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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. At least I know your spoilers are same. Had bnmjy posted a spoiler, I would just ban myself.
  2. I've been married a long time. I have always despised people. I can guarantee you, @Naraku4656, my disdain for people exceeds anyone else's. Yet, I found my soul mate. You're young. It will happen. @jackiemarie90, when the pandemic is over, go to a WWE event. Find someone there who will give you a piledriver.
  3. Some open toe Doc Marten's.
  4. No. No it wouldn't. Unless everyone spoilers them and tags you in them.
  5. I have wide feet too. 16 4E here. When we got married, I had to get an 18 in dress shoes.
  6. they wear big shoes. What size shoes do y'all wear?
  7. Wondering if ghost's piece of ass can spell anal.
  8. A little more than half way through Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Had to stop the main mission and go plunder and loot because I need to upgrade my ship. I'm on the naval mission where I have to free the African prisoners, and that ship keeps whipping my ass. So much so, that the game prompted me to go try some other shit. Haven't played in a week. Might fire it back up tomorrow. Trying to get through all the Assassin's Creed games.
  9. Cemeteries are pretty dead places. I'll see myself to the door.
  10. If your friends are like you, y'all probably just sat around sharing hoohah pictures. "The Haunted Caves of Hoohahville."
  11. I know what you mean. I caught several apparitions one time years ago, on video, and nothing weird happened to me, but everyone who borrowed the tape to watch it did. Banging on their doors and no one was there. Doors opening and shutting on their own. One said he was dragged across his bed by something he couldn't see. I had the tape for years in my possession and nothing ever happened to me. Disco would never watch it and eventually made me put it in the shop, before making me throw it out altogether. I wish I still had it though. Excellent footage.
  12. i am very excited to get back into it. Been so long. Went one time last year and caught a voice in a cemetery. I was the only one there that night. Not sure what it was, but it was cool.
  13. Damn. I haven't seen you in forever. My balloon loving friend.
  14. Been eating a little better this week. Made ratatouille and let me tell you, you eat that, and your ass starts talking shit. Literally.
  15. Strokin' it to Lonesome Dove reruns on the Hallmark Channel. Aye?
  16. You will never be fired in 2020.
  17. Now we know this bitch isn't in Australia. He's in Atlantic City with Packard.
  18. Grilling and smoking are my specialty. Got a freezer full of meats just waiting right now.
  19. We live in the swamp where you have to pipe daylight in here. Disco has been out every night trying to see this damn thing. No luck so far.
  20. Not until July 22nd. Calm your cockeyed tits.
  21. I'll check it out. The shit is all old. The inside setup is from the 70's. It's all in a closet in the room I'm sitting in now. This room joins our bedroom which is the room that's so hot. Everywhere else in the house is cool. And I have no idea why, but it's cooler back there during the day. At night is when it's a bitch. Got my sleeping habits all jacked up.
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