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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. I bet the most Italian thing he can do is read the menu at Olive Garden.
  2. 10 years is not yesterday, Zeni.
  3. PenguinBoss


    As long as it takes me to take a shower and dry off. I try to stay naked for as little time as possible. And I like to think that the world thanks me for it.
  4. The only person who claims he does this is you. Even if he does do it, he doesn't flaunt it by, say, taking a picture of 30 pills in his mouth.
  5. I don't know that any of them did that besides Tactics and the two MMOs.
  6. I'll pick sleep as long as my stomach isn't constantly growling.
  7. Take it to Tumblr. I'm sure there are plenty people there who are just as outraged as you.
  8. You aren't a real person.
  9. Kingdom Hearts 2 Dissidia Duodecim Raidou Kuzunoha 2 Super Smash Bros. Melee Dark Cloud 2 No More Heroes 2 NieR: Automata
  10. An MRI machine? Slow down, Mr. Rockefeller.
  11. Same thing you always do, drink beer in your tightie-whities.
  12. Guess he'll be crawling in his skin in heaven now. RIP
  13. Why are you referencing Gollum, though? He looks like Gollum? He has 2 faces? He craves weed like Gollum craved the Ring?
  14. Just call it a cockroach.
  15. Like Zeni pays taxes
  16. Post it from work or don't bother coming back.
  17. vipersrealm.angelfire.com
  18. You got to see her magnificent breasts, at least, right?
  19. No, but your dad has.
  20. It's only gay if you swallow.
  21. Okay, but I think you should worry about something that could actually happen. Like getting a DWI.
  22. Looking for salsa, huh?
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