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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. What? Why? You just glaze your balls with honey?
  2. I've been in the stall next to a drunk woman who set a container of nachos and a beer on the floor of the restroom. She then picked up her beer, dropped it and it shattered into her plate of nachos and into the ankle boots I was wearing.
  3. I only really care about chocolate, but I have no ill will toward peeps.
  4. So I've been trying to help him dribble and pass. So far Saturday instead of getting better at catching I've hit him with the ball in the face ... the stomach ... and the privates. I was kinda like could you STOP CATCHING IT WITH YOUT FACE?! I asked him to ask my uncle for basketball tips. Tell me why when my uncle asked him how he was doing, he asked this man for 300 dollars ...
  5. I signed the miniature up for basketball camp ... his skill evaluation .... I wanted to hide under the bleachers
  6. I woke up early on a weekend, put on music and started cleaning up .... then stopped and was like WTF
  7. But you'll smell like you're sick. Anytime I smell vicksass on someone I'm like .... oh no they're diseased
  8. I do not care about Chip or Dale enough to see this movie. I never got the appeal of Roger Rabbit either
  9. I mean .... same really. That's exactly how I felt. Like I'm watching it for the characters from the first season. These main villains just annoying AF
  10. I can't remember anything but the wolf I had and a pixie because we got hype AF about it. I can't remember how the battles went. I keep seeing monster battles in my head but the battles I'm thinking about are from Jade Cocoon
  11. Im less likely believe this because the doctor was black. Not saying it didn't play an issue
  12. But he went to see the doctor at his office then came back and shot it up the next day
  13. I dunno. I try to be compassionate but I can't understand how you can go on a shooting spree and fuck all of these people' s lives up ... Especially the people who didn't have anything to do with anything. I dont have compassion for mass shooters and people who sexually abuse children.
  14. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/02/1102612939/tulsa-gunmans-doctor-among-those-killed-in-the-mass-shooting Seems fishy but I'm biased working in a medical clinic. He was calling a bunch, the doctor saw him ... seems like he didn't get what he wanted pain killers maybe?
  15. It wasn't even a whole day. I can tell you it was painful AF to get up after my c-section and not once did I think .... Okay Imma go kill the OBGYN for this.
  16. And another doctor too. They just happened to be there.
  17. So you get mad that you're in pain after surgery and decide .... okay Imma go kill the fucking surgeon??
  18. I swear I must've missed getting into Rescue Rangers. My sister was like ... you wanna go see it and I was like ..... for what? XD Tailspin DuckTales The Rescuers from Down Under sure.
  19. Empire of Sand
  20. Did anybody else play Monster Rancher? You raised and fought your little Pokémon type thing and then slip a CD in your Playstation and get a surprise monster? I feel like you had to feed them and build pens or something .... vaguely remember those little shits running away if they weren't happy
  21. Its a lot of CG. I finished it ... It was kinda meh. They're grasping hard for drama and I was just kinda like .... OMG would you two just fucking kiss and get it over with it.
  22. I kinda find it more embarrassing to go to the gym and use the weight machine and then have to discretely wipe away the little print you leave on the bench before going to actually wipe down the machine.
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