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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Lets not bother them with our inane drivel. They're here for the art.
  2. So just so you're aware, the coworker told one of their friends about my fanfiction, and they too joined up to read it. I believe I'm entitled to a $50 referral bonus here.
  3. I'm still happy with mine.
  4. There's snow on the ground, your argument is invalid.
  5. You people and your hallucinogens. I tried salvia back when it was legal and had a very profound experience which has allowed me to understand the nature of time, reality, and the fluctuations of the multiverse. But I also found out that my life was just the color on a box of 5-dimensional cornflakes.
  6. Thanks, but i already put it in the image gallery. Arts section.
  7. Every day is exactly the same; the labels we give them are arbitrary.
  8. 10 hours in one go? Seems like a lot of wasted effort. 10 times in 10 hours, that's what you want to aim for. My record is of course 24 in 24.
  9. Well you can't do something you've never done, because once you do it it becomes something you've done.
  10. Is anybody else experiencing this? Maybe it's because I'm using a different theme, I don't know.
  11. 1. 2. 3. 4. List them. Calling somebody out does no good unless you actually call them out.
  12. Do you remember how long it took me to get over rickrolling?
  13. Acceptance and mindfulness. Universal manipulation.
  14. Your standards are too high mister.
  15. I try to live my life according to the principles set by the first minute and 20 seconds of this video.
  16. It's the beginning of something, not a cult though. It's the beginning of the rest of your life.
  17. I got one of my coworkers to join here by talking about my fanfictions. True story.
  18. LOLOL you guys!!!! Trump is just trolling us!!!! It's this liberal media that can't handle the fact that Trump is winning!!!!
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjsnYmi4z0U
  20. Boring. Inform me when you start fapping to 5D girls.
  21. Medicinally speaking it's best to do it afterwards so as to clear your tubes of any leftover ejaculate. Really there's no contest here.
  22. Not just "here" on this site, although feel free to answer that question too. "Here" in the general sense. There, where you are. You diggin' it?
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