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All Might's Wife
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Everything posted by EmpressAngel

  1. Important question, are the dildos also used?
  2. Hero- FUCK YEAH WE'RE BACK. This OP makes me very concerned for this adorable child. HI YOUNG MIGHT. I don't entirely trust this guy. Hi Slutty Vault Boy! Aw shit is this recap I can't jack off to this. I stand corrected, Aizawa's looking pretty good. I love my kids. Mineta continues to be the worst. Man I bet Douche Rogue from the other class is so goddamn angry about this. In case you forgot who everyone was, here's your chance. Oh shit he knows it's Deku. Hey it's All Might. Awww people still fanboy him. Alright he's an All Might fanboy, we can trust him. Oh shit, small world. Cameras everywhere. Good ol' printer nipples. Damn, he did some real work on this. Selfie! That's a shitty title but at least you tried. Aww, look at my kids. All Might eating a meat bun, top story. THIS ED MAKES ME VERY CONCERNED FOR THIS ADORABLE CHILD. OPM- Whelp, Metal Bat is dead. METAL KNIGHT. Oh my god I kinda love the wrestling rhino and this gay chicken thing. Oh hey, Metal Bat's not dead yet. He may be about to die. Goddamn he's cool. Ain't nobody got time for that. This could be going better. Oh no his sister. Please don't kill him in front of his family. That's surprisingly nice of him. That blob looks gross. No you leave her alone. I goddamn love this gay chicken. Slaughter denied. No, kill the rich people. Meanwhile, you're all screwed. I like this geisha lady. Win that money, Saitama. I like the guy who's just named Dave. Genos is the best fan. This champion guy seems nice. This is gonna be fun. Saitama you're so lucky that everyone here is stupid. Like a butcher butches, indeed. Grandpa's so cool. ORA ORA ORA ORA. Oh dang. Martial Gorilla. Wow, this is all going straight to hell. I want her and Midnight to be friends. Wait since when do pandas actually want to fuck? HELLOOOOO CATFIGHT. Meanwhile, everyone boos Kaminari. Alright Saitama try not to turn anyone into a bloodsplosion. Oh no, that's so depressing. Dr Stone- Science is indeed super weird. I love the spear boys. Ginro will now die for you. Your enemy is SCIENCE. I love this idiot child. Y'all should probably not touch that water. Oh my god you idiot you're going to die. TOKOYAMI NO. Jesus christ. Aaron Dismuke talks about alchemy, I smile and clap like a trained seal. Whelp, you're screwed. This entire series is like a bizarre sequence of side quests and I love it. Senku I don't think we have time for that much science. Awwww you're friends now. I hope Taiju and Yuzu just gave up on Karsland and are just banging out in the woods somewhere. Oh no this is depressing. Awwww Kohaku. And then he was violently murdered. He's sad about his spear. Chrome's about to have a panic attack. Senku, giving no shits. Grandpa knows what's up. OH NO. Oh thank god. That is one angry fairy. Remember your hamon training! I am absolutely no different from nature I am dumb as a fucking brick. YEET. I'm proud of my boys. Fire Force- Oh god what now. Goddammit evil albino Deku. Tonight's theme is SCIENCE. I liked the old OP better. Oh, you're creepy. "Should I know him" is a question I ask with every goddamn character. At least they know their Roman mythology. Oh no don't send the idiots. Okay I like him. Oh shit he's buff and hates them, I can get behind this. Kid what's with the bandage, did you also get a beer can to the skull? Gee I wonder why he hates them. Hellooo there Lisa. I enjoy him and his aim with beer. Go fuck yourself, plague mask man. We're not like other companies, we're a cool group. Was...was he molesting that pissing squirrel doll? DEE DEE NO GET OUT OF THE LABORATORY. Oh cool it's a hologram machine. I don't think you can bring dead species back to life like that. Bring your hot girlfriend when you inevitably join. Surely plague mask man's unknown appearance won't play into anything suspicious at all. Oh what the hell now. Food Wars- I hate you all. I could be playing that KFC dating sim right now if I wanted a combo of fanservice and