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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. well nobody likes dry cakes
  2. sell some ass on the weekends and a few Wednesdays
  3. Vamped


    I want some real mexican
  4. living the dream
  5. oh good. I was wondering too but I didnt wanna ask because I dont want people to think I'm creepy >
  6. because cats typing this way causes multiple spelling issues
  7. From a social work point of view : Denial of mental health issues and refusal to seek treatmnet from a mental health professional tends to be common in older African Americans
  8. On the days I'm coming straight from home I'm late .... but when I'm leaving from class or my internship I'm like 40 mins early ... so I essentially just clock in whenever
  9. I need May to get here so I can be done with going to school, interning, and working
  10. You keep a dummy Facebook profile .... just for stalking
  11. I think it's rigged. The little pregame I watched was all about how great Tom Brady is .... I was like oh let me change the channel before this old man offers to suck his dick for free
  12. It was probably easier than kissing Flava Flave I loved those shows Now it makes me uncomfortable that essentially everyone is kissing everyone
  13. They new the fucking patriots were going to win from the jump
  14. Sounds like a party! Mine was admittedly vanilla
  15. Right! Who shops there? Old ladies probably
  16. I've had enough bad sex in my life .... you can be damn sure I'm not gonna dream about bad sex
  17. With The Flash ... in bedding and bath section of JC Penny.... weird ... I don't even shop there
  18. It was only a kiss, how did it end up like this?! It was only a kiss IT WAS ONLY A KISS !!!
  19. Did you ever go on a date with her?
  20. You could probably just pay a hooker for a blow job ....
  21. Did she look at you while she drank it?
  22. she drank out of your cup then?
  23. ... why would I wanna stick that anywhere? I'm allergic to shellfish anyway wait ... is this porn mentality? - where you see anything phallic related and they suddenly get the urge to fill their orifices with it .... thats not real
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