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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. Boston Sex Sox
  2. I've on occasion eaten chocolate chips by themselves
  3. A bath is more for relaxing than an actual bathing
  4. Ah, vay-kay-shun, I have heard of this concept, mostly via friends' FB posts
  5. Oh true, I forgot about iron deficiency
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mary-tyler-moore-dead-dies_us_5668663ae4b0f290e52179bd
  7. If there's no environmental factors I would attribute it to a circulation issue or a need for calories or sommat
  8. Black coffee is bae
  9. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/butch-trucks-allman-brothers-founding-member-dead-at-69-w462870
  10. A Street Fighter one https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1314175765323210&id=571611346246326
  11. I've only used Galaxys, went from S3 to S7, no complaints
  12. Just about all the way around is probably as far as this is meant to go I wonder if this sort of thing was part of that penis puppetry show, and if they called it 'the screw'
  13. And I would walk 500 miles To hatch all my Pokemon Go eggs
  14. This Oldmen, he played one, He played knick-knack on my drum With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, Gary Oldmen came rolling home
  15. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Wow, never seen any of the other regional Pokemon Hatched Togepi the other day Charmander returned to my area but I haven't seen Pikachu Also still no Lapras, nor do I know anyone who's seen and caught Lapras (vs hatching)
  16. I hardly ever get out bowling but I did sorta inherit a ball named Ethel
  17. The only rational reason I could see is if it hit her in the eye, though even then for an average person of age the shrieking would be a bit much
  18. Another tidbit I hadn't noticed until they mentioned Sam Jack on Preflight, the dude in the armor we see in the preview is not Jack at all, which leads me to believe he is possibly some new servant of Aku or something.
  19. I wonder if those who ask the question probably should, in general
  20. lol Hatred is a goof, he's got nothing on Brock
  21. I haven't been watching Zorn, too many shows on my queue as is..
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