chicken. Thick thighs save lives. I'll admit that "Meat Master" is a title I aspire to reach. It's just chicken you weirdos. That looks like a salad in an ice cream cone and that hurts me physically. How long is y'alls damn school break that you can spend weeks on this project? I continue to hate you all. Is somebody about to beat his ass? It turns out tonight's theme is actually alchemy. Demon Slayer- I'm so proud of my son. Oh this is depressing. Awwwww Tanjiro. Look at all those dead ghost kids. Oh right, there's still a bunch of demons all over the place. My poor baby just wants to help his sister. Kid's earned a break for awhile. Morning, creepy twins. Alright everybody lined up to get numbers carved into your hand. REVELRY IN THE DARK. That's definitely not a crow. That kid just wants his sword already. Oh this is probably a bad idea, kid. Break his arm, son. Smell out the best ore. Aww, crow gets a little scarf. Just let my boy take a nap. You're home. SHE'S AWAKE! AWWWWWWWWW. Group hug! Aaand I'm crying. That's good if she doesn't have to eat people. Hey, free sword! Neat. Aww look at burrito Nezuko. That mask is freaky. It's like a mood ring. Oh, that is mayben ot a good thing. Sorry, maybe you'll get a cool red sword next time. Hey Tokoyami. He talks! I got a bad feeling about this. Clover- Hey there Captain Sexy. Kick his ass, Yami. Of course Yami doesn't get to fight, because I'm not allowed to have nice things. Maybe he can be the next Wizard Hokage. I do like watching this woman hate things and hurt people. ORA ORA ORA ORA. At least if you die you don't have to be in Black Clover anymore. Oh right, Asta's still here. Yes please set him on fire. Shut the fuck up and let her kill him. Oh yeah let's all just hold hands and sing songs together, that'll work out just great. This is why you don't knock up humans. You suck, wizard king. Flashback to racism. I can also be persuaded to do things with free food. There he goes, the luckiest character in this entire cursed series. Somebody stab him in the dick while he's doing this weird glowing shit. This is a trick and you're about to be sacrificed to whatever wacky plan he's got going on. WOW WHAT A SHOCK. Oh what the fuck now. Jojo- Bruno's so cool. I'm loving the random Italian bits they're throwing into the dialogue. Sorry Giorno you gotta take off your fancy ladybug pins. Uh what. Holy FUCK he's fat. He's fifteen don't let him drink. I like that there's just a random teddy bear in his contraband hole with the guns and grenade. Uh hey buddy that's your fingers. Giorno no that's stealing. Gaaaah don't show me that ear thing again. That's a cool lighter, thanks. Quick, turn it into a firefly or something! Giorno honey burning the shit out of your hand is probably not the best plan. I'm surprised they let him kep that flower. You know who wasn't fat as hell and also had flames as part of his stand? Giorno what the hell with the bread holder. Oh hey Koichi. Gee maybe you shouldn't have stolen his stuff in the first place. Snake lamp. And then his passport was on fire. GODDAMMIT OLD MAN. Whelp that's it, show's over. Yeah sure this'll work out well for you. Uh hey there, creepy wandering stand. Oh that old man is fucked. OH SHIT IT'S THE ARROW. This ED is so out of place. Lupin- I don't watch TED talks but I'm assuming this is how they go with the awkward comedy. This is just googling him. HI FUJIKO. This is why I don't go on Facebook anymore. Aw shit that's just gonna make crime harder for them. Draaaaamaaaa. NOT AGAIN. Whelp, time to move to Amish country. Jigen's too old for this shit. This is gonna get annoying. Goddammit get out of our house. Oh hey, it's those guys. Just call Ami and have her hack it. Goemon x Training OTP. Oh hey Ami. Random Hitler. Awww, she's happy. Not even your old gay couple disguises are safe anymore! Oh, time for an angry mob I guess. Oh hey, that guy. I hope they bonded over both of them shooting Lupin in the gut. Meanwhile, Goemon in the woods. Aww, she's cute! This is a trap. Henchman, that's just rude. Hey there Zeni. FUJIKO NO. FUJITITS YES. Tits out is a great start to an escape plan, let's see where this goes.
