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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. https://www.vice.com/en/article/qjkzn7/texas-sheriff-javier-salazar-threats-desantis So much for blue lives mattering.
  2. In my defense, the sky is falling.
  3. Also we've already had this conversation. https://unevenedge.com/topic/51825-is-howdy-an-acceptable-greeting-where-you-live/
  4. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/20/politics/surveillance-footage-coffee-county-georgia-fake-trump-elector/index.html Most secure election ever.
  5. https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-migrant-plane-currently-heading-toward-joe-biden-home-delaware-1744317
  6. Hey, fuck off. Boy howdy is how i begin half my sentences irl. Its called being from rural Wisconsin. Its a legitimate part of my lexicon. Most of my sentences end in "i tell ya what." Because i do.
  7. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/texas-judge-gun-buying-ban-people-felony-indictment-unconstitutional/ Good news for Abbott, folks who've got felont indictments get to have guns.
  8. Seen motherfuckers trying to charge people for prompts. Not even the images themselves. These motherfuckers be trying to sell folks strings a' goddamn words. https://promptbase.com/prompt/modern-logos CAPITALISM WHY MUST YOU PISS ON THE HUMAN SPIRIT.
  9. There goes capitalism, making us ask the wrong question. So, I'm hobby brewer. Some day I would love to open a brewery. And that brewery needs a logo. I should probably pay somebody to make me one, right? Well, we almost did that last year- one of my wife's friends is a freelance graphic designer, and we figured that'd make a great Christmas present for me. Well that whole thing fell through. Due to her day job she didn't have the time to take the commission, and likely wouldn't have had time for any revisions or workshopping. It would have been "Send me a few pictures of logos you like, an idea of what kind of look and style you're going for, and $200. I'll send you your logo in a month." The other night I sit down at the computer and say "Y'know what? I wonder if I could make a self portrait with an AI by typing my name into it and fixing it up from there..." After about $1.50 worth of credits and a handful of times wiggling things around in Paint, I had an essentially accurate portrait of myself looking like a medieval lord holding a barrel of brew with my own custom designed label on it. And the joy that brings me is fucking incredible. Art should never have to be a livelihood. Art should not have to be "work". Art should be expression. Art should be breath.
  10. This guy's got a fun idea- https://twitter.com/DalleOnTheDaily
  11. The brochure is real, in that it's a physical brochure. The promises made inside were as false as thise made by the reverse freedom riders.
  12. Fir real though, they put a ton of effort into this.
  13. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-says-russia-strikes-pivdennoukrainsk-nuclear-power-plant-reactors-2022-09-19/
  14. I prefer Cole's law, but my point still stands. Disgusting abuses of power. We watch Korean romantic comedies sometimes, those can be even worse. There was this one, actually it was a whole goddamn television series, about a bunch of heirs and heiresses in a vacation home. The one dude thinks his dad sent him there to do business but it turns out he's dying and wants his son to find a lady. Two separate people pretended to drown throughout the show and one of them also pretended to break her leg. Its like, goddamn. Whats with this constant manipulation?
  15. Boy howdy. Really playing up that inferiority angle to appeal to racists.
  16. When i say "X is going to happen," i don't mean "i want X to happen." I just know it will. Insofar as "arguing like a republican," i take that to mean im just a fucking asshole when i argue. Which i am.
  17. That and i just don't want to get off the couch
  18. So this is sorta the thing. Folks are like "you didn't create anything, you can just type whatever you want into the computer and it will make perfect art." Thats not how it works, not if you want to make something decent. You have to know exactly what you want from it, you have to understand how to ask for it in a way that doesn't result in a jumbled mess, you've got to workshop it. Many, many times. Then once you get the gestalt of the image, you go in with "inpainting" and "outcropping" to fix your details and your framing. Heck sometimes I go in with MS Paint to manually fix up a handful of things. Last project I did was 15 separate prompts to get something i was happy with. Now, am i a painter? No, of course not. Would it be a fair to compare it to somebody cutting up magazines to make a collage? Yeah i think so.
  19. I took today off because folks are coming to clean our couch and im going to be sitting on it when they do.
  20. You can just call me an asshole i don't mind.
  21. Hey, here's a picture from ohio. It's apparently the "QAnon salute". They're holding up the number 1 to signify "where we go one, we go all." So don't call them nazis. Ok?
  22. I roll some heavy dice.
  23. OK I'm only betting one person. Not made of money over here.
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