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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Had it once at this Pho place in town here. It was chewy, which is something you don't really see a lot of in things you drink.
  2. There's a lot of beer around me because I live in Wisconsin. I had a Central Waters Satin Solitude earlier. Usually stick to Central Waters and O'so.
  3. I've been trying my hardest to advertise the fanfiction section, so there's that...
  4. I'm not really a mod, I just play one on TV.
  5. You're in for a treat mister.
  6. He is indeed harassing people and getting out of hand. I mean, I don't really have the authority to report him, given my dinosaur porn shenanigans, but yeah... babbling as kind of become uninhabitable.
  7. Hey Free For All, would you guys take ben back please? He's darn near killed babbling.
  8. I think I had goat once, waiting to consume a lamb sometime soon here.
  9. OK, so, I tried copy and pasting from notepad instead, still had the tags at the beginning and end of every line. So then I switched the theme, and it seems to work now for some reason, but now the site is kinda ugly. So there's that. Is there a theme that works well for errthang, or should I just switch between themes for various tasks?
  10. Why did the marble counter top break up with her boyfriend? He took her for granite. Why was the sandbar upset when the hotel wait staff did not follow his instructions regarding his pillow? Because he sediment. My friend Roy is a tailor, and just released a new line of pants. It's especially impressive when you realize he's a triple amputee. Quarter Roy's Corduroys.
  11. Beaver. *rimshot* But for real though; what creature brings you the most joy to devour? Of all the beasts I've sampled, I'd have to say the best individual flesh I've tasted has been the Dolphinfish; though the freshness of the fish and expert preparation of the dish in that particular instance heavily bias that judgement. Ducks are about the best birds I've ever shoved into my mouth, but then there's not really a whole lot of other species for it to compete with. I mean chicken, yeah... Had a pheasant down the gullet once, it was all right. Beef is pretty dope, but cows are too "standard" to be the favorite eaten. Pigs are nowhere near the list. Deer are okay but have a very iron flavor. Had squirrel once, it was okay. There are just so many animals; so many variations in flavor and consistency, so much flesh out there to be devoured. I wonder how rhinoceros tastes. Or penguin. Imagine the steak from a Komodo Dragon, or a panther. The taste of manflesh has been likened to veal...
  12. It's especially impressive when you consider he's a triple amputee. He's always had a passion for design though, and he kept at it, worked harder with one hand than most people could with two; seriously, you should have seen this guy hem a pair of pants. I can't wait to purchase a pair of Quarter Roy's Corduroys.
  13. my favorite part was when he turned out to be a bear.
  14. Also, I posted that dinosaur porn in the fanfictions section and am desperate for feedback/validation on it.
  15. Good news everyone; dinosaur porn has been posted. I really want to know what you all think of it.
  16. I'm still the only author in the fanfics section. Get to writing, mister. Lets get some more traffic coming in.
  17. All right, well just so you know, I intend to post the dinosaur porn section of my fanfiction later today. And it's going to be extremely graphic. I encourage everyone to read it.
  18. So uh... If I were to post dinosaur porn...
  19. In case you haven't noticed, I've also built myself a pretty dope image sig to advertise. You can see it right? I can see it, I hope I did it right.
  20. Are we allowed to swear in our sigs? Because I'd like to use the word "Motherfvckers" in mine.
  21. Well then get to it, mister. The day is yours. Seize it.
  22. Other than the fact that I can only post in the toonami category, it seems to have worked. This truly is the dawning of a dark new age.
  23. Ok, first chapter posted. also I'm going to be blending some of my shorter chapters together here. Don't forget; uncensored dinosaur sex.
  24. All right then, time to get this show on the road.
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