  3. Yes. Slutty Pillow Boyfriend and I are very comfortable here.
  4. I mean, Hero Academia is back so it's definitely the horny option.
  5. Nobody talks about the fact that Mineta is exactly the right height to have gotten slapped in the face with a swinging dick during that fight but that would actually be some perfect karma for him.
  6. OPM- "I AM HERE." Somebody should have thrown this child off a bridge. Oh no don't kill King. Okay you can go ahead and kill these guys. Awww his sister. Just let the monsters eat him. Saitama with that hair is goddamn wrong. Oh no, he kinda is that stupid. I love Mumen Rider. WOLFMAN. Well, you're screwed. Thank god he's stupid too. Wow what a shock it's the douche. Goddammit Deku, again. Oh he's attractive and I'm kinda disappointed in myself. Poor Saitama is too strong. Now beat these rich fuckers with your bat. Me thinks we mayhaps might have chanced the centipede. Okay that one is just a damn Pokemon. Mumen Rider is best hero. I love that dog guy. Go home, child. Somebody might wanna step in and help Bat Man. Damn he's cool. That was awesome. Just leave the rich folks for dead. Thanks...Pineapple Man? TOO MUCH CENTIPEDE. I still vote you let the monsters kill the rich. Good luck with that. There he goes. Not now, gotta fight a bug. Hello new guy. Dr Stone- FUCK YEAH, GLASS. Leave my melon girl alone. Awwww she's adorable....oh. Me too kid, I can't see for shit. Make her some glasses! Awww I love my melon child. I miss Screaming Boy. Senku x science is my OTP. Melon eyes! AWWWWWWWWW MY BABY CAN SEE. Meanwhile, Kohaku destroys them all. Make everyone some glasses. You're nerds, it is surprising you look cool. Yes, now you can exploit your child labor even more! Honey don't get your face too close to that. Senku's glass suit is unreasonably funny to me. Ya blew it. And then he kidnapped an old man. Kinkshamed by grandpa. Aww tiny Kohaku. Good plan, infuriate him with your failure until he helps. This is how I feel whenever my sister helps with Thanksgiving. Grandpa for MVP. Now can you make her some goddamn medicine? Every time I see tiny Senku it warms my heart. MECHA SENKU. I love these idiots. Senku has never been this horny in his life. FINALLY. Just let this boy have a fancy spear. To be fair, that will make them cool. He's right, he's my favorite. ADVENTURE! Oh christ is he gonna use him as a guinea pig for drugs? Fire Force- Quit being a little bitch and grow a set. Oh hey, he can actually do something. Okay I'll admit "BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER" is absolutely a great plan. Welcome to Fight Club. Well at least he looks cool. Oh come on how did Maki drop from one punch, she's built like a tank. Goddamn PTSD ruining everything. Legs aren't supposed to have their own rib cages. I also get violently angry over candy. Okay this is actually a pretty cool fight. I'm amazed that guy hasn't died yet but I don't think he's making it through the week. Kick the arrow out of the sky. Yes show, we remember that she just said that. Try shooting him in the dick. Oh, that works too. Somebody might wanna catch him. Now kiss. Alright now I just feel cheated that this guy hasn't died yet. I hate these children. I too get weirdly friendly when I drink. Food Wars- I miss hot dad. "I feel like your food raped me" is not a compliment. Where'd he get all these ingredients, you've been closed for years. Everything closed when your hot dad left. Unpopular opinion, fried chicken sucks. The hell are you talking about, depression is the perfect time to gourge yourself. I can agree on that, customers are dicks. Because what this show needed was a second Megumi. And then tits. Quit dressing like a hooker you're like sixteen. "Resident meat expert" is a fantastic title, I have no complaints. "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LOOK AT HER TITS." The harem bullshit continues to not be funny. I want them to fail just out of spite. What, you're too ashamed to publicly gobble some cock? Calm down it's just chicken. Always remember to slap your meat. What's unique to the area, plague rats? I genuinely