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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. If you don't use one drive I would just go into programs and disable it. It just takes up resources running in the background. It sounds like you may have to go into windows defender and look at your permissions as well. You may have given permission to an application to backup or move your data. Also if you have set up cortana check to see if you gave it permission to move files to one drive. Either way the best method is to just disable or uninstall one drive, also run windows defender to make sure nothing messy is going on.
  2. Looks horrifying
  3. True sometimes we fuck minorities
  4. one 10ga double, Two 12ga pump, One 12ga semi, One 16ga Double, Two .22lr bolt, One ruger 380, One .22 semi, One .22 revolver, One .44 Revolver, One 45 revolver, One 357 mag, One 9mm, Three 30-06 bolt, One 30-06 pump, Two 16ga pump, One 16ga semi, One 30-30 lever, One inline 50. muzzle loader, Two flint lock muzzle loaders, Two 410 pump, One mosin nagant People often leave me guns when they die. Still really want to get a schofield revolver one day.
  5. HERE THEY COME ! ! ! clickity clack down the track! its LOTS AND LOTS OF TRAINS! two of the greatest train videos we’ve ever offered! and now through this special tv offer you get TWO VIDEOS for the price of ONE! you’ll get BIG trains, little trains, steam trains, deisel and passenger trains! even trains the blow through snow! old trains, new trains, fast trains, slo o o o ow trains, smokin’ trains, even trains from around the world! plus toy trains and trolley trains and much much more when you order lots and lots of trains! hear the whistle blow, feel the heat, smell the smoke as these TITANS OF THE TRACK thunder on by! you’ll love LOTS AND LOTS OF TRAINS! and remember, this spectacular 2 disc set is not available in stores! so hop on board and get 2 great tapes for one great price! GET LOTS AND LOTS O F TRAINS ! ! ! order now
  6. Spending time online at least justifies paying for it. I was getting to the point where I was rarely even watching cable, and when I was it was more out of just needing something on while I ate or did laundry.
  7. I set up a kodi on a firestick
  8. I like onions, but not when they are overpowering the whole meal.
  9. If I hit the lottery or make bank I'll consider moving for a better cable provider. If I were to move it would probably be to one of the cities that has Google Fiber. I know Pittsburgh will never get it because our city is laid out like shit on the sides of mountains.
  10. Did Haruko bum some smokes off of Mamimi. Either way Hype as fuck and I don't usually get hype, so it's probably going to suck
  11. Dish but no other cable, not even comcast or xfinity unless you go a few miles south towards the city.
  12. Armstrong they have a monopoly in my town for cable so I still have to get my internet through them. I actually use internet enough to justify paying $60.
  13. I own a bottle of soy for that reason. Fuckers are stingy as fuck with their sauces. Rice isn't usually an issue, just if you order anything else. It's makes me think one of two things. Either the people that own the restaurant are Mongolian, or cheap fucks and see onions as cheap filler. Mongolians though are obsessed with onions because its in everything due to it being one of the few things that can grow well in Mongolia.
  14. Took over two hours of phone conversations and having to go into the building and talk with more people, but fuck cable got up to $190! I didn't even have channels like HBO or Showtime etc. They just raised it by $60 out of the blue. I ordered an HD antenna from amazon so I can have some basic channels. Other than that I'll have to find shows like the walking dead on Hulu or something, and go to the bar to watch sports which is usually the case anyway.
  15. The cheap Chinese place near me goes way to heavy on the onions. I like some onions, but holy fuck every dish has at least two large onions in it. So it's either go to the buffet and pay $14, go to one of the expensive ones that will be at least $20, or drive ten miles/20round trip to the good cheap one and waste $4 in gas. A good Thai place did open up near me that I enjoy, but after tip it's still going to be over $20 for some curry and rice.
  16. I got shot and I no longer have a belly button.
  17. As for Fraxx I'm kinda meh on this show. I hate the moe bot look on the mechs. You can try and half ass explain why the robots are set up for the pilots to be an a doggy style position because the link works better when there is some sort of sexual urge. However there is no reason at all that the robots need to emote. The fanservice is too repetitive with little variation to even be great fanserivce. Ass up doggy style position each time can get old. It could have been interesting if they had setup the mech to focus on a different part of each girl depending on their best feature. Also some of the story points don't seem to make much sense. One boy was shown to have an attraction to a girl, however none of them seem to understand what kissing is and are desensitized to viewing piloting as a sexual thing. Despite this the sync ratio of the pilots are determined by what seems to be sexual arousal. It seems both counter intuitive to not teach the kids about sex as well as desensitizing them to viewing each other at a young age. As for the MC he is as bland as a raw potato, they had to actually try to make me care less about his success or well being. It isn't even the type of bland that people would want to self insert for. Horn girl has no development other than she's viewed as a monster and acts like a monster towards people, yet gets pissed and acts superior without much reason. There is also the annoying subtext of the MC just being honor bound to being this girls partner even if it means his death just because she is the only one who he can work with. I mean there are other jobs that can be done that can help fight the enemy that aren't being a pilot. I don't see the pilots fixing the damn robots or monitoring for creatures. It's a bigger system than just the pilots. As for Toonami I haven't tuned in for a while. Really the main thing to tune in for was Tom, but they really haven't done anything with him for a year now. I thought they would have him giving more commentary on the shows or doing more interview/review type things between segments. It's gotten to the point of him not even saying anything the majority of the time, just pushing a button for the next show. I seriously think that the network would be better off having a damn go fund me type thing at this point to fund actual content for Tom. Hiring a voice actor is cheaper than the script itself that they have to read off of. If you wanted you could have a VA read Sonic Fanfics for an hour nonstop and it would cost under $200. So as a whole Toonami has been being cheap fucks when it comes to that. As for shows it's hard for me to bash them on it because unless they were constantly getting new content that they created it would be hard to even have anything worth tuning in for. The way people consume media has changed a lot, and there are a lot of options out now. Today if they tried to marathon shows like they did with Cowboy bebop or FLCL it would fail. Back then there weren't many outlets for anime so we took what we could get, and often times it became a thing that you grew to like overtime. I didn't like Bebop the first time I watched it, or the 2nd time for that matter. However one night I remember having it on as background noise but getting into an episode then paying more attention to it more and getting involved in the threads to the point that I enjoyed it. Now if I don't like a show on my first viewing I move onto a huge backlog of other shows or games that I need to watch.
  18. Actually there are people who don't have them which is called an importunate anus. Seems common enough as a 1 in 5000 babies. Then they need to get surgery to shit in a bag.
  19. I guess a hospital bed. Other than that I usually post from my pc.
  20. Agree with this. Sometimes it's nice to see a movie earlier in the day so you can be more focused on it. Also depends on the movie, because it sucks if you go and see a 2-3hr film at 9-10 and don't get out until after midnight.
  21. I would say go with marine biology. It's a pretty wide field depending on what you want to get into. At least in PA there are a lot of state jobs for it since they need people to monitor the lakes and river quality.
  22. Wonder if Funi is going to do the OVA.
  23. 1 greed is more tempting than lust for me anyway.
  24. When I first got treated for it my level was 9.
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