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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. I'm listening to Hanukkah music, because the Christians got it wrong.
  2. Hell yeah. Xbox fam.
  3. I don't have that one. Any good?
  4. Burgers. Because Nabs makes me moist for beef.
  5. The story and scenery are great. But the glitches make it hard to appreciate. I have a friend who lost over 10 hours of game play. That would have been the end of the game for me. But I'm finally leveled up enough to take on the bosses. Some of them. I'm level 196 right now, and one bitch, they recommend you be a level 360 to fight. The dumbest part is, you can get all of Thor's armor and his hammer, but not until the game is at its end. Which makes no sense. If the game is over, the fuck I'm gonna do with it?
  6. I'm pushing through this one. But the glitches are killing me. Lost two hours of play last night because it fucked up.
  7. Happy Birthday, molar.
  8. Well hell. I didn't know molar and vamped were on Xbox too.
  9. They've yet to steer me wrong. Or so I think.
  10. Virgin Trekkie finally loses his virginity to a bidet.
  11. Ah. That's a few hours from us. We are in the total opposite direction.
  12. This was another stupid thread.
  13. Right here. What part are you heading to?
  14. I agree.
  15. Nope. Straight truth.
  16. Mostly shit weed around these parts. A grinder is essential. We have several.
  17. I have never had a problem telling a boss to fuck off. Even when I was the boss. I'd tell myself to fuck off. And I would.
  18. Here's an idea. Don't answer the phone when they call you on your day off. Or just say no if they ask you while you're at work.
  19. Asgard in Assassin's Creed Valhalla sucks ass. Should change the name to Assgard. Nothing but climbing. Never trust the depth of the water. 2 fast travels. So, running all over the damn place. I mean, climbing all over the damn place.
  20. That 2020 is almost over.
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