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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. So what you're saying is that people enjoy Bleach more when Kubo doesn't write it.
  2. Jojo- I love this Jojo so much. Well that's a nifty power. Aw fuck it's a magic Nazi. Why is that guy's face so weird. Owww don't punch a cactus. OWWWWW. That Nazi was surprisingly forthcoming with the information. SAVE GRAMPY SPEEDWAGON AT ALL COSTS. Ohhh that can't be a good thing. Leave Speedwagon alone he doesn't deserve this. If you call something impenetrable it's definitely getting penetrated within the hour. Oh nooooo that is definitely not a good thing. Y'all should probably run now. Well good at least it's too clumsy to chase you down. Yes insult him that'll work out great for you. This is some weird gay porn. Well that's different. He's totally about to break out of that chamber and hurt you. Oh yeah this is definitely going just great. Pillar guy is weirdly hot what's he packin' in those underoos. YES JOJO SAVE SPEEDWAGON. Nazis are dicks. Holy shit Jojo I love you. Never call him a sissy. Fuck your coffee! Aw fuck he escaped didn't he. Dude he survived centuries as a giant rock I don't think oxygen's much of a problem. What in the hell. Sooo I'm guessing he's not packing much in the wang department then. Whelp y'all are gonna die. Wow that looks painful. The moral of the story is that Nazis ruin everything. YES IT'S JOJO SAVE SPEEDWAGON. I'd just leave and let all the Nazis die. I love him so much. Is he gonna strip again because I'm all for that. Gundam- i like that BB-8 gets his own seatbelt in the mecha. If he's calling it a rumor obviously he hasn't been there, dumbass. I want a hotdog now. Great job on the whole escaping thing. Is somebody named Full Frontal? BB-8 to the rescue. And here's some grown men getting their shit kicked by an eighth grader. BB-8 is the best character. Why is there a mansion out there anyway? The lack of giant mecha unicorns still disappoints me. These sure are words you all are saying. Just leave BB-8 with her, she'll be in fine hands. Calm down there, Renton. So she's pretty much Kudelia only with less stupid hair. Who is Full Frontal are they hot. Obvioiusly, the box contains an embarrassing photo of Spongebob at last year's Christmas party. It must be Gundam tradition that I don't know what's going on in mecha fights. Beard man looks as bored and unimpressed as I am. Is the secret weapon graphic nudity? Hunter- I enjoy Killua immensely. Gon is a precious baby who deserves to win. Do they not know who Killua is? Okay I feel like the Hunter Exam is easier and gives better rewards. Jesus, Killua really does not fuck around. Yaaay Gon won. Try not to break your limbs this time, kiddo. Hit him in the dick with the fishing pole! FUCK YOUR TOPS, ASSHOLE. Kick his ass, Gon! Don't fuck with Gon. GET WRECKED. I'm adopting all these kids they're so sweet. Meanwhile, Hisoka being creepy. Kick his ass, Killua! Man, you guys are gonna piss yourselves when you figure out who his family his. Snaaaaakes. At least Killua's having fun. Noooo leave my baby alone. Dude I'm pretty sure he got worse than that before breakfast every day. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, FUCKER. i'm so proud of my adorable children today. GODDAMMIT HISOKA GET OUT OF HERE. At least Gon's having fun. RIDE THE LIGHTING AGAIN, FUCKER. I think you broke him. Is there anything creepier than an evil clown hiding in a dark hallway? I need an adult. Naruto- I still don't give a shit, show. Whatever anguish Itachi experienced, it's nothing compared to the anguish I feel every week watching this show. So, Itachi was good all along and just lied the whole time so Sasuke wouldn't wuss out of killling him? Was his lover just a dozen anonymous dicks at once. I DON'T CARE, SHOW. Oh hey, can my boyfriend be in the show again? One Piece- I'm sad that they cut Ace out of the OP. Well that sucks. Meanwhile, everybody else gets their shadows back. At least these complete strangers are having a good day. Awww it's Cindry's shadow. Oh hey she's really cute. She is gonna bang her boss. Yaaaaay they're not dead! YOHOHOHO. I'm so happy for Brook. Sure that sounds like it makes sense. Aw goddammit both of them are still alive. Eh he'll be fine he can bounce back. I forgot about the old guy with serious injuries. Lola is the best and I love her so much. And then Nami killed Zoro. Oh yeah, we're still in mortal peril. Do you have a minute to talk abou the Lord? They are having a bad day. And then everyone died. Kick his ass, Zoro! I wonder where Perona went. Ace better be okay or I'm gonna be pissed. RUN LIKE HELL. Aim for his junk! Ohhh this can't be good.
