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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. 100 years of Jackie Chan 100 years Rick and Morty
  2. I did mine last week wen dud u do Hashtag stopscopiesme
  3. Clothing is forbidden
  4. Sega Dreamcast 9 9 99 never forget Toomp didididin dibidip dididibip
  5. Eva has ketchup on its fingers in OP Silly Eva use a napkin
  6. Cuz anime is teh s uck
  7. viperxmns


    I have a theory he purposely leaves it like that to give himself an identifiable silhouette He is sort of a human cartoon
  8. There's plenty of those, just also the other ones. Personally I dun really care if another dude is in my view, but I can agree with the feeling that your brain might not let you pee if it feels like you're 'too exposed', leaving you awkwardly standing there doing nothing until you convince yourself to just pee.
  9. Eh, why not. Though other than etiquette I hate when urinals are designed in a way that seems to increase splashback, like the ones that run all the way to the floor, or if a low kids' one is the only one available I'll definitely seek a stall instead. May or may not close stall door, depending how crowded bathroom is.
  10. If it's a close urinal setup with no barriers I'd say looking ahead or upward is preferable for the most part, since looking down can awkwardly put other mans penors in your peripheral vision. Take any spot/urinal that's more isolated/non adjacent if possible.
  11. IMO Red Bull is garbage, at least coffee has some health benefits if you don't overdo it
  12. I kinda wanna get a Belgian waffle iron Oddly I make pancakes for myself a lot but never bother breaking out the waffle iron
  13. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Yeah it can be a science sometimes, like, what ball will work, whether the Razz will even help, and all starters seem to be dicks and run away at similar rates. Highest CP Charmeleon I've seen got away from me which left me a bit miffed. Caught lower ones just for kicks. Although I now have a comfortable amount of Char candy, I hope Charmander doesn't go back to being super rare around here when the event is over. It's kind of annoying to never see him when the other starters are around. Charizard is the only starter Pokemon I've still never seen around here (i.e. in the wild), my brother in law in Ohio caught like, 3 during this thing. I only saw/caught a new Venusaur during the event. Also hatched 3 Igglybuff and one Smoochum, that's all of my Johto so far. I'm fortunate to have a PokeStop at the end of my block, so even during a blizzard I should be able to keep my streak going, plus I'm by Kings Hwy which is a good refill area if I make time to walk.
  14. Stakes are high on Beerus's version of Chopped
  15. Interesting it's premiering at 8, rather than rerunning there next week
  16. They show Foster's on Boomerang Cocococo
  17. Sometimes It's been a longstanding fantasy of mine to own a full size pool table
  18. spoilers
  19. viperxmns

    Vidya Game Music

  20. Sucks to this day Mission Hill has unfinished episodes, wish those could've been funded
  21. In Soviet Russia, porn watches you
  22. I think I prefer that as a context than laughing :smileytookadump:
  23. Hi mods 8)
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