why ASA even got the show, I want to assume that it was one of those bulk deals. Same thing happened when they got FLCL and Evangelion, in also picking up Super Milk Chan. Then some anime are just better as manga. One example is rosario vampire. The anime is nothing but a harem fanservice type deal. The manga has lots of battles and dark elements.
  9. It's not a good song. The idea is that it's sending a "message", but it's just self service to people who already know the message it's sending. Ergo if it's just going to echo a message back to people who already understand it then it was never a message to begin with. Then if all this song is, is a message; then it has failed at even that.
  10. Goku was actually explained by genetics. Saiyan's weren't meant to have long term relationships. They were meant to find the strongest mate, and only stay together for a short time then wander off to battle. Interestingly enough Goku did have children with the strongest woman on earth "at the time". Toriyama said that the only reason that he's still with Chichi is that she's in "his" house and doesn't leave and she cooks food. So eventually he does just wander off for battle like his genetics tell him to, but when he returns Chichi just never left his house so he's stuck with her. Natsu seems to change interest depending on what the story calls for, but for the most part I think Erza desensitized him and Gray as both are people she is fine bathing nude with them. Luffy at least got a handjob from Margaret, but overall he's too focused on being a pirate for now. In the past movies/ova I think I remember him getting nose bleeds when seeing Nami's tits. As well Nami remarked the price she'd be charging them as usual which kinda leads me to think that the crew regularly paid her for peep shows. Naruto could have went gay for one major reason, and that is HunterxHunter. If anyone has seen them both then you'll notice that Naruto "mimics" many aspects from HXH. As for in the show Naruto does have deeper emotional bonds with other males. Even one of the first adults he fell for was a trap. As for Hinata the only relationship interactions he had with her was in filler arcs and movies, outside of the time she fought Neji and the time she fought pain to defend him.
  11. ASA and Toonami are the same thing in my book. For what it's worth they've barely even done anything with tom in the last two years.
  12. I mean you could teach the kid how to spell. If it would have been up to me as a kid my dog would have been named DayZ instead of Daisy.
  13. kekkaishi I will still say was the worst show that's been on the block.
  14. Shouldn't it be spelled zipper?
  15. Donald Glover/Childish Gambino I'm tired of hearing dumb hipster snowflakes say that "this is america" is the greatest song ever written. If you say it's not, it's just because you "don't get it because of your white privilege".
  16. Why would you waste a kill wish on that, the diabetes should take care of them soon enough.
  17. I don't know if most people will get why they use a male dub and a female dub of the same skits. So the dub even in English is always going to have different voice actors. The Animation originally was mean to be broadcast in web format only, not a TV series. Then the author asked the producer if it was possible to record two tracks: one with female seiyuus and one with males and broadcast the primary track and the auxiliary. This wasn't possible with web streaming. Then when they considered a TV broadcast for the series, the time of every episode wasn't enough to allocate one slot of broadcast, and unlike previous seasons, they didn't have another series to fill the slot. So instead of broadcasting one episode with dual audio as the author requested, they just paid for the entire slot and broadcast the 2 recordings, with male and female seiyuu. There are differences in both because the director and producer give full freedom to the seiyuu to do whatever they wanted (and they didn't like it), and even they modified some animated cuts according to the seiyuu used (Ep. 3 Bison reference), or the comments they did in the recording (the Tomokazu Sugita episode). But these were minimal.
  18. Figure out how to solve the rooms then take girls there on dates to impress them with your mad puzzle skills.
  19. It's more like Robot Chicken, and Psycho Pass sucks and Fairy Tail is only good for the fanservice.
  20. /a/ usually has shit taste though, so there's that. It's gotten better since moe/lesbian girl squad shows aren't every other thread anymore.
  21. Went to school one time with a 102 fever just to spite a teacher. I tend to catch everything so I missed a lot of school. My teacher bitched at me that I could still come in even if I'm sick, she didn't get a break when she's sick. Then she's freaking out for me to go to the nurse cause I'm blowing my nose and having a hacking cough. I even kept telling her the same line she told me. The best part is I did get her sick and two other kids were casualties, but she was so sick that she didn't come in so I mocked the hell out of her when she came back. Her reply was that she was "really" sick. I often had to go to the guidance office to change my grades on reports she'd give us because she'd try to give me D's and F's. Pretty much if I stuck to the criteria and didn't make mistakes I'd have to get at least a C or B, the Guidance office agreed that she can't just fail me because she didn't like the subject of the topic.
  22. N64 1. Conkers Bad Fur Day 2. Mario Party 3 3. Pokemon Stadium 2 4. Pokemon Crystal (can use the gameboy tower in Stadium 2 to emulate it) 5. Smash Bros Would have added Zelda Oot but I have played that 100% so many times already and there is little variation to the gameplay. Other fun games are WCW vs NWO, 007 golden eye, Paper Mario, Mario Kart, Wave Race, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Resident Evil 2, Banjo Tooie.
  23. 3ds pokemon games sucked
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