  3. How dare you make me remember Nazi Hughes. You should be ashamed.
  4. How dare you remind me that movie exists.
  5. Things I learned last night: Nyquil + Uchiha angst = me instantly passing out for 12 goddamn hours Jojo- I love new Jojo. Run now Smokey before you get killed. I'll make out with you. SHOOT HIM AGAIN. I don't know who this hot naked lady is in the OP but I like her. Dio, continuing to fuck things up from beyond the grave. LASER EYES. Yeah I'm sure that worked. How could he possibly be alive with that hole in his head? Okay he just used a tommy gun as a baseball bat I am officially in love. Well I guess that would have been too easy. Those bugs can fuck right off. And then he blew him right the fuck up. Oh this is some bullshit. RUN SMOKEY. Oh my god I'm cracking up. Oh lady you are gonna get murdered. Thanks, science narrator. We don't even know that lady go ahead and kill her! How dare you even speak Speedwagon's name you bastard. Stop with the finger thing it's creeping me out. Owwwww. I enjoy that he strips when angry. SUCK IT, DOUCHE. I don't even know how that works but okay. You know damn well Speedwagon is too pure for hell. Welcome to the Bizarre Adventure, buddy. This sounds like it's gonna be a bad time. Ah, to be young and constantly nude again. Fuck the Nazis. Nazi vampires sounds like a bad mix. Well this is creepy. SPEEDWAGON IS ALIVE I'M SO HAPPY. I like this girl she's feisty. Go kill some Nazis and rescue Speedwagon! I feel like bringing the statue was a bad idea. DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH SPEEDWAGON. That kid looks exactly like the one kid that old Jojo saved. And here's another creepy dude, licking a knife on a cactus. Gundam- I will be so disappointed if this show is not actually about a mecha unicorn. Oh hey a unicorn, there's half of my wish. I hope they visit the Neutral Planet. I automatically dont trust this guy. I don't think that was supposed to blow up. Space grandpa's bed looks comfy at least. Did I just see a SPACE TANK because that sounds stupid and awesome. I like the robot that's just a collection of Metapods. Oh hey she's cute maybe I can sit through this after all. I hate all these kids already. That's called puberty, kids. Meanwhile, more people I don't care about. Whoever makes up the names in this franchise should be fired immediately. Yeah I'm not really paying attention to any of this but that little green DANGERbot is cute. Hunter- This is fun and all but when does the hot idiot come back into the show. Gon is a precious child and would never break his promise. He's so talented! Oh hey that's a nifty little power. Hisoka's abilities come from his murderous clown powers. I am way too dumb to remember these names. Aww he's adorable. LOOK WITH YOUR SPECIAL EYES. Wing's pretty okay looking I guess. Aw fuck it's Hisoka isn't it. Not Hisoka but almost as creepy. Killua is having none of your shit. You leave my adorable children alone, you freaks. That flying pig background cracks me up. Oh no I got a bad feeling about this. NO DON'T GO DOWN THE DARK ALLEY. Oh nooooo. Oh thank god, kill them all. This is gettin' real molesty for an episode that doesn't even have Hisoka. Oh you dicks. Killua is taking no shit today. He figured it out I'm so proud. Don't let that kid out of your sight, people. HOLY SHIT KILLUA DOES NOT FUCK AROUND. Naruto- Oh my god show I cannot handle more Uchiha angst. Gee I can't imagine why he wouldn't trust you. So why did Itachi have those big lines on his face. Please gag Sasuke so he shuts the hell up. Dude you're putting a lot of faith in this masked man who ties up unconscious teenage boys. This was just an excuse for him to talk about how great he is. This is a history lesson I never gave a shit about, show. Meanwhile my suffering has been going on for 140 episodes. One Piece- I forgot that Moria turned goddamn terrifying. Aim for his giant junk! At least Brook can live on for everyone. Aw shit it's dawn. I love Lola so much. Usopp is just frozen in fear. Nooo Lola's on fire. Pssh, 1000 vs 9 seems like almost a challenge. Moria wheezing sounds like how I feel right now. FUCKING BATS. Well at least Luffy's safe from the sunlight in there. He's made of rubber, crushing him does nothing you idiot. Good job douche you just made him angry. I sure hope your own shadow is the next one that gets spit out. It'll be fine there's plenty of people to carry him this time. Make him barf like how I've felt this entire week! You tell 'em, Lola! Okay I can understand Lola not wanting to fight the giant axe warthog, buy you two had your shadows in a couple of squirrels. That is looking gross. And then everyone was on fire. Whelp that was about ten seconds too late.
  6. That seems like it'll just end with people being babies and deleting posts they don't like.
  7. I actually like Monopoly but no one will play with me because last time I got a single card from every set and refused to trade for anything. I arranged them all into a rainbow and just didn't want to break it up.
