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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Why continue to dwell on it? If he abandoned you, his loss. Fuck it and move on
  2. If they poop on my freshly washed car, they're all assholes to me
  3. I was 10, you can't be on the internet too long because who knows who is going to call the landline XD
  4. Police and rape jokes ...
  5. I can't remember what channel it used to come on, there were a couple that played anime super early in the morning besides Fox. Thinking about this is a heavy dose of nostalgia but it also makes me feel old as shit XD Maaaan .... before there was pre-toonami with DBZ, Sailor Moon and Gundam after school .... there was Fox ..... and like .... ABC family maybe? TBS? 9 year old me
  6. Yeah. I still remember the rap in the opening XD
  7. Vamped

    page 17

    Does this mean they want someone with no hands?
  8. Vamped

    page 17

    He called you a hoe on XBOX too?!!! XD
  9. A long dress with a thigh split or a short one?
  10. Why you come in here with that? XD He says it eventually .... alot
  11. I borrow/ bother this animal occasionally
  12. I dunno I feel like the allure was ... being 21 and being able to go out with your friends. I dont get the allure now because its clearly cheaper and less annoying to just drink at home in my pajamas and fall asleep watching My Lottery Dream home ...... is this what adulthood is???!!!
  13. too distracted by thighs to notice before XD
  14. Your company has a division of corporate gays?!! - This nonsense is getting out of hand - What do we do boss? - - send in the gays
  15. Nintendo switch: SW-1265-5243-2143
  16. That was my fault for drinking coffee before going to a club and spending half the time pooping
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