don't know if we're supposed to recognize this shadowy glasses guy or not. Put drugs in it, kids love drugs. Oh god I don't care. Demon Slayer- I'm proud of you. Thanks, creepy mask guy! Good you were due for a haircut. So try not to feed your sister anything stronger than some squirrels. Aw sweet he gets his own mask. A G-G-G-G-GHOST?! That one kid looks angry. Those twins are creeping me out. Oh dang, good luck kiddo. Aw crap you're surrounded. Remember your hamon training! He did it and I'm so proud of him. Aim for the neck like a titan. Oh, did that other kid shit himself. That ain't right. Poor ghost kids. Well that's horrifying. You did it! AW SHIT, RUN. Ohhhh that's not a good thing. You'd think he could just stop carving goddamn fox masks. Well, that could have gone better. I'm sorry, ghost kids. You can do it! Look at my son, slaying demons like a champ! Black Clover- Dio wants his time powers back. No, your boss being a goddamn idiot is responsible for the breakdown in communication. Kid you're like twelve what are you doing barking out orders. Yami actually giving a shit for once in his life. This is going way too well for time man, he's about to get stabbed in a surprise attack. Bad idea, just kill him. That's not even a book, that doesn't count. If your plan involves taking a sledge hammer to the natural laws of the universe maybe you should rethink things. Oh what the hell is this. Turn the brightness down it's hurting my eyes. Am...am I lucky enough to watch everyone die here? At least if you die, you don't have to be in Black Clover any more. Tonight's theme is "Kill the Rich" and I'm kinda here for it. Oh hey it's Hisoka's dad. Show I lost interest in this backstory after two minutes. Yoshikage Kira intensifies. Are you feeling a sudden fetish for hands? WOW WHAT A SHOCK THAT WAS TOTALLY UNEXPECTED. Fuck 'im up, Yami. Jojo- DAMN THIS OP SLAPS. Dio was a slut, we get it. Fuck you lady I'm his mom now. This is terrible I'm adopting this child. Poor baby. Tiny Giorno is a good boy. Thanks, friendly gangster! This mobster is the best dad he's ever had. Oh no gangster dad. Drugs are bad, kids. Meanwhile, Bruno getting to first base with an unwilling freshman. Turn the chairs into angry cats or something! Giorno honey zip your face back up. That did not go as planned. The hell just happened. MY FACE. He's definitely got the posing down. Stand fights must look super fucked up to normal people. Bruno's stand looks cool. Yes Bruno stop exposing yourself to the teenager. Bye! He's just wearing somebody like a leather jacket here. MY TOOTH. Oh, his power is like Josuke's. And then Giorno died. Not sure if he's wearing a fancy bra or has a fancy tattoo. MY ARM. Did you just yeet your own arm at him. Giorno's a good kid. Reminder, drugs are bad. We're gonna take down the mafia. This ED is fucking beautiful. Lupin- Who steals the damn door handle? WHAT. Cool statue. Well, that could have gone better. You broke Lupin. Watch out for your hang glider. I'm real confused with what's going on here. Is this just someone wearing a Zeni mask under their main mask? Thanks Goemon. You'd think he'd have more retirement savings after all these years chasing them around. No not my cool statue! And then the boys put the hurt on them. Did you finally break Pops? WHAT. Alright you gotta help fix him. No he's not okay you hit him with a damn car. He's surprisingly good at this. Awww Lupin cares. Those handcuffs are either a clue or a fetish. That is one fancy coat. There's two jewels you can just share. Oh my god. It's all good, we're back to normal. Hero- OH BOY IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN.
  7. Hi quick question what in the absolute fuck is your signature. Also throwing in my hat into the "can it with the weekly individual pinned episode threads for every show" camp.
  8. You mean Christmas Day 1
  9. Calling somebody a jackass is just a liiiiittle different from screaming death threats at anybody who doesn't like your favorite show. The resident pessimistic douchebag doing what he always does ain't exactly an event that's rustling my jimmies.