  8. Jojo- He'll be fine who needs a body anyway. I'm sure this has nothing to do with Dio or anything. KILL THAT MASK, SPEEDWAGON. Awww they're getting married. I like his new hat. Aw fuck Dio's in that coffin. Speedwagon is just the best guy. Get some booty, Jojo. This is going way too well for them. Goddamn drunk priest is gonna ruin everything. Honey you're gonna learn how to slam down a bottle of wine. Oh fuck you guy, just let the man get laid. Whelp there goes the priest. At least Dio's just a head in a jar how much harm can he do. Okay a lot of harm apparently. If he still had a body, it would have a boner right now. Noooo go back to your room before you die. Oh I'm sure you'll take his body alright. Hey look, it's that guy who assaulted you back in the day. Well this could be going better. Lady you might wanna run away now. And then the zombies came. Wow, this is a really rough day for them. This is where Speedwagon barges in and saves everyone right? Ohhh this is not good. Jojo isn't that gonna kill your wife anyway? At least he gets to die nestled in that rack. Well that's a shitty way to end things. SOMEONE LEFT A BABY. Oh goddammit Dio. Everybody zombie night! This just keeps getting worse for Jojo. "My velvet boudoir" just sounds hilarious. Okay it's definitely time to get off the flaming boat of death now. At least he gets to die nestled in that rack. RIP Jojo. Oh thank god I thought Dio was gonna pop out of that coffin. We can take comfort in the fact that Jojo got to hit that. Jojo Again- Aww Grandpa Speedwagon. I'm glad Speedwagon has done well for himself. Oh god so many fucking masks. Hi, new guy. Well now I want soda. New guy is a douche. Well we're off to a great start already. Hi new Jojo! Do not fuck with new Jojo. New Jojo is doing things for me. Oh good things worked out for Erina. Just take a sledgehammer to that entire cave. You stay away from baby Jojo. Lil Jojo has some issues. Oh fuuuuck. You son of a bitch I trusted you! NOOOO SPEEDWAGON WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LOVE DIE. Dio continues to ruin things even from beyond the grave. Don't you touch Speedwagon! That sure looks painful. Oh god these accents are beautiful. Kick his ass, granny. I like Smokey I hope he doesn't die. Speedwagon fucked your grandpa. Oh hey I was about to ask what happened to that baby. Racist dickwad time. KICK HIS ASS, JOJO. I love Erina. I love new Jojo. No you're lying, Speedwagon gets better and continues being a perfect human being. New Jojo is just the best. Welcome to Starbucks. Jojo's boob question cracks me up. Oh fuck it's a vampire. Holy shit new Jojo does NOT fuck around. Aww he's crying. I'm glad we get to keep Roundabout. At least Speedwagon can finally reunite with his true love. Hunter- Hisoka doesn't give a fuck. Was this your card? I'm already confused. Math, the only thing more terrifying than a clown boner. What in the actual fuck. Well now how are you gonna jerk off. How the shit does that work? Dude you already lost as soon as you let him start monologuing. MAGIC FIST, GO. Never fight a clown to the death they have no fear and enjoy human suffering. Go put your arm back on. Why does that girl look exactly like Killua with different hair. Girl I don't know who you are but you're lucky he hasn't murdered you. That's a nifty power. The right arm is more expensive because it's his jackoff arm. That's also a nifty power. This girl is having none of his shit and I admire that. I am not really following this explanation at all. The only thing I'm getting from this is that Hisoka is goddamn terrifying. What she means is no jerking off until you heal. Well that sounds ominous. Meanwhile, adorable children being adorable. This is not a shower scene I wanted. Oh hey it's the spider thing. Well that's creepy. Naruto- Enough with the Uchiha angst get back to someone I don't hate. Or we could go back to the orange douche, because this show has a personal grudge against me. If you threw a bunch of bugs at me I'd just give up and cry forever. Dude you escaped having to work with the moron squad last time you should be thankful. As soon as Naruto speaks, everything goes to hell. Flytrap man continues to be the least terrible part of this thing. Flytrap guy knows eactly where he is I don't think you're gonna find him first. I finally get a rare triple Travis scene and it's in Naruto of all places, because the universe is just fucking with me at this point. Sasuke does not want to be your boyfriend just give it up. Thanks, creepy guy watching a teenage boy sleep. Oh fuck me it's story time with the orange douche. Dude your eye's getting funky. Uchihas, continuing to be dicks even after death. This sounds like it will be stupid and poorly explained. One Piece- Oh hey new OP. Oh hey new uncut OP. OH HEY NEW UNCUT OP WITH ACE. I enjoy seeing Moriah in pain. Luffy might be dead. Okay so somebody else go beat the shit out of him. Awww fuck. And then everyone died. Oh hey Zoro. Oh hey everybody. I love Brook so much. Oh god Luffy's got a plan we're all gonna die. Meanwhile, Franky builds a goddamn cannon. Those Robin legs are definitely someone's fetish. Ice to meet you, motherfucker! Just go with it Brook your concerns are meaningless. Straw Hat teamwork is the best. Oh fuck my body hurts just looking at that. Y'all might wanna move. Even the zombies are impressed. Oh hey Cindry. Oh hey other Lola. Uhh guys there's the sun you might wanna get your shadows back like right now. Well at least Brook gets to live. Oh man he is looking all kinds of batshit crazy. Alright Brook you're strong and have a shadow, you beat the shit out of him. Ohhh that cannot be a good thing. We get it you took all the shadows. Well now you're even uglier so who's the real winner here.
  9. Because one day I jacked off six times in an hour and I got dizzy and couldn't move for awhile. Stay hydrated, kids.
  10. Probably 3-4 times a day usually. Fun story if you jack it six times in an hour you'll get dizzy and can't move for awhile.
