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Everything posted by resurrected

  1. No. No. I need you to translate the Jake shit part. I managed through the other one. Also, I can hang with scoob. I have a check book and that's all the info that is needed for this. (It might bounce all the way to Texas, but that's beside the point). Ha.
  2. What's your qualifications for working for NASA? You like Star Trek?
  3. This is going to get interesting.
  4. You showed your hand too early, scoob. Gotta wait this one out until the end, then swoop in and make the final donation. FTW. Which I'm sure is what my contributing partner Sawdy is thinking as well.
  5. I'm sure it would. But I'm not concerned about that at the moment....
  6. I'm gonna donate a hundred bucks and she's gonna get a tattoo of Pee Wee Herman jacking off in a theater on her left ass cheek and a splooge blast on the right one. Or, OJ Simpson killing his wife on one ass cheek and on the other "THE JUICE." Shit, maybe even the Marietta Mangler tattooed right about the vag.
  7. They asked for them at the bank.
  8. I'll match Sawdy's donation if this is the winner.
  9. Jesus. This made me laugh out loud.
  10. Congratulations on your pregnancy, Junior.
  11. All cultures/religions believe in an after life. Not an after life that consists of roaming the world of the living. It could be safe to assume that all ghosts are evil in nature. Not ghosts of once living beings. However, there have been cases where many believe a life was cut short, unexpectedly, and that spirit is lost, and doesn't realize it has died. Leaving it to roam this world. Personally, I have been ghost hunting for over 20 years, and although I have caught some things I can't rationally explain, I am still with doubt that the paranormal actually exists. For example, just a few days ago, I was going to make my lunch and I put a napkin on the table. Actually, I put the napkin on the place mat on the table. I turned to go to the stove and the place mat and napkin flew all the way across the kitchen. It didn't bother me because I was more hungry than scared. I couldn't explain how it happened, but I can't say it was paranormal either. For all I know, my son could have sneaked in and threw it and ran back out. I saw it land across the kitchen, but didn't see it actually leave the table. Things you have to think about before jumping the paranormal gun. There's always a logical explanation, even if you can't figure it out just yet. In my cases, I just didn't care enough to mind fuck myself into figuring it out.
  12. Your posts, for whatever weird reason, are always so calming. No sarcasm or smart assery intended. You remain one of my favorite posters.
  13. Put on those sexy heels and go to work like a champ.
  14. My mother got my grandfather one of those hats for Christmas. He looks like a fucking Canadian fairy when he wears it in the living room, because we keep the temp set at 67-68 in the winter. No fucks given.
  15. My bank sits next door to the courthouse. I can just withdraw my money at the bank's ATM for free. And the commissioner's took one of my ideas about putting an ATM machine in the courthouse, and that bitch is cheaper than paying the tax office's fee. The ATM machine sits right out front of the tax office too. Good fucking grief.
  16. Disco is binging the shit out of some Criminal Minds on Netflix. I can't remember the last time I watched anything on Netflix. A few years ago. We just got Disney+ and I haven't even turned it on. I can't commit to shows.
  17. Shit. I just read in our local newspaper where our tax office is finally going to accept debit cards. Before, only cash or check. But with the acceptance of debit cards, comes a 2.75% charge. Or a minimum of $2. The examples in the paper were for a $20 tag, the charge would be $2. If you pay a thousand dollar property tax, the charge is $27.50 just to pay by debit card. Yeah. Pretty sure people will just bring the cash in for that.
  18. I haven't seen you on Xbox. And these days, I've been living on mine. Playing one meh game after another.
  19. Honestly, and I feel like I can say this here, I feel like going postal. Like putting a stamp on my ass and mailing myself as far away as the mail can travel. (Googles how much it would cost to mail a 300 pound package to Antarctica).
  20. Finished Assassin's Creed 3 and wow, did it suck all the sloppy seconds dick. Playing Assassin's Creed Liberation now and it's pretty good so far.
  21. Just picked up Little Nightmares 2. But I have a question. Is Bendy and the Ink Machine a creepy game, and is it worth buying?
  22. No outages to report in Georgia, but that could all change tomorrow when it rains again.
  23. Pat Robinson
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