  10. I sleep with an Ace body pillow and you're surprised I stan One Piece?
  11. "Movie I don't like makes less money than the #10 anime box office in US history and I'm a smug jackass about it for some reason."
  12. He has zero indoor voice but makes up for it by being so goddamn likable. This is a good character niche to fall into.
  13. That...that's not a spoiler. You're literally rewatching season 3. She doesn't show off her quirk before the end of the season. Which already aired on the block. Two months ago. Slutty Vault Boy is also everyone's favorite Screaming Good Boy in Dr Stone.
  14. Friendly reminder that every wall is a glory hole when you can just phase through it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. OPM- Hi Grandpa! King has the best priorities. Don't worry Saitama I still think you're cool. Oh you're about to die. NO NOT BIKE MAN. Please don't kill Bike Man. I don't like your odds here, Tank Top Squad. Hi, new grandpa. Mumen Rider is the best. ORA ORA ORA ORA. Mumen Rider noooo. Tank Top Squad broke. Call Saitama now. Ohhh that's a lot of bodies. Well these redshirts are going to die. Aww he brought him bananas. I love Saitama. Awww he's sharing the bananas. I'm surprised Tank Top Seitz survived. I want that hoodie. Run away, child! Goddammit, One Punch Deku. Bananas. Staaaaaaaaring. Yeah but that's a lot of money. MY BEER. Eat shit, Garo. IT'S HIGH NOON. And then there was Polnareff. Good job you gave him one of those slutty boob sweaters. Good thing nobody knows shit about my boyfriend. Evening, bitches. I'm kinda into this. Poor Saitama. I love him. Oh my god honey no. Genos is a good friend. Dr Stone- Tiny Senku! You're gonna make me cry over a lightbulb again. Don't trust this guy. I love my melon girl. You should probably just kill him and throw his body off a cliff so it looks like he fell. I hate both of you. Kars is terrible but I can agree with screwing over the baby boomers. Thanks, angry punchy man. Wow that was fast. Well that's convenient. Suika for MVP. Now THERE'S a shocker. Hey don't be rude. I'm uncomfortable with this. Oh I don't like this. They're sisters you creep, go to timeout. Ya gotta win the fight, Senku. I'd marry her. That one's just here for the titties. Marry my sister please. Senku is fucking brutal. Awww. Make some steroids, Senku. Y'all gotta kick that guy out. You should have killed him when you had the chance. He reminds me of Rohan and therefor I want him to suffer. I already don't like these people. Just fuck already. I can also be bribed with soda. My dude weren't you supposed to be curing he sick girl? Fire Force- Yeah this guy's definitely getting turned into a fire monster later. "Fuck the government" is always a valid choice. This is nice and all but it's all gonna go to hell before the commercial break. And then everyone killed each other. Children are terrible. Thank you, Arthur. Oh, it wasn't a child at all. I'm not cool with this. No shit it's a shape shifter. And then everyone exploded. Maki is my girlfriend. Yeah this'll end well for you dumbasses. I think Zoro's got a better sense of direction. And then he exploded. Tamaki seems like the shittiest nun. Time until Tamaki's tits pop out and destroy the entire mood? You'd probably be harder to spot if you weren't wearing bright white robes in the middle of the night. You're both stupid and you deserve to get beaten by the villains. Oh that's gross. Food Wars- Hot dad makes this show bearable. Show some respect, put on some goddamn clothes. GET YOUR NAKED BALLS OUT OF THE KITCHEN. Megumi continues to be a pathetic waste of space. And you lost every time. Punch him harder BECAUSE he's your son. It looks like a baby threw up on a plate and you tossed some bacon on it. I could go for some bacon right now. Okay I got a chuckle out of the Snow White bit. Enough of this, show me hot dad. We all want the dilf to put something in our mouth. I'd eat it. Put your sauce in my mouth, I mean what. I will eat my own arm before I give up meat. Eat shit, Soma. Hey Soma I'm gonna fuck your dad. Megumi continues to be awful. No don't leave me, you're the only bright spot in this show. Just an attractive hobo wandering down the street. Demon Slayer- Oh this sounds cool. Yeah, humanity kinda sucks. So