  11. You're assuming I care waaaay more than I actually do. Jojo- Our heroes, standing around while a small child gets slapped around. No seriously Dio what the FUCK are those pets. Don't fuck Dio it won't end well. I like this girl I hope she doesn't die. Ohh this does not look good. Thank you Jojo. SNAKE FACE. Well that's different. Sandwich man just keeps on giving. This went surprisingly well, something terrible must be about to happen. KICK HIM IN THE DICK. You are a liar and a dick, Dio. Don't you dare insult sandwich man. Don't worry, DIRE STRAITS will take care of this. Speedwagon's commentary is the best thing. Whelp so much for that. Oh that is a bad end. Dio is weirdly attractive and I hate myself for it. Wait what FLOWER ATTACK. RIP Dire. PLUCK SWORD is best sword. That is a lot of zombies. Chandelier to the face, bitch! Thank you, Tom Petty. Protect Speedwagon at all costs. That was his jackin' arm, you dick! This is going too well. Oh goddammit. Okay the artery fingering was a bad thing to watch while eating. I don't understand half those words but I think he just said he's gonna fuck him. Eat shit, Dio. Aw fuck. I admire Jojo's resolve. Uh dude your hand's on fire. Oh hey, it worked. Oh what the hell now. LASER EYES. Is he dead this time? Oh yeah, let's remember the good times when Dio assaulted his girlfriend and set his dog on fire. Sing for me, Speedwagon. Gundam- Kick his ass already. Mika, continuing his proud tradition of giving zero shits. Seriously, nobody should trust Schneizel. We get it you stuck your dick in a robot, nobody cares. Geass boy broke. You beautiful douche. Never fear, the weird old dude is here. I sure hope Orga's not about to jump into a suicide mission. TAKE YOUR SHIRT OFF, JAILBAIT. What a surprise, the gorgeous shady douchebag turned out to be a shady douchebag. At least the loli will get out unscathed. Bye Geass boy. I'm glad the cute wife I liked survived. Oh hey that other cute guy is still alive too. Stab him in the dick, Mika. Ohhh them's some fightin' words, robot boy. It took 24 episodes, but Mika finally gives a fuck about something. Fight them with your words or whatever. Orga why is your shirt still on. THE WIVES ARE ALIVE THIS IS A GOOD DAY. Orga never got to bang the cute lady. This is a bad night for arms on the block. Well this went surprisingly well I'm sure it all goes to hell two minutes into the next season. I still don't trust old guy. This all went just great for Schneizel. GODDAMMIT HITLER WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE. Aaaand we're back with the creepy loli engagement. YAY HAREM I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM. Things turned out okay for Mika I guess? Oh boy, homework. I do like that Atra's really pushing for that mini-harem. We'll adopt more child mercenaries! Hunter- Yaaay he's better. These kids are too cute. Are those tickets to Star Wars? Even better, let's watch the clown fight! Punch him in the face, Gon. Hey you're not studying the magic stuff you're just watching a clown murder someone. It so does not count, guy! Nerd guy can't handle these kids. Gon is such a good kid I love him. I do not like your odds at all, guy whose name I already forgot. Even the snacks are deadly here. NINJA SPEED. Oh shit he knows your name. This guy seems like a good dude it's a shame the clown's gonna slaughter him. Sorry Gon you're gonna have to get in line for punching Hisoka. You know he's got a boner. This is going too well for that guy. Okay this is REALLY not a good night for arms on the block. Well that was unexpected. It's okay, that wasn't his jackin' arm. Clown is unconcerned. Sure that sounds accurate. He's going to murder-fuck both of you. Is there anything more terrifying than an evil clown boner? Naruto- I still don't care about Sasuke, show. Is it too much to hope that they both just kill each other? So hey does Two Face here have a multi-colored dong too? RIDE THE LIGHTNING, DOUCHE. Sasuke used THUNDERBOLT, it's super effective! I don't think I'm lucky enough for him to be dead. Is anything in this fucking fight actually real? Wow Sasuke looks dumber than ever. Sure bring out the giant skeleton demon or whatever it's not like it's gonna do anything. Oh hey snake Blum! And then he was a Hydra. Please just kill each other already I can't keep track of this fight anymore. And then the lubed-up naked man withdrew himself from the exhausted teenage boy. Well that sure was pointless. Snake has the right idea with getting the hell out of this show. LOOK WITH YOUR SPECIAL EYES. Oh what the hell now. You suck, Sasuke. Well that sure was anticlimactic. Hi snake. Is he actually fucking dead this time? Cut his head off to make sure. Oh man are they both dead it's the best Christmas gift of all. One Piece- Eat several dicks, Moriah. I hope Sniper King saves the day. Whelp there goes Zoro. You're right Usopp, it's not just size that counts! Poor Oars. Zoro might be dead. Oh man I hope that salt worked. SON OF A BIIIIIIIITCH. Where is Hulk Luffy? Moriah may have gone completely batshit crazy. There he is! KICK HIS ASS, LUFFY. Ooh he looks cool as shit. PUNCH, DENIED. Dude just got the full Saitama. Alright you got like five minutes make it count. Please save the crew. Lola is the best and I love her. Now punch Moriah right in his stupid face. Hey some guys can do a lot in 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile, Jehova's Witness waits to convert everyone. Don't fuck with Luffy. I enjoy seeing Moriah in pain. Aww I wanted Nightmare Luffy to stick around longer. Yaaaay they did it!
