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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. Since no one mentioned it, I just wanted to say that Trump spent time during a rally yesterday to talk about how Arnold Palmer apparently had a massive cock.
  2. I picture you seeing flattened cities and saying the same thing.
  3. Makes you wonder what all the bombings were actually for.
  4. If you look at more than a million posts in a day, you have to pay Twitter $15k, because I guess they see it as "stealing."
  5. I wish you could tell how many posts you've looked at in a day, because 1 million sounds like solely a bot number to me. I don't know that I could doom scroll all day and reach that.
  6. He's a concept of a truthful person.
  7. Also there appears to be a topless woman in the background.
  8. Trump calling anyone else incoherent makes me wish he understood irony.
  9. Free Speech! No, sorry, not that kind.
  10. Probably. We saw nothing outside of short clips of episode 1, and those only started a little over a year ago. It's difficult to know if they only just finished that episode around a year ago or if they'd finished the others but knew they were hot garbage. Personally, I can understand the boss being upset it took 4 years for a 20 minute episode.
  11. The funniest part is that Demarco has been doing this for 20+ years and still got fleeced.
  12. I have what I think is a wart that decided to grow on the inside of my nose, and it's hanging on by a little flap of skin so it just looks like I have a giant booger hanging out.
  13. I had live for a few months. It's essentially just basic cable. I think you can record for later, as well. Although advertising anything on live tv is kinda dumb since you have to wait for it to air on one of their channels to watch it.
  14. Can't believe Hezbollah has been masquerading as health care workers. Surely that's the only reason Israel would attack them.
  15. And I bet they only killed a couple thousand innocents and destroyed a few schools and hospitals to do it. Good show, Israel!
  16. But it's a mental health issue, MD. He shouldn't treat mentally ill people like actual people? I'd give him the benefit of the doubt until he specified which ones in particular he meant. There's a difference between those that got bullied until they snapped and the straight-up psychopaths.
  17. Until the election is over.
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