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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Don't call it a comeback, I've been here for months. I've got the fanfictions to prove it.
  2. When Skywind drops, the Nexus said they'll treat it like it's own game with its own modding page. So that's dope.
  3. That's your opinion. I'm pretty excited for them, but then I enjoyed Skyrim immensely. Not quite as much as Morrowind, but a lot more than Oblivion.
  4. I made this soup way too goddamn hot, so now I have to blow on every spoonful several times before I can put it in my mouth safely. This is very time consuming soup.
  5. I like to go raw too. More friction that way.
  6. I'll do you one better- Storm & Jean Grey x A pack of 12 theropod dinosaurs http://unevenedge.imfapp.in/index.php?action=fanfics;sa=story;id=1;chapter=7
  7. Is this an official request for me to post dinosaur porn?
  8. I downloaded a ton of nude and freaky sex mods for the sims 3. It got to the point where I could no longer attain an erection without building a house first.
  9. I missed the "often" part in the thread title and was all set to describe my technique. Oh well. As for the question at hand, not near as much as I wish. Valentines Day '09? 24 hour fap marathon. 24 times in one day, one of the proudest moments of my life.
  10. Drinking Central Waters Mudpuppy Porter. I like to pronounce it "Mudpuppy Portiere" because of the french.
  11. Sure ghostrek, just keep telling yourself that.
  12. No, I poisoned the image gallery section.
  13. I regret some of the pain I've caused. Not all of it, but some.
  14. Sure, until it gets taken out in a car bombing.
  15. But I kicked their Irish republican terrorist asses anyways.
  16. Yeah i bet it does. I bet it does.
  17. We've got pretty good water here too, so I pretty much only drink from the tap. There's a water fountain (bubbler) at work that I use often. I had one of those metal canteen things to carry with me, but the water would always taste metallic after a bit so I stopped using it. The girlfriend has one of them plastic canteen things, but that makes the water taste plasticky.
  18. I have it, haven't played since back before it went free though. Not good at MMOs; too many people around, makes me feel self-conscious.
  19. ESO is free to play now.
  20. Yep, that's right. Plain old H2O. One of the most important chemical compounds consumed by the human body. So let's talk about that shit. How y'all like you waters? In a glass with ice? A plastic bottle? Do you purify? Do you drink it from the tap? Do you drink it from the hose? How's it taste baby?
  21. Mostly just an engine upgrade. A very impressive engine upgrade. Yeah, there are quite a few required mods that haven't found their way to the SE yet. Pauldrons and Greaves are a few of my must haves. Glasses too, but I got some dwemer goggles that do the trick.
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