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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Useless and evil to the American people yes .... useful AF to the people paying them Clarence Thomas just makes think about that Chapelle Show skit with the blind KKK member that didn't know he was black.
  2. This doesn't seem enlightened to me, its just publishing some information. Women issues wasnt even an issue in the first place. Sure you can have this abortion tea recipe. Its not like you have any rights or protections anyway.
  3. It also said that most of that information was taken from indigenous and enslaved people when midwives were the ones providing primary care for women .... so you add the white men into the middle of things and stir up a little more control and oppression. So I'm still not sure what he was getting at. The novelty of the idea of abortions for the white men that didn't know about it?
  4. .... somebody upset because I called the founding fathers what they were .... white supremacists?
  5. I feel like I'm missing your point ... are you saying at home abortions have been around when the founding fathers were around ? yes ... because back room/home abortions have been around for as long as there have been pregnancies
  6. Still trying to reconcile how you can argue trying to interpret laws from the perspective of the authors of the constitution when those authors were white supremacist. Women and people of color weren't meant to have any rights in the first place.
  7. Oh its about to be some shit. They decided to start my day of with rage. AND I just watched Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America
  8. You're misunderstanding my boundaries. I'm not saying I have a problem with porn stars. I'm just not interested in seeing people I know have sex. If I know you, I'm not going to purposely seek out videos of you in porn. I dont want to see my friends/acquaintances/ co-workers/relatives having sex. Its weird to me. Why would I want to know about someone's life as I'm watching close ups of their genitals. Thats not what I do. I'm still not paying for porn though. Thats just not something I'm spending the little disposable income I have on.
  9. I dont like outside The closest I'll go is a cabin in the mountains ... in the fall ... but I'm not going exploring because fucking bears
  10. I dont want to know the people in the porns. boundaries
  11. I'm not paying for Onlyfans when I can scroll for hours on pornhub for free
  12. Vamped

    oh mother

  13. Yes they do because you can always go back and read the stuff that was printed before they began writing the textbooks ... like the law If you can't read at all, you have to trust what people tell you
  14. As soon as they outlaw reading, they can do what they want. Living through the beginning of the handmaid's tale
  15. The comments XD
  16. It dissolves battery acid right off your car's battery
  17. I actually saw this lady pour coke in her vagina in a movie and I was like .... wtf It was a movie about prostitutes .... and well now I understand why she was doing it. She then handed it back to another lady that finished drinking it XD
  18. Yes ....
  19. Bruh .... can't I just come to work, do my job and go home? I swear these old fucking men either dont understand what sexual harassment is or dont fucking care. I'm already trying to dodge this creepy ass security guard, now I have to mediate a conference with a patient and the clinic manager because this man is just sexually harassing everybody .... even the male nurse. He told this fucking man to go get a girlfriend then to bring her up here so he can show him how to clap her cheeks like a real man. This is in addition to comments he makes when people bend over. He's always talking about how "hard" he is when somebody tries to stick his access. WTF sir ... aint nobody got time for this.
  20. I dont take merit increases seriously because I always assume they know what they're going to give you ahead of time anyway. Plus I'm classified as support staff anyway
  21. Its almost time for merit increases and the nurses are HOT. Somebody said everybody is only getting a 2.7% increase across the board. They are threatening to quit all on this company yammer. I dont usually look at this thing ... but they are going in.
  22. You just slap "Juneteenth" on some generic party supplies like Walmart and go crazy. BAM! It's a city wide celebration!! Get a red, black, and green bouncey house and hope The Black Panther shows up
  23. Did people not shit post on ASMB? Or is it we're not supposed to shit post without making concessions for sexual predators/pedophiles ... cause that's what I remember from ASMB
  24. Best believe if/when I get a yard, you will not see me out there fucking around trying to pull that cord. Some old man at work was telling how ashamed he was of men not being able to start a lawn mower and I was like .... we'll be out there looking stupid together No I take that back, I don't do outside. I'd be in the window providing moral support in the A/C
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