what is she eating while all this is going on? SWORD. There's a boner joke in here somewhere. For the love of god don't break your sword. I love my boy. Hamon time! I'd rather have Lisa Lisa as a teacher. And then he died. God I wish I could sleep for a couple months. Dang that was a quick year. Good luck, kiddo! Well hey at least your sword didn't break. I feel like there's an obvious trick here that we're all missing. Hey, new friend! I'm also slow, weak, and immature but I've got these great boobs to mmake up for it. Oh honey he's gonna break your legs. Leave my boy alone he's trying his best. Don't worry honey you'll get it eventually. Aww she's cute. You made a new friend! Oh, that's a creepy thing to tell us. I'm just gonna assume this is all medically accurate. Were you not allowed to cut your hair this whole time? And then you killed him. Awww, you're friends now. YOU DID IT!!!! I'm so proud of my son. Clover- I just like watching her hate everything and set people on fire. Meanwhile, people I hate. Why is sister fucker allowed to live. How do you idiots not realize they took the one valuable magic gem that was just left out in the open. Hey there Captain Sexy. Just give him booze. So we're just not gonna mention that the little douchebag was obviousy working for the enemy? Yes, definitely trust Dimestore Griffith. God forbid the Wizard King actually lift a finger to do something. This is a trap and he's going to stab you. GUYS I THINK DIMESTORE GRIFFITH MIGHT BE EVIL. Did anybody actually believe he was a good guy because his face was fucked up? This is stupid. Bitches will ruin your life, I'll agree. You just put the stones in a gauntlet and start snapping. Just let Yami come kill him. This sounds like bullshit but okay. Eat shit, Griffith. Jojo- We get it dude, you like Prince. She's fine she landed right in your boob window. The butterflies are a stand. Aww, you're a good dude. I'm sure this man wandering around with a giant goddamn shovel is a trustworthy guy. Jesus christ calm down. Hi Koichi! What the fuck. Fucking Rohan. Koichi you're three feet tall, you don't get to say anyone else looks too young. He's definitely about to try something funny. GODDAMMIT GIORNO. Hi Reverb! Hmmmm. What the fuck is that. And Koichi knows a thing or two about weird stand eggs. Froppy! Okay after that you kinda deserve to get your ass beat with a shovel. That's gross. Giorno continues the proud Jojo tradition of teenagers looking 25 years old. Give him your magic frog. Aaaand picture of Dio. Leave that frog alone. MY TITS. Jotaro what the hell. Bitches. Kick his ass, Koichi! Giorno you asshole. Just a random tree, nothing suspicious at all here. Well that could have gone better. No shit he's a stand user. Jotaro likes fish. Is he another one of Joseph's bastard children? LOOK THERE, IT'S A PICTURE OF AVDOL. I still miss Avdol. GODDAMN DIO STRIKES AGAIN. That's a nice suit, zipper man. He must be a stand user, normal people don't dress like that. I don't like where this is going. Oh that's nasty. Sir what in the goddamn fuck? Move along, random bystanders. Hey Bruno what the fuck is this? I like how he says Giorno's name. He can fit almost anything inside your mouth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Lupin- Just two bros playing chess inthe middle of the Grand Canyon. You're about to get shot again. Oh hey, he's not the one who got shot this time. The fuck kind of chess are you people playing?! This is definitely not a trap. I can't stop staring at that reporter's boobs. Ooh I smell a depressing backstory between him and the sniper. IT'S A TRAP. It's a mannequin. IT'S A LADY. They used to bang didn't they. And here we go with the depressing backstory. Lupin's asking the right questions here. Oh now I gotta see what she looks like. And then Jigen exploded. Not these goddamn drones again. Oh dang she is pretty. Yeah this is gonna hurt when he has to kill her. MY GUN. Ahahahaha eat shit, old man. MY LEG. Loot his corpse before you leave. Jigen doesn't fuck around. Oh shit she's her daughter. I don't know what kind of timeline we're working with, is that his kid? We're just gonna call this a happy ending. Hero- Reminder that every wall is an instant glory hole when you can just phase through it.