  12. Jojo- Who are these people. Oh hey it's sandwich guy only young. I have no idea what year the show takes place so I also have no idea how long ago this flashback is. I'm sure all that is just a coincidence. No don't die you'll make Speedwagon sad. I'm sure this will end well. WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LOVE DIE? Jojo might need a little help here. You were a good dude, fancy sandwich man. Did he just get older? Someone hug Speedwagon. I'm not complaining but wasn't he wearing a shirt earlier did it just explode off him? Don't fuck with Jojo. Yeah just spit your own teeth in his face that'll work. He's only got half a torso but I'm sure he'll be fine. Sooo your wife is single then. Dude haven't you known each other for like a week? GODDAMMIT DIO NOBODY LIKES YOU. Why are you such a bag of dicks? I don't like either of your odds here, lady. Jesus christ show. Oh hey his shirt regenerated. Go punch Dio right in the dick! Aw man I hope that lady wasn't his sister. Oh noooo. EVERYBODY ZOMBIE NIGHT. Not a zombie? Well friend I got some bad news for you. Dire and Straits, I get it. TOMPETTY GO. What in the fuck is that cat, Dio? Well at least his sister's alive. Gundam- Did I miss something when did these kids get slaughtered? Really should have brought in another medic. Lady I'm pretty sure Orga's gone completely insane. Just adopt all 50 of those kids. Why is Orga wearing a shirt. I'm mainly just rooting for the harem squad now. I like mechanic support wife she's the best after main wife. Kid you're adorable and like seven you're going to die. You two should have banged your angst out by now. It's Canada how many people are even here. I'm still not sure who these old people are. Aw fuck Orga's going to die now isn't he. Seriously lady how are you still not understanding this whole mercenary band of child soldiers thing. I sure hope Atra can reach the pedals. You suck, Geass. And then all these idiot kids died. Oh yeah this is going just great. Goddammit Kirito how did you even GET here?! Is that Geass guy's mecha boyfriend? At least he gets cool axe arms. NO NOT THE HAREM. You're dead to me, show. RIP Canada. Just axe her in the face and let's get on with it. Oh hey Mika nice of you to join us. Maybe Schneizel's not such an asshole after all. Hunter- I am way too stupid to remember all this. No seriously what is with that guy's body. Okay so you could use it to make the world's most powerful sex toy, that's what I'm getting here. Lucky for you this guy counts so slow. He's a giant top I guess his body makes slightly more sense. Just knock his leg off balance with a stick. I'm so proud of him he's so smart. Awww Killua don't worry he'll be fine. Dance your way to victory! Oh you know somebody's got an evil clown boner right now. Oh no poor baby let me hug you. Gon didn't you just heal that arm? Hey don't hit him he tried his best. I love these kids so much. You can't do that you're not our real dad! We just wanted to play Fight Club for money. Just let my bloodthirsty monster children enjoy themselves. Killua's an adorable little shit I love him so much. Meanwhile, oh hey it's Blond Sasuke. Wait what. So do they all have to learn the Nen thing? I don't trust this hobo. RIP tree. Whelp, you're boned. So who will take pity on the sexy idiot and let him piggyback off their skills? Naruto- STOP SHOWING ME THE EYE THING. At least he'll look less stupid with an eyepatch. Hi flytrap guy. Maybe you should have brought out your special powers before he ripped your damn eye out. Snaaaaaakes. What just happened. So none of that even happened? I do enjoy flytrap guy double Travis, show. WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON. I give up I'm just here for Travis talking to himself. Please set each other on fire and be done with it. Of course Travis Squared would know all about fire. I always enjoy seeing Sasuke in pain. Why won't this fight just end. It kinda sucks that they used so much of the animation budget on Uchiha whining. This jutsu can't be blocked or evaded, just like the other jutsu he just blocked and evaded. One Piece- I wonder if that laugh hurts his actor's throat. Oars what the hell. And then everyone died. Sure that makes sense. OARS BALL! Oars is just great. Franky might be dead. Skeletons are very aerodynamic that's just common knowledge. Strawhat teamwork, go! YOHOHOHOHO. Good job Brook I'm proud of you. Brook might be dead...again. I wish Sniper King was here to help. Thank you Robin now snap his spine. FUCKING BATS. Oh you dick. Whelp, you're boned. Aw fuck not Robin too. Oooh Sanji is pissed. FUCKING BATS, AGAIN. Never underestimate the power of a righteous man's boner. Oh hey Chopper figured it out. My ultimate goal in life is not to die naked. Good job Oars. Chopper is best doctor. Aaaand they're dead. Wasn't Luffy supposed to be here?
