Yeah it can be a science sometimes, like, what ball will work, whether the Razz will even help, and all starters seem to be dicks and run away at similar rates. Highest CP Charmeleon I've seen got away from me which left me a bit miffed. Caught lower ones just for kicks.
Although I now have a comfortable amount of Char candy, I hope Charmander doesn't go back to being super rare around here when the event is over. It's kind of annoying to never see him when the other starters are around. Charizard is the only starter Pokemon I've still never seen around here (i.e. in the wild), my brother in law in Ohio caught like, 3 during this thing. I only saw/caught a new Venusaur during the event.
Also hatched 3 Igglybuff and one Smoochum, that's all of my Johto so far.
I'm fortunate to have a PokeStop at the end of my block, so even during a blizzard I should be able to keep my streak going, plus I'm by Kings Hwy which is a good refill area if I make time to walk.