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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. (Stands next to Stillz, cause we cool like that). I'm guessing Pat got hit so hard last time, he lost the Admin part of his name. (Joins in for the fun). Kicks @crackymckrackin back to Augusta.
  2. No doubt. Kind of a cross between E.T. and the dueling banjos dude in Deliverance. I'd have left about $50 worth of tire tread on the pavement getting the hell out of there.
  3. I just finished the second video. It was nothing special. But it gave a different angle of the flare. They have some other videos doing this too. This was part 3 or 4. And if you do like creepy, check out CJ Faison's 3 part series at Pennhurst Asylum. It was a good series.
  4. Ahhh. I rarely deal in physical currency, so I have not seen these. Interesting.
  5. Ok. I'm out of the loop. Been gone a long time, but what are those bat quarters? I've never seen those.
  6. Oh hell no. I just watched the clip you shared. Wth was that person? Nope.
  7. I will check that out. The video I watched was by Proving Demons. I'm watching the other guy's video now, that was with him. They go together on these adventures, but don't film each other's content. They take turns Randonauting and film separately, so it's not the same video. But I think they both filmed the Pendle Hill incident.
  8. Haha. My bad. Yeah, I don't think I'll be trying it. I'm watching some explorers in the UK now who are doing it. They went to where a witch's cabin once was at a place called Pendle Hill in Lancashire, England. They got out to check it out. Of course it was night time and raining. Once at the exact spot, a red signal flare fired at them and they ran the hell away. One guy even fell down and broke his camera. Yeah, no.
  9. Nearing triple digits everyday here. It's been a rainy week, but it didn't cool down much. Too hot to do much of anything outside.
  10. That's what kept me from installing it. I'm not big on having my location turned on.
  11. Yep. They had to call the cops and everything. That's where I would have been out of the Randonautica game.
  12. What kind of range are looking for? Looking for closer range where the damage is annihilation, or longer range, where the damage is still deadly, but you can loot your kills?
  13. I saw that same video, just the other day. Clearly, she wasn't behind the chair looking for a damn charger. She was pulling that string. I watch Moe Sargi some. He's a ghost hunter and is full of shit. He uploaded a video last year and forgot to edit out where he tells his friend to open a door, making it seem like the door opened on its own. But, I still watch him if there's nothing else on. I just laugh now when he ''catches something paranormal.'' And no worries on the dream thing. I typed a novel.
  14. Meh. I suppose. It's a shame they want them that bad though. But not surprising. I watched a guy yesterday who found a bloody sock in the middle of the woods where the app sent him. He walks right over and picks it up. Like, who would grab a bloody sock, or anything bloody, and he dumped it out and inside was a memory card. Which he didn't show the contents on video. Said it was too graphic. I figured he was full of shit when he grabbed the sock and then confirmed it when he baited the viewers with the memory card bullshit. It is entertaining though, nonetheless. When you're bored, you can count on YouTube to give you something. Real or fake. Been watching a lot of Julius Dein. He's funny and a magician. He's got quick hands, because his tricks look real af.
  15. It'll cost you more than that to mail them to her and by that time, her clothes will be able to walk to the laundromat on their own.
  16. But....the dead bodies that have been found using the app. Couldn't be just happenstance in those instances. Most people will never walk up on a dead body, or any human remains. Yet, this app has sent several people to the exact spot of some. I'm not saying I am in disagreement. I am a bit perplexed by this app. I haven't installed it, but I am watching many videos and reading about it.
  17. Yes, but this app is supposed to lead you to some sort of mysterious item. Supposedly.
  18. i've been seeing lots of videos about it. Some, the people find nothing, or it sends them to locations that are private property, and the explorers choose not to investigate for fear of trespassing. Others have found creepy items, including dead bodies. Is this thing legit? If it is, then what kind of witchery is this? Of course, some of the creepy items could have been staged by the YouTubers, but that still doesn't explain the dead bodies people have found using this app. I don't know what to make of it.
  19. We have a Switch as well. Xbox One S and Xbox One X. PS4. Yeah. I love ghost stuff, but not scary games. I don't like all the gore. Same with movies. I'll watch ghost movies, but I'm not watching anything like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Nope. No way. I'll panic too much.
