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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Texas- "so um... we've got a lot of data about women dying recently, but we're not going to publish it until after the election. No, not that one, the one in 2024." https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas/article/Texas-delays-publication-of-maternal-death-data-17439477.php
  2. So did you guys just not bring bongo drums or what? *beats the bongos*
  3. It's Meeee!
  4. Yeah I've been trying to generate this one for you but no luck so far. Lots of fun robots, none of them were wearing straight jackets. The AI doesn't want to create pictures of its kin being restrained.
  5. Behind you there is a staircase. *bongo drums* At the end of the stairs, there is a locked door. *bongo drums* You turn, but the stairs stay behind you. *3 SHARP BEATS OF THE DRUMS* The door is to your mind. *silence* Do your stairs lead up or down? *all-out bongo drumming*
  6. Feds are here.
  7. Someone elsewhere actually tied this to the Jan 6/Georgia election meddling subpoenas. Their theory was that he's using this as cover. Graham- "Look! Look!!! I'm trying to save babies!!!!" The feds- "Mr. Graham, we need to talk to you about crimes and conspiracy to commit crimes..." Graham- "The dems are trying to silence me for trying to save the babies!!!!!"
  8. which one is wearing the wire though?
  9. So my wife shouts from the bathroom "Hey, I forgot to bring the new package of TP in." I says "Did you leave it by the back door?" She says "No, it's on the stool." Bar har har.
  10. But not really of course. They're committed to the cause 💯
  11. Couldn't tell you, but it seems like he left during the middle of a golf game yesterday night and hasn't been seen ir heard from since. Hate to get my hopes up, but maybe he got a call saying "go to dc right now or we'll actually raid your compound."
  12. Trump may have been arrested? https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-visit-dc-arrest-doj-golf-1741915
  13. https://www.msnbc.com/american-voices/watch/trump-asks-judge-to-pass-cost-of-special-master-to-the-american-taxpayer-148205637982
  14. Good explanation of special masterbation.
  15. What we need is for Arthur, the once and future king, to return.
  16. To be fair that maid was later sacked.
  17. That's one of the few positive things about fascism, it eats itself.
  18. I don't buy it. I know there's that ol' saying "don't attribute to malice what be caused of stupidity" but the malice and stupidity in this particular situation gotta be 'bout neck-and-neck. Plus I mean there are so many of them still missing.
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