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Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Well, that sure was a series we watched. Blade Runner- Will this show actually make me feel anything this time or nah? I hope this nerd dies. Just beat his ass already. This guy has definitely microwaved a melon and fucked it in the past, probably more than once. This sure is a fight that's happening. Okay I guess we're just not going to bother taking Joseph to a doctor and are just gonna let him slowly die of his injuries, cool. When did the nerd get out of the fightin' room? It's fine, she didn't need that hand. Now now, perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. He's going to stab you through the gut and kill you for failing to kill her. Wow what a shock. Oh this is some bullshit. Well he didn't see that coming. You could have just killed him but just blinding him so he can continue his horse shit is fine, I guess. Was there a reason he had to blow himself up for this plan to work or did he just not want to bother with a hospital? Oh hey, the one decent cop's alive. Oh good, the nerd's evil plans are still full steam ahead. I wonder if I would have gotten anything out of this show if I knew anything about the Blade Runner franchise. Shenmue- I also know nothing about this franchise except everyone hated the third game and there's something about a forklift, I think? That sure is a vague and cryptic prophecy. This looks like a good boy. For a second there I thought those fish were wearing hats. Showing me adorable baby animals is a great way to win me over. Oh yeah I'm really scared of these nerds. I think you broke his sternum. Let those boys have some booze, they earned it. I choose to believe the dancing hot dog guy is a main character in the games. Oh yeah I'm real scared of these dudes crying over ice cream. Aww she likes him. I got a bad feel about this, Scooby. Whelp, your dad's dead. I like this guy's outfit. You're a douche, fancy guy. RIP punch dad. Who's this ugly bastard? Just look for a fancily-dressed punchy guy and you'll find him. Ryo needs a hug. Girl, you hug him. Oh she wants your hot dog alright. Look gang, a clue! Thanks, random dude. Don't go in there you idiot! Oh good, the ugly fucker's here. Grab his dick and twist it! Now this is a good boy I can root for. We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, wonder who it's from? Ass Class- Oh no they forgot her birthday. Y'all fuckin yet? Aww they're doing a birthday thing for her. Don't worry, you can find a decent dildo at any price range...wait not that kind of grown up gift. Flowers work too. I love Bitch Sensei. You dumb bastard just screw her already. Now kiss. GODDAMMIT KARASUMA. Boooooooooooo. Ah hell she got kidnapped. Bye Koro-sensei. The hell are you doing here, flower guy? Aw fuck he's the villain. How dare you hurt my waifu. I always vote for letting Karma kill terrible people. Maybe wanna tell your remaining teacher about this? Ah shit of course you're locked in. Pocket sand! Good job, kids. Meanwhile, squid shenanigans. He hacked your vocaloid. That's not normal. Oh sweet, crazymode Nagisa's here. It's okay kiddo the important thing is you tried. You okay there, sensei? Well, shit. Good news, dad's here. That fucking costume. Abyss- I love my kids. Oh sweet, his arms are a security system. I hope y'all brought a map with you. This place is goddamn beautiful; ominous as shit, but beautiful. Fish time! That looks really good. Is that a log pose? Nooo the compass! Oh nice did he steal the letters-no it was the other guy. Oh shit he's coming, y'all better run. Ohhhh jesus christ I don't like that. Ewww spider goop. What's the reverse of altitude sickness because that's what she has. You okay there Reg? You okay tehre Riko? Shit you're caught. Cheese it! Oh hi Hagrid. Look at my cool robot son. Don't do that. Great you've seen his dong now let them go. Sweet, free vaccine! Sweet, free mustard buns! Ozen sounds cool let's meet her. Awww, hugging. Bye Hagrid. Awwwww tiny Riko. Welcome to level 2, kiddos. Now you just have to worry about everything else trying to kill you down there. One Piece- Joke's on you he looks like the same nerd as always. Thank you, groupies. YOHOHOHOHOHO. Meanwhile, the dick-measuring contest continues. I love these bastards. Did the fakes not think the navy would come over when they started spamming the name? Why do we let Caribou exist. I