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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. Some people can't take a joke. Meh. I have become too mellow this go around.
  2. The last few times I bought Honey Smacks, they were stale. I bought a box from about three different places and they were all stale. I did like them, but now I'm a bit too nervous to buy anymore.
  3. I was joking with Lasty. My bad.
  4. Haha @ clip on teeth. Forty oneT fucking dollars.
  5. I have been as unmotivated as hell. But, I did plant tomatoes that are doing great. Turned on the ol' Xbox for the first time in a long time, and am actually playing a game for the first time in a few years. Still trying to be inventive in the kitchen. That's about it.
  6. The Fifth Element was an awesome movie. It's one of our favorites. I must not have seen the animated movie you are trying to think of, because I haven't seen anything similar to Fifth Element. I just knew it wasn't Heavy Metal. That movie is a barrel full of sour ass.
  7. You know where. The girl from Portland commenting to you above. Y'all from the same place. Y'all got to both be either single or married. Single on both parts, I'm assuming correctly.
  8. I agree with this. And this movie way exceeded my expectations. Excellent film.
  9. Damn. That midnight guy. What a tool.
  10. I've got you beat. I got a check in the mail today from a Wells Fargo class action lawsuit for $2.44 cents. I can buy like, 8 popsicles.
  11. I feel like I just witnessed a match being made.
  12. Hahahahaha.
  13. They know to shit in it. But it's cleaned out. When it's clean, they play in it. I've seen cats sling shit out if one if dirty, but not when it's clean. These kittens are wild as hell.
  14. it doesn't even have shit in it. It's been cleaned out. It's not only their toilet, but their playground. I should just leave the vacuum plugged in at this point, sitting next to the shit box.
  15. I too, sleep next to my signature.
  16. I can't draw shit on this laptop. I sleep on my right side, facing the wife, unless her ass canon is facing me, then I turn the opposite way so I can fire back.
  17. You've been demoted to space shitter duty.
  18. ghost, give me your social. I need to beam it up to the captain.
  19. Doritos with easy cheese and ketchup on them. Don't knock it til you try it.
  20. Yes!
  21. The same guy who blew up volcanoes with hydrogen bombs to kill the Teegeeacks he brought here on his ship millions of years ago? Nah. He instead slowly sent cancer particles to her breasts over the course of two years. At the request of L. Ron. Who's ghost contacted the alien lord, Xenu. This has been a slow plot since Travolta turned down the role of Danny Zucko in Grease 2. Fuck.
  22. is what's for dinner tomorrow night. Pictures to follow.
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