  16. Does all that nonstop cynicism about every single decision on the block ever just get exhausting?
  17. It's the best early Christmas present of all.
  18. Thank god, the voice he should have had the whole time.
  19. FUNi just tell me who's replacing McNuggets as that one character and you can have my money.
  20. And nothing of value was lost. OPM- Call in All Might. Calm down, Captan Nose Hair. I like him he's sassy. We get it you're a monster fucker. RIP arm. RIP all of that guy. Saitama's so great. Believe me y'all got fanclubs. Punch him in the balls again. Oh that's just rude, never override someone's save. I love him. Lady, Saitama's not aware of shit. Oh yeah this'll end well. I volunteer to join her. This man could not give less of a shit if he had a running start at it. He's so cool. Oh hey Sonic. Oh hey Genos. Rank don't mean shit, lady. Someone just punch him in the dick already. ORA ORA ORA ORA. My weave! Calm down there Genos. He looks better without the ponytail. And then Sonic died. Wait she's OLDER? Oh it's that guy. Hahahaha King. Lesson one is that everyone loves Saitama. Poor Saitama. Sorry to break it to you but they're all going to die. Dr Stone- I don't trust that guy. Bitches love food, Senku. Never gonna live down that gold spear, are ya. I love you, melon child. Calm down Senku. WHAT. Stab first, ask questions later. I DON'T TRUST THIS GUY. I hate him already. SCREAMING. Tell me how they're doing I love them. Yes kill him. Kill him before he squeals. IRON. What the hell do you want in return. Okay but you're ugly. CHILD NO. Just let Kohaku kill him. Oh hey, lightning. Fucking magnets, how do they work? My bridge! Don't you fucking talk to my melon child. Stab him. A WITCH, BURN HIM. I hope that NASA guy's still alive and gets to see himself in an anime. Just give that boy a fancy spear already. MY SPEAR. That was a real close call, girl. FUCK YEAH, MAGNETS. Gloat. No honey that's how magnets work. FUCK YEAH, MAGNETS. Dude what happened to your face. Oh my god science boy. Call the spear boys. Shhhh, just let them dream. There they go. Oh hell yeah. LIGHTBULBS! Why is this making me feel like I'm about to cry. Fire Force- This seems excessive for one flame monster. Don't let Tamaki do anything. NAIL GUN. Maki is my girlfriend. I fucking hate this show. Oh this guy is getting turned into a fire monster in 20 minutes. Death flags, death flags everywhere. Maybe wanna keep the burning alive problem in mind, kiddo. It's like the series lets us have a few bright spots to remind us that it could be decent if it wanted and then smothers us with the horse shit fanservice. I hate you, lady. Don't touch his workout stuff. Oh that won't end well. Never eat his food. Alright so what happened with the delusions. Use Tamaki as a human shield. Yeah, kick his ass to prove you don't want to fight! Oh great they can shape shift. GUN. No not my girlfriend! I do enjoy seeing Tamaki get kicked into a beam. Hey Captain Sexy. DRILL. Some people just have a fetish involving fire users and don't you fucking kinkshame me them for it. How many grenades ya got in there. He's just that fucking strong. Dude the show doesn't even try to make sense, why should the characters. You're about to kill your friend. Throw him in the river. Fucking aftershaves. That there's a demon. Sometimes you just have to yeet a man into a river and that's an important lesson to learn. Food Wars- I hope this is a trap and the real final test is a fight to the death. Put as many names in the OP that you want I still don't care enough to remember them. Just luck your goddamn door, kid. Megumi is still a pathetic waste of space and should have failed. I hate everyone. I also don't get why those chefs are trying to recruit her. Everyone line up to suck Soma's dick. Why can't we follow the adventures of his hot dad instead. Did...did he just now figure out his dad is the world-famous chef? It's just a hand towel you can get another one for 99 cents. Oh christ I don't care. Everyone else line up to suck Soma's dick. You stupid bastard I hope you get expelled. Erina may be the fucking worst but I can agree