love Luffy he's so fucking stupid. Ewww he's mud. Oh good the terminators are here. And then everyone died. I'm going to enjoy watching him get wrecked. Thank god somebody finally noticed he's fake. How is Fat Soi Fon the smartest one here. "You almost blew up my lunches, what did food ever do to you?" Luffy got good over the timeskip. He broke the terminator. ONE PUUUUNCH. Yay the boys are together again. Everybody got good. Bye sexy grandpa. HI HANCOCK. I know I've already made the joke about wanting to be part of Rayleigh and Shakky's marriage but i am 100% serious on that. Don't let Zoro lead the way! Oh hey, ghost girl! Those two are friends now. Sanji no that's creepy. Chopper made a big bird friend. I love Brook so much. Goddammit Brook. Awwww yay the gang's all here. And then Sanji died. Uh guys remember you're being attacked. I LOVE MY WIFE. Oh no Sanji's going to die. Oh he's hard alright. If Luffy won't marry you I sure as hell will. Meanwhile, what the fuck? Aww, Usopp has a friend. Nami has wizard friends. I don't understand that at all but go for it. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKERS. Alright the army of drag queens helping Sanji absolutely did not age well. You're wasting time, just go! -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Eh, we'll get it when we get it. Blade Runner- I hate this albino robot girl already. Why'd they give her this accent? Don't get in the way here, only decent cop in town. Don't trust the chief you idiot! Wow, what a shock. This would be way more impactful if any character in this show had managed to make any sort of impression beyond just vaguely existing. I take it back, I feel disgust towards this weird incel nerd and I want to fight him. Are these two gonna fuck or what. Oh good, he's hallucinating his old dead robot girlfriend. Dude's just got a fetish for robots, don't kinkshame him. Sure go ahead and shoot each other, see if I care. My dude that elevator is a giant cage with dozens of gun-size holes. I'm guessing Elle's gonna run in just in time to watch him get shot and die, because this shit can be someone else's fault for a change. Speak for yourself ya douche, I'm ruled almost entirely by anger and thirst. Oh hey, he killed the douche. I feel nothing, show. Oh hey, he isn't dead yet. Ass Ckass- Eat shit, rich kids! Parkour. And then they accidentally killed a man. Ohhhh that's one angry octopus. Dude no that sounds like a punishment. You could get Bitch Sensei to seduce him into staying quiet. You're not helping, sensei! Oh no, tiny sad orphans. These were fun episodes in MHA. Little kid you're out of your league here. New plan, study home repair! What. I do not like this child. Oh no, kitty. That's where our strength comes from, and also the weird squid monster that's training us to murder him. Remember when those kids called Todoroki Five Weenie Man? Oh hey, the building doesn't look like dilapidated shit anymore. Hope it was worth it because they're all gonna fail their exams. I still don't like this child. That went just about as bad as expected. Oh hey Karma. I still vote you just let Karma knife them all. The kids are here for your kebabs. Oooh do I see some tragic backstory on the horizon? Abyss- Surely this will go well. Oh, just going to the bottom of the abyss, no big deal. Well all of that looks horrifying. A hollow, you say? I love my robot son. Nice, you found a stress ball. It's fine, just a creepy praying skeleton. The birthday what now? Oh that's ominous. I think Nat has some issues. What you are is a good boy and that's all you need to know. Oh shit we're leaving early. Reg is best boy. It's fine, just use the Inspector Gadget arms the whole way down it'll work out. Ohhhhhh this seems ominous as FUCK. It's actually way more terrifying if her mom's not the one who wrote that. Great now look what you've done, Precious Moments is crying. Kids just make up and get in that last hug because you're about to go spelunking down the massive Death Hole of No Return. Aw shit the little one's got that deadly birthday disease. Shit, you're caught! Yeah, violent shitting sounds about right. Aww, I'm glad they made up. Into the hole, children! Whatcha got there, Reg? I'm already crying! That random guy just screaming "SHUT UP" at them cracked me up. There they go. One Piece- Robin and Franky are married and you'll never convince me otherwise. I'm happy for Brook. I love it when Ian