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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. Self-aware people are the best.
  2. Fires missile over japan. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/north-korea-missile-over-japan-draws-rebuke-south-korea-us-fighter-jet-drill/
  3. Nearly just posted the link to the story, since it pretty much says it all in the title, but figured I'd put in at least a little bit of effort.
  4. That's closer to what I wanted to post but I was in the drive through a McD's so I had to be brief.
  5. https://www.salon.com/2022/10/03/attorney-lawyers-up--and-says-shes-willing-to-cooperate-with-doj-in-mar-a-lago-case-report/ Trump’s current attorney has just switched sides.
  6. https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/many-young-people-shouldnt-save-for-retirement-says-research-based-on-a-nobel-prize-winning-theory-11664562570
  7. You're already on the hook for $100.
  8. I'm willing to bet we'll see some legitimate domestic terrorism on election day.
  9. The fact that it isn't currently "allowed" doesn't mean much, it surely happens and we're going to see it happening a lot during this election.
  10. Well, judgement #2 may make "people giving a shit" a moot point by removing their power to do anything with the shit they give.
  11. https://www.reuters.com/legal/weighty-us-supreme-court-term-dawns-with-environmental-race-cases-2022-10-02/
  12. Now I can't stop imagining and alternate January 6 where congress authorizes its use; the hidden stone door behind the columns of the House Rostrum unseals for the first time since the Civil War, a nine-foot tall General William Tecumseh Sherman breaks free from the chains restraining his power, and he strides into the crowds bearing the honorable bludgeon of The People's House. I've been watching some Lord of the Rings recently.
  13. You're free to start "protecting yourself" any time you want, option D. But then, you're just option D.
  14. I think that's the argument she's making- that "these prophecies are so general they could refer to anyone." I'd disagree.
  15. While I'm incredibly skeptical of any form of ESP, my Time Religion does treat synchronicity with reverence, serendipity as an act of Time, and predestination as inherent given the way reality unfolds turning the future into the present into the past. So, yeah.
  16. Yeah, but how many were a one-term president (3.5 years) who tried to extend their reign by attempting to change the date of election certification, but was denied by the land's courts, who worshipped a southern border wall, and didn't try to find the lost children of the southern border nation, called themselves the king of Israel, ruled during a pandemic in which they did very little to protect people, give real-estate deals to their toadies, have 7 towers bearing their name, and followers who wear their marks on their foreheads?
  17. https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/ [cut out a lot of really important stuff, but it's a long-ass list and I wanted to make it at least somewhat bearable]
  18. The synthesis is near complete.
  19. Matt Gaetz votes against hurricane disasfer relief for florida. https://www.newsweek.com/matt-gaetz-votes-against-disaster-relief-hurricane-ian-1748055 They really would put shit in their mouths if they knew democrats would have to smell it.
  20. Well Trump is making death threats against MCConnell. https://www.9news.com.au/world/donald-trump-mitch-mcconnell-elaine-chao-death-wish-threat-us-politics-news/e30bb1f1-a79e-428f-becb-c8432d6b1da5
  21. Remember that whole #walkaway thing jingo was talking about like maybe two summers ago or something like that, i don't know, all these days blend together, but i digress. If you don't recall, it was supposedly democrats who were sick of how the democratic party was liberal, and were therefore #walk[ing]away. This is relevant becaust it turns out that, yes, of course, the hashtag started as a russian psyop. So thats what nabs reminds me of.
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