with her irrational hatred of him. We've all got a crush on Soma's hot dad. FINALLY, HOT DAD. Why is that guy still naked. He's here to make the show watchable. Do y'all just never talk to each other or what. This just goes to show that children will ruin your career and dreams. I'm gonna fuck your dad, Soma. Even the foodgasms are more tolerable when hot dad's doing it. No, he's absolutely not going to grow into hot dad mode. Hot dad would be such a better protagonist in every way. HEY SOMA I'M GONNA FUCK YOUR DAD. Demon Slayer- I love my son. Aww she burrowed herself a little hole in her cave. "Is My Demon Kid Sister Turning Into A Mole Now?" definitely sounds like a shitty light novel title. SISTER BASKET. This is adorable. Don't check it out she's going to eat someone. Aw shit it's a demon. Take her muzzle off. FUCK YEAH. Oh my god I love her. It's a demon, why are you surprised? Great now there's two demons. Lot of headbutting action this week. Is this boy just gonna fall off a cliff every week. I don't know what you did but good job you killed him. Let your sister eat the corpse. Hi, creepy mask guy! You could try headbutting him to death. Oh right, the sun kills them. WAIT IT'S THE SUN, GET THE SISTER BASKET. Don't insult my kids like this. Alright so innocent people are off the table but what about douchebags? I love my children. Thank god he's got a sense of smell like a bloodhound. SHIT. Oh my god just watch out for the ropes. Look at him go. I feel like the twist is gonna be that he's got such a great sense of smell because they have a demon ancestor or something. Let my boy rest. YAY. Clover- Again I hope that everyone kills each other. Noelle continues to be fucking terrible. Mimosa is almost a good character when shes far away from Asta. WHY ARE THERE TWO ASTAS. Cut this shit out right now before I kill myself. Ask them about nuns and see which one gets a boner. Thank you, fire lady. Aww fuck he didn't die. Destroy him, ma'am. How dare you copy his power but not his muscles. Am...am I actually liking a character in this show?Goddamn healing magic. No let him run in and die. It's almost offensive when one of the few worthwhile characters fight and the show reminds us that it could be decent if it actually wanted to. After what feels like 400 episodes of bullshit, there's finally a character that's girlfriend material. Oh come on how the fuck can he copy Asta's magic he doesn't even HAVE magic! What the hell are you talking about. i would also punch anyone in this series without hesitation. This is the power of hating literally everyone around you with a burning passion and it is unstoppable. Why did she even need the rest of these people? Tell Tale Heart is a great story. Angry Fire Woman immediately shoots up to Least Terrible Character. Lupin- I wonder how many times Jigen's accidentally shot the others during a nap. Please be a Fuji episode. How do y'all not have a plunger. Well time to shit in a bucket. I like that their disguise is an old gay couple. I like your ribbon. Goemon doesn't like pizza. Oh my god you room full of babies. HIIII FUJIKO. God I'm gay. Please rob me blind, Fujiko. Okay she's hiding something in the toilet what the hell is it. So subtle. GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME. I'm also thirsty here. Don't make Jigen watch you fuck. This is better than Food Wars. It's for a dildo! I can't stop staring at her tits. Hi Zenigata! What. Aww Pops. Uh Fujiko where'd you get that gun? Maybe she just has diabetes. And then we learned Lupin has a piss fetish. OH MY GOD ZENI LEAVE. Oh god whose toothbrush is that. No you idiot just open the box! ARE YOU KIDDING ME.
  21. Y'all realize that even the strongest, heavily trained stunt performer on the planet could still bust their knee tripping over a cat on the stairs, right? It's not a sign that someone's a pussy or something, you weirdos. It's kinda really cringey how a bunch of grown ass adults are sitting around giggling that a dude got a major injury because you think he might not play a character good enough for your standards.
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