  13. So much. Jojo- KICK HIS ASS, JOJO. Hey, wanton love of violence is great. Save Speedwagon at all costs. Maybe you should have used an actual rope instead of your nasty old weave. I have no idea what Speedwagon is saying but I'm glad he's happy. I would listen to any sport that had Speedwagon commentating. Flowers! Uh hey buddy your leg's gone. Aww he's a nice zombie now. PLUCK SWORD. Oh right this other guy is still here. Use the kid as a shield! This is amazing. Fancy sandwich man was cute back in the day. Haa, Tom Petty. I keep forgetting this guy is still here and apparently so do they. Oh no he lost his helmet. STILL NOT DEAD. Yeah I'm sure the decrepit old castle that eminates mysterious fog is the safest place. And then Jojo died. Uh buddy aren't there bricks all around the door you could punch? This could be going better. Use the kid as a battering ram. Do something useful, peepants. Saved by Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins takes no shit. Guys the entire building is bricks except for that one door, just punch through it. Peepants has redeemed himself. You okay there, sandwich? AW YEAH ROUNDABOUT. Gundam- Yeah that lady sure has issues alright. Don't trust Schneizel. I absolutely do not care about their tree-climbing flashback, show. Don't trust this shady old guy either. How does his beard work? Lady what part of "mercenary band of child soldiers" are you not getting. Really should have banged the angst out of him when you had the chance. I hope they turned him into that giant robot. Reeeally should not trust Schneizel, y'all. Mika already gave all the fucks he had for the next year. Thanks for throwing that emotional breakdown at him. Stab her right in the face. Yeah you were totally dreaming and not just jacking off. WOW LOOK SCHNEIZEL FUCKED YOU OVER. Yeah this sounds like a deal she'll honor when she loses. Mika being physically unable to give a fuck is the best part of this show. Hey small children get back on the train before you get dead. Lady you are way in over your head with babysitting these child soldiers. Should have killed her before the second wave came in. Hey kids we're not committing mass suicide today! Sorry lady it's not Schneizel. Yes you failed and you suck. Welcome to Canada. Hunter- NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN NEN BATMAN. I'm not really following this conversation but I'm sure my kids can do it. My children are so talented. And then there's Hisoka, who's just here for shits and giggles. Jesus this dialogue. That's probably not a good thing. Nothing to worry about that's just your life running out of your torso. I feel like it'd be easier to just run up and kick Hisoka right in the dick. That's a nice wall, you dick! EAT SHIT, CLOWN. That went well, I guess? It's not almost midnight yet something's gonna get in your way. I'd wait til the last minute because I'm lazy. What if I'm a lazy piece of shit and don't want to run my own floor? This lady's losing her shit. GOOD LUCK MY PRECIOUS SON. I like that guy's monster truck wheelchair. The fuck is that red guy? Aw no they don't get to have sleepovers anymore. Gon is pumped as hell. Aim for his weird pogo stick leg thing! He said to wait two months, you adorable bastard! That sure is a thing alright. Noooo baby. This may have been a bad idea. Naruto- Oh great, another Uchiha who I'm sure is equally terrible. He sure is talking a lot for a guy who should be dead from blood loss by now. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Why won't one of you just fucking die already. Of course he couldn't kill his best friend, he doesn't have any friends. Oh hey it's confusing Flytrap Travis how you doin'. So then yeah, equally terrible as every other Uchiha in this show. I DON'T CARE JUST KILL EACH OTHER. So did they know they'd get stanky ol' wizard eyes when they butchered their loved ones or was that just a happy accident? Owww. What in the fuck. Why are all the Uchihas such total dicks? I do not care you whiny assholes. At least Crispin is having fun. I don't need a reminder about how much Sasuke has always sucked, show. Don't worry I have more than enough hate for both of you. NECK SNAKE. I do enjoy seeing Sasuke get punched. OWWWWWWWWWW. One Piece- If you don't love Brook you're factually wrong. Calcium makes perfect sense. Aim for his junk! Good luck, guys. And then Oars was one fire. I love it when they use teamwork. Save the skeleton at all costs. Franky that is going to kill you. Well this could be going better. And then Franky died. RIDE THE LIGHTNING, BITCH. Don't fuck with Nami. Me too, Sanji. Wait what the hell? Ohhh that is not a good thing. Seriously Luffy get your shit together. Oh hey it's the squirrel dudes. LOLA, YOU SAY? This sounds like a good deal. Well, she looks better than the warthog. Um, what? Great job you killed him. Huh, that's new. I have the exact same power with cupcakes. And then Luffy got gang banged. Jesus the dialogue on the block this week. Hey Luffy you okay there buddy? I still love Lola.
  14. Dude your font is unreadable on this background.
  15. Sooo if anybody wanted to get Kill la Kill without paying Aniplex's highway robbery prices, Rightstuf's got it in their Black Friday sale and you can save $100 on it.
