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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Vamped

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  2. Vamped


    I keep hearing it is really good but I dunno why I'm turned off from seeing it. I didn't even make it through Apocalypse.
  3. Everything always escalates so quickly
  4. I can say I've never gotten butt pics
  5. Too late now
  6. Well ... did you send some back?
  7. I was gonna try and go out with some girlfriends .... my paycheck determined that was a lie
  8. wtf .... not the horse I dunno why I find this so funny.
  9. ::spin:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu1OFJA98bw
  10. Way to go! : )
  11. I wear the human skin of the sweet old ladies I eat
  12. You can get it in the store like Walmart or Target? I might go on and exfoliate myself .... throw some rollers in my hair and paint my nails
  13. I've got the non emergency police number for my city in my phone because sometimes I have to be a petty neighbor
  14. I've got a bunch of tiny dot black heads on my nose. I bought some make up so I'm trying to be more feminine and junk
  15. I was thinking about using one of those facials masks things but then I keep seeing the videos of people pulling their skin off
  16. Im paying for crunchy roll but barely using it. I got caught up watching Terrace House on Netflix
  17. Vamped


  18. a big black guy in overalls
  19. Kimi ni Todoke is the last one I watched on Crunchy roll
  20. I can deal with the anime ones if they're cute and there is no one bopping around with enormous flopping boobs
  21. I'm not a fan of rom-coms. I refuse to pay money to see them in the theatre. If I have to watch it. I'll watch it on Netflix or something
  22. I like listening to gossip and making petty comments
  23. totes
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