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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. I heard Tuesdays are the best days to post online content due to increased traffic, but I couldn't find the study so whatever. Also I'm writing porn right now so I can't really pause that and go look up a reference. What are you, my Evolutionary Psychology teacher? Because she was hot. ... I've been drinking.
  2. I'm broke as a joke until friday. Plus we just got a blizzard, and I wouldn't want my weed man to have to drive on this shit.
  3. You got weed, Steve? Wish I did.
  4. Hey now, I look pretty goddamn good naked. Kinda like the xenomorph, actually.
  5. You just had to go and remind me how high I'm not, didn't you.
  6. If you're disenchanted by reading posts... There's always something else you could read... \/ \/ \/
  7. fuck yeah, I was expecting a no and was all set to reply with a " " But this works. Thanks.
  8. Do you believe in me too?
  9. For real though, I make like $9.25/hr. Most I was ever paid was $13/hr, but the job wasn't worth it as evidenced by the extremely high turnover rate. Had a neighbor who worked there too, said the job turned her into an alcoholic before she got out.
  10. Future Farmers of America. Although in high school, the FFA tried to diversify- "We're not just farmers!" they said. "Well what does FFA stand for then?" we asked. "Nothing!" the replied.
  11. Actually no I haven't been. I probably should be; we got a bit of a blizzard here and we're stuck in the apartment. Girlfriend tried to go to work but got stuck in the driveway until the landlord shows up with a snowblower. No :420:, so that's mad depressing. So yeah, I should drink.
  12. She was one of my favorites.
  13. I see how it is. Black then.
  14. I'm a member of the investor class.
  15. [glow=red,2,300]Can you make it do this?[/glow] [glow=blue,2,300]Actually this would probably work better given the color scheme of this place.[/glow]
  16. All right, so here's the thing- All biological life exists solely for the purpose of its own propagation. Amoeba, dolphin, pigeon, human... All DNA wants to do is replicate itself and mutations of itself. Broadly speaking, the only thing separating the male and female of any given species which relies on sexual reproduction is the size of its sex cell. Those creatures which we call "males" create small sex cells; which due to their size, are non-resource intensive and therefore produced at an extremely high rate. "Females" on the other hand, create a limited number of larger, more genetically expensive cells. Given this paradigm, evolution has selected for the following traits in most sexually-reproductive species: - Males will have a biological urge to spread their genetic material to as many desirable females as possible and - Females will have a biological urge to be selective with their mating partners so as to not "waste" their limited supply of biologically expensive reproductive material. The majority of mating behavior in all sexually reproductive species can be explained as an extrapolation of these two facts.
  17. In the words of Nirvana, "rate me."
  18. You've only come up with that excuse to spite me. I see how it is.
  19. I don't care how I'm perceived; the important part is that they BEHOLD ME! BEHOLD ME!
  20. I wouldn't mind getting my "Lord of the Munge Façade" rank back.
  21. If they grant you modhood before me... Well they probably will.
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