  16. Jojo- Well this sounds like a cheerful place. Oh no Speedwagon is hurt we have to stop. Punch that kid until he helps you. Fancy sandwich man is fun. And then they caused an earthquake. EVERYBODY ZOMBIE NIGHT. GO AWAY DIO NOBODY LIKES YOU. Let the zombies eat the kid and escape while they're feasting on his tender flesh. Man, I wish I could weaponize my hatred like that. EAT SHIT, DIO. Whelp so much for fancy sandwich man. Ow that looks painful. Yeah that sounds like science. EAT SHIT, DIO. Throw the kid at him and then punch him in the dick while he's distracted. Sandwich man is not having a good day. Speedwagon with the catch. When my hands get cold I just shove them between my boobs. I'm not sure if he wants to kill them all or bang them. ZOMBIE KNIGHTS. Speedwagon will help! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. That's some weird hair. Meanwhile, Jojo gets his ass kicked. Hiistory, go! I'm just gonna assume this is historically accurate. Weaponized hatred is the greatest weapon of all. Sorry random zombie. NEITHER, HIS HAIR WIELDS THE BLADE. Exit, douche. Yeah this seems like a good idea. Dogs and medieval zombie knights do have a lot in common. Oh hey there's air. This song is never getting out of my head. Gundam- RIP Bisquick. Still loving that extra harem wife with the big cans. I'd suggest cremation but the resulting grease fire would take out the whole island. It's hard to feel too sad when Orca's all hot and brooding and shirtless here. Still don't trust Schneizel. I have no idea who these old people are. I'm guessing you're about to make several wrong moves, sir. Boooo, she's still alive. Dude just accept your new cyborg boyfriend. I'm guessing this ties into the entire Gundam franchise but goddamn do I not care. "I'm totally not the mole, bro." So then Schneizel is fucking everyone over so he can be in charge. Send the cute lady to bang his pain away. SEX THE PAIN AWAY. Its all your fault, Kirito. I still don't trust this old guy. Nobody willingly goes to Alaska. You're creepy, grandpa. Bone his sorrow away already! WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE IT'S NOT A REAL HAREM? Boooo he put on a shirt. Okay then Mika, YOU fuck the angst out of him. Reminder that Mika is fucking crazy. Orca's gone off the deep end and I'm kinda into it. This inspirational speech would be better if you didn't have a shirt. Nothing says revolution like laundry and graffiti. Hunter- My children are strong and I'm so proud of them. It's been 30 seconds and I'm already lost. Yeah that sounds like a great plan. Okay maybe you shouldn't steal the nerd's wallet. Aww he hides in the corner when he's scared my poor baby. I don't trust this nerd. That boy must have a ribcage of solid granite. Ooh teach him the jedi mind trick. THAT WAS A GOOD SODA, YOU DICK. Poor kid can't even get juice. Oh no I hope they don't have to fight each other. Put some pants on. They're so talented! Hey asshole I hope you bought that boy a new book. Oh fuck is it that evil gay clown. This seems suspicious as shit. Well damn what's the point of playing if you don't earn any money. I KNEW IT. Get out of here you creepy clown bastard. Kick his ass, nerd! Alright boys you got three hours to learn the Force. THAT WAS A GOOD WALL, YOU DICK. Is there not a back door you could just go through? Naruto- Aw fuck is it just gonna be Uchiha angst week. It's weird to see tiny Sasuke having a personality. Are all the Uchihas just terrible? The entire town is ninjas why would people think ill of them? I don't care, where is angry princess boyfriend. And you've made the mistake of assuming I give a shit. Imagine how much trouble we could have saved if someone had just taken Sasuke out now. Mom Uchiha appears to not be fucking terrible, so I assume she married into the family. And then he killed everyone. Just go eat all the dicks. Joke's on you, he doesn't have any friends. LOOK WITH YOUR SPECIAL EYES. Oh hey, Sasuke actually didn't suck and fail for a change. Hahahahah just kidding. I hope angry princess boyfriend gets to talk to those crows about how crazy these guys are. Oh what the hell. Please tell me it's not that orange douche. An entire episode of Uchiha angst is hard to sit through. One Piece- Fuck that shadow. Good memory there, buddy. Meanwhile, Oars. Zoro just wants to play wth his new toy. Don't fuck with Zoro. That is a lot of fat you have to dodge. Luffy's one major weakness: his brain. Oh shit, good weather. Goddammit Oars. Are those the squirrel dudes? Hey dumbass, remember how your prize zombie will die if Luffy gets in the sun? Howdy neighbor, do you have a moment to talk about the Lord? I miss Crocodile. OH FUCK THAT GUY. Wait if he became a warlord that means...OHHHHHHHH NOOOOOO MY HUSBAND. Hiiiiiiiiii Travis. I hope Blackbeard chokes on a dick. Moriah is in a bad mood. No, you absolutely cannot handle them. This totally won't go straight to hell for you. Aim for his fat stomach! Oars is a good boy. BIG OARS, IT'S SHOWTIME. Heee Chopperman. I love Franky's giant nunchucks. Well this could be going better. BROOK TO THE RESCUE!
  17. Okay I've never actually taken a close look at your icon before and I just now realized that it's not some kinda weirdly-shaped penguin like I thought.
  18. He was meandering and sucked at delivering so many things, both long term and just for the final arc. If you actually enjoyed it then fine, but you're delusional if you really think he's some kind of amazing writer capable of weaving a masterpiece.
  20. He could probably get on something new if he wanted to, but I'd expect a publisher would want to pair him with a separate writer. Pacing has never been his strong point, to put it mildly, and I could easily see them being unwilling to let him do an entire series on his own. Also, holding a 14+ year grudge over pizza coupons just seems sad. Get over it.
