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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. chocolate
  2. depends on what you want. They even have vibrating dildos. I just wanna get the job done. I dun need to impale myself on a fake penor to get off so ... whatever floats your boat
  3. you could probably get some homeless guys to do it, if you pay them in cocaine and beer
  4. I wonder how much meat you could get from a giraffe neck ?
  5. That sounds like rape and murder maybe not in that order
  6. I only gots vibrators whut
  7. Why do films seem more like television episodes and television episodes seem more like films? ..... like content wise? be more specific
  8. I mean .... he isn't attractive in the original either so ...
  9. She's just really old and bitter. She told me she hates all of us ... but unfortunately for us, no one else will take her on as a patient
  10. Had a patient call me today pissed because some people at the medical equipment warehouse wouldn't bust open a box of colostomy bags and sell them to her out of the package
  11. I do too but all I've been playing is Smite
  12. Vamped


    its still funny to me
  13. okay then .... what about monopoly and juice?
  14. whatever you do, dont grab it!
  15. so ... no alcohol and strippers then?
  16. ... hooray for bacterial conjunctivitis i hate anything going into my eyes
  17. They're just a couple of old ladies ...RUN THEM DOWN
  18. Vamped


    Wtf ... You stay safe!
  19. become morbidly obese and smelly then apply for my 600lb life on TLC then stuff doughnuts in your mouth and break toilets on camera
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