  20. Whoa. First. Thanks for all this information. I'm kind of shaky after reading some of it. My grandmother always shows up in my dreams. She passed 7 years ago. We live in her house now. But never experienced anything paranormal in it. But she is always in the dream. I know she is dead, but she's always coming home in the dream, from the graveyard, where she was buried, and is alive again somehow. She comes home in a manner as if someone who had been in the hospital for a long time, finally got to come home and the whole family is here waiting to see her when she arrives. She gets out of the car and just wants to go sit in her chair. She tells us of her experience and what it was like being trapped in a coffin for the last 7 years. There is a path to our house, backdoor specifically, that from the opposite end, you can see the backdoor from. I had a dream many, many years ago that it was night time and I was standing at the other end of the path and saw a figure walk past the door. I still have this dream. I told my grandmother about it before she passed. And to this day, when I walk past that point in our yard, it makes me feel weird. That dream was so vivid. Like my brain picked up on every single detail of the yard. Back to the mansion. The doors are all brown. Matter of fact, most of the mansion is. Some sort of hand crafted hardwood. Stained wood. There is one separate wing of the mansion that is an exact replica of the haunted part, but this part is not haunted. But I get easily confused as to which is the haunted side and which isn't. I always end up on the haunted side, but occasionally end up on the safe side. Long hallways with rooms all the way down on either side. One room in particular scares me the most. It is a mostly empty room. I go inside, knowing the place is haunted, and as soon as I go to leave and renter the hallway after closing the door behind me, the door violently slams open and I am dragged back inside by an unseen force. I try to get the door but it slams shut, trapping me inside. Trying to get to the door from that point is like fighting under water. It takes all your energy and you get nowhere. Like moving in slow motion. I always manage to escape and make my way downstairs to the main floor. I never stay downstairs, and always make my way to the top level, which can only be accessed by climbing on some boxes and reaching an attic type crawl space hole in the ceiling. Once inside, it opens up into a whole other floor. I usually don't remember anything about that part, other than the first glance. I do venture outside of the mansion. I know exactly what the house looks like outside. I will have to find a picture from last year that a friend shared on Facebook. She doesn't know this story, but she was just out randomly and passed this house and snapped a picture. I almost shit myself when I saw it. It was the spitting image of this house. It's creepy looking. The wooden exterior has weathered over the years. I never see the ghosts who haunt this place. Not once. Always an invisible force. I don't know if the spirits are males, females, children, demons, etc. There are, however, other people in the house, who I only see periodically. None are ever in screaming distance of me though. I'm screaming for help to be let out of that room of which the door slammed on me, but no one ever comes. The side of the mansion that is an unhaunted replica, when I am lucky enough to make it there, I am still overwhelmed with anxiety, just because it is identical to the haunted side. I see that same room that scares me. I go inside, and nothing happens. I feel relief. But still anxious. Still wondering if the spirit is just toying with me, and is going to strike at any moment. But so far, that side has remained safe and nothing has ever happened over there. But yeah. This has been an ongoing saga for a long time. I am a very stressed person. Which is why I have taken my frustrations out here before. I deal with a lot of shit on a daily basis in my real life. My grandfather, who was my grandmother that passed away's husband, lives here too. He is an old man with dementia, Alzheimer's, kidney disease, heart condition, and diabetes. He was my world as a kid. But now, he has changed due to all of his illnesses. He's getting to the point where he can't and won't do anything for himself. The past two nights, (I get up to pee a lot during the night) I went to pee at 1 am, both nights, and he was sitting in his recliner in the living room, in the pitch black dark. Scared the hell out of me both times. When it's time for him to eat, he takes anywhere from 1 to 4 hours to eat. That's not an exaggeration. It's a very stressful environment being a 24/7/365 caregiver. I know this shit in my real life has to play some part in these dreams I have every night. I also lost my best friend a couple of months ago. A guy I used to work with before becoming a full time caregiver. He just had a heart attack and died instantly. I was his best man in his wedding a few years ago. That hit like a ton of bricks, especially when I saw his urn at his funeral. I had a massive panic attack. I know that has nothing to do with the dream, since I was having it years before my friend died, but his death definitely added another stress level. Anyways, I'll stop here before I turn this into one of Sponge's novels. Thanks a lot Poof for taking the time and interest in replying. All things considered, with everything happening in the world now, I am trying not to be an asshole anymore. I am trying to remove some stress, even though it's easier said than done.
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