  21. Which is great, because I've got some hooters for him. Let's be honest, as long as that man wears pants I'm never satisfied. #sothirsty
  22. Jojo- I would follow Speedwagon into hell. Oh hey it's his girlfriend I'm glad she's alright. Jojo's built like a damn monster truck. Take me with you, Speedwagon. MAKE OUT. Speedwagon knows when somebody's gonna get some. GO AWAY DIO. I'm surprised Dio's not Jack the Ripper himself. I like that fancy top hat. Well he looks fun. Okay maybe not fun. Now that's a healing power I can get behind. I love this dorky sandwich man. Nooo frog. Yaaay frog. Fucking Dio. Aww that's nice Jojo has magic flower powers. NOBODY LIKES YOU VAMPIRE DIO. How many frogs did you punch-splode before you figured this power out. Wait how old is fancy sandwich man? And that man was Jim Carrey. 'Bacchanalia' is a great term. And that's why you don't fuck around with mysterious masks you don't understand. BLOW HIM UP. Yeah this sounds like science. Just dislocating my limbs here, no big deal. HI SPEEDWAGON. Jojo gets a baby hat until he masters his technique. Whelp that guy's dead. NOOO HORSEY. What in the goddamn fuck. Kick his ass, sandwich man! I don't speak British so I'm not entirely sure what he just said. SAVE SPEEDWAGON AT ALL COSTS. Why are there so many knives. Sandwich man is not fucking around. Dude no don't follow him into the creepy abandoned secret tunnel. I can respect a man unwilling to waste booze. That sure is a thing alright. Always trust the booze. Don't fuck with Jojo. Gundam- Oh hey, it's Twinkie and Ding Dong. EARTH CORN. Mika, continuing to not give a single fuck. I like the cute girl with the big boobs. I don't like that lady. I don't like that old man. Orca's the only one here with any kind of sense. Eat the fish, you ungrateful brats. Well this is depressing. "Hey girl who you fucking?" WHY IS HITLER STILL HERE. Fuck off, Stove Top Turkey Stuffing. Bang the cute lady already. Whoever makes up the names in this franchise needs to be fired. At least Mika's having a good day. Wow you suck at this. I do enjoy shirtless jailbait JYB. Harem Man is lucky to have so many good wives. Aaaand time for everything to go to hell. Thank you for shooting him. Kid don't get cocky, when you get cocky you die. As long as the wives are okay I'm cool. When in doubt just MECHA-PUNCH things. I'm not sure why Orca's shirtless here but I appreciate it. Things are definitely about to take a nosedive. Yeeeeah maybe you shouldn't have been sitting there in the middle of the fight. Whelp there goes McRib. Oh hey, Mika actually giving a shit. We'll eat for weeks! I know this is supposed to be sad but I keep getting distracted by sexy jailbait torso. Hunter- I love these kids they're so cute. Oh hey, updated OP. Welcome to Fight Club, kiddo. Welcome to the Fisting Tower. My poor baby why is your family so terrible. Did Killua suddenly hit puberty? KICK HIS ASS, MY ADORABLE SON. And then Gon killed a guy. I'm so proud of my children. Oh dang that little one's got some moves. At least they get a free room out of it. Oh no am I gonna have to adopt another kid here. "Nah we just punch the shit out of things." Who's this nerd punch him and steal his money. I love these kids. Dang that's a lot of cash. START PUNCHING HARDER. How do I sign up for this I'll kill a man for that kinda change. HE'S SO CUTE I LOVE HIM. I'd easily spend that much on snacks. Oh no not my kids. He's such a cocky little shit. This is definitely Jack Sparrow's music. Poor little boy's about to get WRECKED. That kid might be dead. This kid's too much like Gon for his own good. Hey kiddo whatcha doin' there. Killua your overconfidence is going to get you killed one day. Poor baby come here let me hug you. That doesn't sound suspicious at all. ONE CHOOOOOP. ONE PUUUUUSH. This is going too well. Kil you were a toddler back then you're lucky you survived. I'm already lost here. I don't trust this nerd. Okay yeah always be suspicious of the weird nerd luring three small children to his bedroom. Oh thank god a new ED without SCREAMING. Naruto- I wonder what angry murder boyfriend's up to. ANGRY MURDER BOYFRIEND, GO. God this girl is terrible. I really do enjoy how he's a Disney princess who talks to birds. Meanwhile, Uchihas being terrible and a pain to watch. At least that was a quick sibling fight. OH GODDAMMIT NOT THAT ORANGE DOUCHE AGAIN. Oh goddammit not Naruto again. I don't care about Sasuke just leave my angry murder boyfriend out of this, fish boy. I'm pretty sure I've heard this exact conversation is multiple gay pornos. DON'T INSULT HIM HE'LL HULK OUT. I forgot all these people were here. GODDAMMIT NOT THAT ORANGE DOUCHE AGAIN. It's a fight between people I hate who am I supposed to root for here. Seriously the bird-whispering thing cracks me right the hell up. Oh yeah great plan, use water on the shark man. I do like the dog. Why is everyone in this show so terrible? One Piece- Don't get between Nami and money ever. ;D "She made my everything hurt." I forgot Franky built that bridge. Poor Oars. Hey y'all are lookin' kinda evil there. DO THE DOCKING. Robin is going to kill you. Mini-Docking, GO! Whelp at least you tried. The true power of DOCKING is brutal insults. Oh, like you've never punched yourself in the face before. That's not just a Luffy thing, we all wanted to see DOCKING. Deep down, isn't meat a weakness for us all? You're just pissing him off. Well you two, good luck with that. Meanwhile, more shenanigans. MEANWHILE meanwhile, Nami getting shit done. Those ghosts are still adorable. Oh hi there. Two warlords on one island just seems excessive. Say Disneyworld. Big talk from somebody who got taken down by a balloon. Man, Jehovas Witnesses in this town are INTENSE. Pandaman sighting! Yeah I'd probably be running for my life too. Yes that's true his name is Ace and he hates shirts and we're married. The shenanigans continue.
  23. Wait, so I have to post 100 times just to edit a typo I make? This is some bulllshit.
  24. So did we end up with "I'm fapp" in the name on purpose, or was that just a weird coincidence.?
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