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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Hatched Igglybuff, Pokedex opens to last numbered Pokémon
  2. Our matrix is weird enough to make Trump president but not weird enough to make Card Captor Sakura the #1 show on CBS
  3. Today was one o dem random 50+ degree days in NY, felt close to 70 with the humidity. Got one day of shorts, now back to having to bundle up
  4. Speaking of older people, Dr. Heimlich (of the maneuver) died Sat, dunno if anyone posted that
  5. Penispenispenispenis
  6. It'll also be the 'first subtitled thing on Toonami', other than bits of Black Lagoon
  7. Try to do a kamehameha, see if it works Try to do a hadouken, see if it works Try to do Shadow Clone Jutsu, see if it works Try to pop out Wolverine claws, see if it works
  8. New cast details http://uproxx.com/hitfix/disney-ducktales-reboot-epic-casting/ I'm curious to see how they're performing the characters. I guess we couldn't expect the old cast to necessarily return for the series, especially Alan Young. They came out for DuckTales Remastered which was great.
  9. I have not seen any news regarding any network pickup of YJ3. We don't know yet where it'll end up. But it would definitely take me by surprise if Cartoon Network itself wanted it, as opposed to Toonami.
  10. More often it's 'goddam this is a long poop'
  11. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Yeah I've never spent money either, usually just going one egg at a time Pika is finally hangin' around here, spawns def have been increased for event
  12. Zexy Prophet
  13. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Yeah saw a thing about that,; Igglybuff, Elekid, Magby, Cleffa etc. Only Christmas Pikachu I seen on my tracker so far immediately switched to Eevee, hoping he shows up by my house (never does) Edit: got 'im
  14. Got a box of Saranac "German Roots" beers in the wings, still drinking some Goose Island Oktoberfest
  15. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Togepi and Pichu have joined the battle, Christmas hat Pikachu http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/johto-holiday/
  16. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    I think this thread should be edited to just the Unevenedge's general PokeGo thread now, lol I haven't tried it yet, but since old buddies have their distances saved now, I wonder if Pikachu will come back to my shoulder if I walk with him again. I'm sure this question has been answered by plenty of players already.. I am also in an ironic situation as Doduo was pretty much everywhere for me early on and I have a lot of candy but no decent Doduo I feel like evolving (have Dodrio dexed)
  17. Non show-centric ideas- -at some point we will be asked to name our new wormy crew member, this is for sure -they want to do another 'Intruder-like' event, maybe it'd be some sort of chronicle along the lines of the Toonami comics
  18. My optimistic takeaway- they didn't mess with the song
  19. Maybe you're dehydrated
  20. I suppose you could also say JoJo could also be one of those shows they would've shown back in the day if they could.
  21. An hour of Dragon Ball followed by new Gundam, sounds good to me pretty classic Toonami setup
  22. Just posted on FB, DB Super joins Gundam Unicorn on Jan. 7th *edit- course this has been posted already, lol
  23. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    Aw yeah I've been to Clove Lake once or twice, nice. Clefairy hung out at Marine Park too early on, still need a decent one to evolve, though I have Clefable otherwise. Still no Snorlax round here :'(
  24. Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!
  25. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

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