gets to sing. Meanwhile, fake crew got wrecked. Chopper honey no. Fake Robin is gone and nothing of value was lost. HOW DARE YOU HIT MY REINDEER. He's not a pet! Aw shit it's Fat Soi Fon and the terminators. Meanwhile, douchebags. God I love Nami. I love these idiots. I could also go for some of that. Goddammit Sanji. Zoro no! Chopper is doing his best. Oh thank god the real ones found him. Awwwwwwwwww. Oh my god Chopper honey. Mustache Luffy. Goddammit Luffy not you too! How did Zoro even find his way there? Boys just whip your dicks out already and grab the measuring tape. I immediately hate Caribou and want him to die. PLAY FREEBIRD. Brook you're making your staff uncomfortable. I fucking hate this guy and his stupid extra long sleeves. Whelp, so much for that guy. I can't wait to see Fake Luffy get his face punched in. Goddammit actual Luffy, put those braincells to work! Please tell me we get a whole Brook song. Huh, I always kinda wondered if Brook's old bounty was still open. The manager betrayed us? Oh yeah shoot the skeleton, that'll work great. Heeee look at them fanboy Franky. Calm down Chopper. Sweet, he's got mini hands. I'm unreasonably amused by the instant hair change. This is cute. If Rayleigh and Shakki are looking for a young sister-wife I'm available any time. Fuck off losers, we're here for a concert. FUCK YEAH, BROOK SONG. Ian sounds like he's having so much fun. The skeleton is Dandy, baby. -
The hell did y'all revive this thread for?
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
YO HO HO HE TOOK A BITE OF GUM GUM Blade Runner- Envision these nuts, nerd. This man just looks like he's dying to explain NFTs to me and I want to fight him. I'd like to rewrite my memories of watching Black Clover, if that option's available. My stream kept freezing for half the episode but I honestly don't think I missed much. So are these two gonna fuck by the end of this? Wait, this is a future where phone booths still exist? That man makes me viscerally uncomfortable for reasons I can't describe. Oh hey, the one shitty cop in town. Is she even allowed to arrest her or is she still suspended? Meanwhile, the new sexbot is here to kill you. Whelp, he's dead. What a surprise, they didn't kill off the main character with 2-3 episodes left in the show. I feel like I'd be enjoying this more if the show had been able to give me any emotional connection at all for Elle anything else here. Ass Class- I don't like those women. Haa, all the girls like him. Forbidden love! NOT Prince Charming! That does look like good French toast. Goddammit it's the rich kids. Ahahahaha you dumb rich bastard. That middle-aged kid is never right. BEAT THEIR SHIT, KIDS. I love this squid so much. Oh you fucking assholes. Of course the foreign students are Americans. It's okay kids try your best. EAT SHIT, AMERICANS. Just let Karma stab them all. Grab his dick and twist it! New plan, chaos. Fuck you, rich boy! So what if he knows martial arts, the entire damn class knows martial arts! Physics, bitch! Correction, not physics, bitch! New boy to the rescue. YEET. FUCK YEAH! You were owned, as the kids say. Shut up, Kevin! I love my kids. Meanwhile, those dudes got clapped. Oh my god you pretentious sack of shit. Fuck yeah, leftovers! Abyss- I love this child so much. Oh, so it's like reverse scuba diving. Well, that's horrifying. Riko no. Penis. Oh no we gotta hide our little robot buddy. Please don't dissect my robot son. He's in! Aww that's cute. Hi, pretty lady. ARMS. Oh, so the colored whistles mean different things. Hagrid's returned. "Lyza the Annihilator" is a badass name. Oh shit is her mom dead? Hell yeah, puppet show! The nose on that guy. Sorry about your mom, kiddo. Please hug this child. Dude her mom just died, give her a break. Your mom sounds cool as hell. My eyes are broke as shit. Oh dang she was born down there? Awww she gave up all of it to save Riko. Awww my kids are holding hands. Oh SHIT she found Reg down there. Booooooooo we don't get the full ED. Okay when do we get this adorable bunny friend? One Piece- Previously on One Piece, my boyfriend fucking died. Snake bow. HANCOCK IS MY WIFE. It's fine, I'll marry you instead. I have the dumbest grin watching this OP. I miss Shanks. Bubbles. Rayleigh is hot. Zoro's the first to get there. Hellooooo Nami. Info dump, go. I'm disappointed that they didn't just call in the 4kids voices to do it. I'm glad Brook became a huge star