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Green Ghost
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Everything posted by viperxmns

  1. viperxmns


  2. Dunno if it fits the bill but I'm a fan of Aveeno's lavender variety, it's pretty neutral
  3. You could talk about the previous times you had trouble making conversation Then again I don't think I would take my own advice In general of course it all depends who you're talking to
  4. I'm not a picky eater, for me to hate a certain food mostly pertains to how it's prepared. Though I'm at that point in life where I ignore many types of candy, soda, things like that. But anyway-
  5. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    I guess I wasn't necessarily expecting an event for Chinese New Year but no Valentine's event would be surprising. My natural assumption would be for them to introduce breeding, though I'm still kinda holdin out for another XP event, though to have one again anytime soon seems unlikely.
  6. I feel like that could be an insult or compliment based on context
  7. Rummikub Scrabble Uno Munchkin Pokémon Card Mille Bornes Bananagrams
  8. Zwei is one of my faves I do have the Japanese 4mb cart
  9. I imported X-Men and Marvel vs Street Fighter, still the only faithful home versions of those games I used an ST key to play them though, not the best method I guess.. Also I love Guardian Heroes, missed out on Panzer Dragoon Saga but I got Guardian Heroes
  10. Jess Harnell, the voice of Wakko sang the theme to Taz-Mania
  11. Wonka donuts maybe Oompa Loompa jizz maybe
  12. Nice, continued best wishes What are the options for the thing they took out of you? You could keep it and put googly eyes on it, go Office Space on it, burn it with fire, shoot it like skeet...
  13. The Saturn remains such a case of wasted potential, since they never fixed the console's engineering to make development on it easier. Even though it had more power Sony got all the third party support for the easier-to-make-games-for Playstation. Also didn't help that they abandoned any plan to make a 2D Sonic title on the 2D powerhouse that was the Saturn But us North American Saturn owners did get pretty screwed compared to those in the PAL regions.
  14. Or its (obvious) prequel, The Hi Hi Man.. Haven't seen it.. funny thing I thought I saw one decent review of it but a quick search seems to indicate ppl mostly didn't like it
  15. Craig has a new Sirius radio show coming at the end of February
  16. viperxmns

    Pokémon Go

    I never even seen Lapras or Dragonite on my tracker. Finally bought a powerbank, wanna head into midtown to play. Recently had to go to Harlem, mostly Magnemite, Voltorb and some other things in that area. My neighborhood's been slightly more interesting in the past month (Dragonair, for example), though there's still an odd lack of Seel, as far as base types go.
  17. We'll see if the Switch redeems the fail of the Wii U
  18. Here present
  19. viperxmns


  20. I had my Sriracha in the fridge for a long time but now I keep it in the cabinet, since hot sauce doesn't require refrigeration. Ketchup and mustard are in the fridge, since they should be refrigerated.
  21. No, but then again I'm not usually waking up that early. I'm usually not hungry at that time if I do Also sucks when you know you must be hungry but you also kinda maybe need to poop so it kills your appetite
  22. In summer I'm in only boxers at home Would do all year round, save shirts from art sweat while I work
  23. waj
  24. I'm not wearing pants
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