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Lord of the Munge Façade
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Everything posted by SwimModSponges

  1. The DOJ is never going to get these documents back.
  2. *points to conservatives delighting over immoral and illegal acts of overt fascism* Yeah, it's blowing up all right.
  3. Already posted that spin.
  4. Thats old hat.
  5. Wooooo https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/15/world/perseverance-rover-mars-images-scn/index.html
  6. Looks like i've angered option d.
  7. Follow up question- do you believe the segregationist who did the exact same thing to black people were as amazing as DeSantis? Follow-up follow-up question- you're seriously in favor of rounding up shipping thousands of people across the nation for the express purpose of causing harm to people? Lastly- are you just straight up unapologetically racist now? I mean, your argument isn't even trying to be "im not racist", your argument is "im racist, but don't call me racist because other people are racist." Its very sad.
  8. @Master-Debater131 why are you pro-human trafficking?
  9. Glad we got this one cleared up. https://www.politico.eu/article/kremlin-denies-rumor-assassination-attempt-putin/
  10. Current narrative: "oh, so the refugees are being taken care of? And liberals are acting like DeSantis is a bad guy for giving them this opportunity."
  11. Never been out east, i hear its nice, and i hope the refugees are well taken care of over there. Conservatives don't see minorities as human, and believe that surely everyone else agrees with them. Doesn't matter if the people integrate into the community and become productive and valuable members of society, the Republicans still act like they just sent a burning bag of poop on liberals doorstep. Hopefully they don't realize their plan backfired, because people who are thrilled about loading up trains with undesirables will surely ship them elsewhere if they feel they aren't treated badly enough. The only issue with Martha's Vineyard is from what i understand there are no nearby immigration courts for the refugees to check in with, so ICE could theoretically deport them all at any time.
  12. DeSantis pledges to fly thousands more migrants directly into Martha's Vineyard. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/desantis-marthas-vineyard-immigration/2022/09/15/id/1087682/ Conservatives are thrilled about this and see it as a massive win.
  13. Marge Greene physically attacks someone and tweets about it.
  14. Like... sarcastically or...
  15. You sir make a good point.
  16. Remember that time everybody thought Trump might finally face repercussions for [insert broken federal law here]? That was some goofy shit.
  17. DOJ's appeal thrown out by Trump appointed Judge, Trump's Special Master has been appointed and will have until 11/30 to flush evidence. https://www.axios.com/2022/09/15/trump-doj-special-master
  18. Hey, turns out this is the exact thing segregationists did with southern black people back in the day. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2020/02/29/809740346/the-cruel-story-behind-the-reverse-freedom-rides
  19. Here's a better one- remember how its illegal to stand outside of conservative supreme court justices houses? https://www.fox5dc.com/news/2-buses-of-migrants-arrive-outside-vp-harriss-residence-in-dc-fox-news
  20. Here are some of the runner-up heads from my self portrait-
  21. All right, here's about the closest I could get
  22. Clueless. "What are you doing, step bro?"
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