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Everything posted by PenguinBoss

  1. First off, he's never said that. He says he wants a 16-year-old girlfriend. And no, that's not the same. Secondly, that's the age of consent in his state, so even if he did say that, it wouldn't be illegal. So as long as he doesn't have naked pictures of her, he's not breaking any laws. Thirdly, it's Zeni. No girl will give him the time of day, not even an ignorant high schooler, much less send him naked pictures. So yes, Zeni is as creepy as he's ever been, but he's really just trolling along the line. And it's working on you.
  2. No, I've never seen a cosplayer and thought "I bet they keep their property in proper working order and would definitely buy it from them should they decide to resell it."
  3. That's quite the leap you're making.
  4. Constant validation
  5. So desperate for love...
  6. You really are wrapped around that little girl's finger. At least halfway, anyway.
  7. P5 is just P4 2.0, so why wouldn't it get one?
  8. If you think that I don't think Viper is a slut, you're sorely mistaken.
  9. Certainly hope it's better than P4's.
  10. You're trying too hard.
  11. Ah, so it's like Pretty Woman.
  12. If you can't see why people don't like you, you need to look closer at yourself, not us.
  13. I mean whatever the reason is that he's not eating.
  14. Yes it's serious. And his biggest problem probably isn't the fact that he's not eating.
  15. They don't know how to do what? Do what they think would benefit them the most? Literally anyone can do that.
  16. Probably with their hands.
  17. People who don't care about others would do that exclusively, yes. At the very least they would vote for what they perceived to be solely in their best interest.
  18. Yeah, Buddy, it's YOUR fault that she abuses and shared her plans to illegally sell them. YOURS.
  19. That's dumb. People voted for Trump because they thought their interests aligned. That's true of every candidate in any election. But let's say almost half the voters chose Trump because they don't want to look out for other people. How would voting for Trump affect these people in a positive way?
  20. Only the people planning to sell drugs
  21. So they're importing Chinese children to do this, right?
  22. I hear it's like normal sex, but greasier.
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