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Everything posted by God-Says-No

  1. If youre gona "vape" :420: you cant be cheap with it, get the high end herbals and pen to do it
  2. the correct answer
  3. Well the thread could end up like trump's penis coming up short
  4. Ill barely have any tonight
  5. With 2016 being considered one of the worst years its not like 2017 was going to be this amazing golden year it will most likely suck but just 1 notch less than 2016
  6. I havent watched a new series/finished an older series even since really around 2012ish I can probably name exactly which series i finished
  7. God-Says-No


    Yea who am i snap chatting my dick to
  8. and its time is coming to an end I dont like the next era of cn right now
  9. hurry quick like a bunny
  10. looks a little fatty and undercooked
  11. thats my line to you in public
  12. wait it doesnt?
  13. The world weeps
  14. Hes making a list hes checking it twice it was only a kiss how did it end up like this
  15. Looks like youll be a busy girl tonight
  16. I dont see trump becoming president in that picture one of the worst things of 2016
  17. Are they your moms?
  18. pretty much gift cards
  19. Every now and then Id like a cig but vaping has helped me essentially quit and just not enjoy the cig taste
  20. Whats stuck in my head is you shaking that ass
  21. well thats to vague of a question there are tons of drugs to abuse and they can do multiple things
  22. Youre a fucking fat illiterate autistic fuck thats why you wont read it
  23. This post screams rape
  24. maybe 2017 mobile will be better
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