over the timeskip. FUCK YEAH, BROOK SONG. Sanji, getting a boner. He spent two years on an island full of drag queens and this is the point where I have to point out things were much different 10+ years ago. They voice actors are all doing each other's voices. I wonder if she's insulted by her fake version. Usopp! Boobs. Usopp's having a great day. I miss Sniper King. LIGHTNING, BITCH. There goes that entire bar. Hi, Robin's boobs! Franky what the hell did you do to yourself. Chopper looking even more adorable. I do not like Fake Luffy. Meanwhile, actual Luffy. God I wish Brook got to sing more. I love Hancock so much. I'm pretty sure he ditched everything except the food. Where do I apply to join the Lesbian Snake Pirates? Hancock reacting exactly how I react to my unattainable boyfriends. Go ahead and shoot him, see what happens. This guy is loyal to Sanji because he originally looked exactly like Sanji's botched wanted poster until he kicked him so hard in the face his appearance changed. Sanji no. Oh god, fat Zoro. Robin's looking rough. Fox Chopper. I always love Chopper's walking sound effect it's so cute. Oh yeah fighting this guy in the hood is gonna go juuuust great. Seitz sounds goddamn unrecognizable as fake Sniper King. He's made of rubber! Uhh Luffy what'd you just do? You can tell this Franky is fake because he's wearing pants. Someone please go get Chopper. Fake Robin's Texas accent. I'm uncomfortable with Fake Robin. I presume those government agents are going to kill her offscreen and I'm okay with that. Sanji please control your dick. Oh great who's terrified the fish guy. Goddammit Zoro! Zoro the hell did you do to your eye? Whelp, Zoro's gone forever. Sanji's not lucky enough for Zoro to get killed offscreen. Damn dude you leveled up. Goddammit Zoro. -
Background: That guy was originally their enemy because he looked exactly like Sanji's botched wanted poster, until Sanji kicked him in the face so hard his appearance changed and he swore loyalty to them.
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From the wiki because I'm way too lazy to type it out myself: In both the original Japanese cast and the English dub, all of the impostor Straw Hats are voiced by the real Straw Hats' actors, albeit reassigned: Fake Luffy is voiced by Sanji's voice actors. Fake Zoro is voiced by Usopp's voice actors. Fake Nami is voiced by Chopper's voice actresses. Fake Sogeking is voiced by Franky's voice actors. Fake Sanji is voiced by Zoro's voice actors. Fake Chopper is voiced by Luffy's voice actresses. Fake Robin is voiced by Nami's voice actresses. Fake Franky is voiced by Brook's voice actors. As Brook has no correspondent in the fake crew, Robin's voice actresses are left out.
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Eternally disappointed that they didn't call in the 4kids voices for the fake Straw Hats.
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Toonami: One Piece, the greatest pirate anime of all time The pirate anime Toonami literally co-produced:
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It's the first episode after the timeskip.
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One Piece is BACK on Toonami this Saturday
EmpressAngel replied to 3ngag3's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Honestly for like the first year of Fairy Tail's existence I thought there was just a weird trend where people were editing Nami to have blonde hair. -
One Piece is BACK on Toonami this Saturday
EmpressAngel replied to 3ngag3's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Isn't watching two episodes of One Piece basically the same thing as watching an episode One Piece and Fairy Tail? -
One Piece is BACK on Toonami this Saturday
EmpressAngel replied to 3ngag3's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I hope Two Piece sticks around for at least a couple months. The show's got so many episodes, doubling up is probably the only feasible way to pace through it. -
It really doesn't and I straight up can't tell what you're actually complaining about with it. It's getting promoted, which hasn't really been excessive outside of the marathons? The show after it has a different tone and that confuses and infuriates you? The only significant thing about this series is its attachment to Blade Runner, but on its own merits it's a pretty bog-standard story with no real surprises and pretty unimpressive animation.
One Piece is BACK on Toonami this Saturday
EmpressAngel replied to 3ngag3's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Aww, we missed watching my boyfriend get violently fisted through the chest. -
Old women spending ridiculous amounts of money on Precious Moments merch is the boomer equivalent to my obscenely expensive Endeavor figure. At least mine has cake for days!
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
EmpressAngel replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Goddamn I forgot how much Made in Abyss's music slaps. Blade Runner- My memory is shit I'd take that robot mind. Oh hey, backstory. She's pretty. Oh no she's a robot and he's gonna kill her. You don't drink, we can't trust you. This is gonna suck for him but go ahead and fuck that robot. Oh hey, is that the one other guy? "Skinjob" is still the worst fucking word I've ever heard. Booo, he never got to fuck the robot. This episode mostly feels like an excuse for someone to write some pretty songs. If every computer I've ever had was able to shut down for mandatory updates, why can't the futuristic robots just have some kind of simple shut down timer instead of having to manually track them down and shoot them? Oh right, her boyfriend. Alright, we're looking for some cryptic weirdo who does tattoos. Oh hey, that guy. Back in the weird mind chair. Sorry honey your boyfriend's a fucking creep. Seen here, setting up his newest sexbot. Ass Class- Please don't kill my favorite teacher. That's just unfair never use a man's fetishes against him. Oh right, I forgot they're kinda brothers. I goddamn love this squid. Sorry kiddo you tried. Tentacle brother has joined the class. Oh no, he's dying now. Uhh this kid might need some help. You could probably stab him right now but could you really live with yourself? Oh, that sucks for him. What'd the phones do to you? I didn't think I'd want to hug this kid but yet here we are. You can go ahead and kill the 40-year old middle schooler. GODDAMMIT NOT AGAIN. Ohhhhh he's pissed. Oh fuck you, evil Tatum. SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKER. Eat shit, this is our boy now. Oh no my boy. Well that's depressing. Aww they're taking care of him. Just watch the version where the Count is a sexy blue space vampire. Our boy broke. Thanks for the pep talk, dumbass. I can root for this boy now. I also immediately blow my check on food when I get paid. BOMB. I like him constantly shitting on that old kid. Good job you invented Sheer Heart Attack. Oh no don't break your poor teacher's heart. I have no memory of half these kids. Boys no. "Smut, killing, making stuff" is basically my personality. WEASEL! You'lll need to implement anti-rodent countermeasures. Beat the shit out of that boy. They're right, boys are terrible. Sorry kid your parents are bastards. This girl is creepy as shit and I kinda love her. Are the teachers banging yet? Oh no these code names are awful. I can't decide which one is the funniest but Nagisa just being Gender is up there. Okay Dating Sim Emo Character is my favorite. Nobody's gonna call you that, sensei. This is clearly going too well. Oh, these douchebags. Abyss- Oh this is gonna hurt me. I've only known Riko for 20 seconds but if anything happened to hear I'd kill everyone and then myself. I don't trust this abyss shit. You're disturbing the weasels! Oh fuck that's a big creepy thing. MY BAG. Whelp your friend's dead. Please don't eat my daughter. Thanks, weird convenient laser. Oooh, pretty necklace. Oh cool, an adorable robot boy. Oh good, her friend's alive. I need to pet that giant bunny mount immediately. This kid's real chill about his friends just bringing in a robot boy. Found this show's version of Phil. The wall desks are cool. I love this child already. Don't tell him about your new robot friend! That'll fucking do it. Oh my god I love them. Of course he has amnesia. Nothing to see here, just a suspicious helmet wired up to the electrical grid. GO GO GADGET ARMS! Good job kiddo you found your dong. Cool, he's baby Spiderman. Wow, what a hole. Ohhhh that looks ominous as FUCK. -