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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. Mine is a piece of art.
  2. I miss techmeds; he sold such nice things.
  3. NES games were still made easier than their Famicom versions; the original Super Mario Brothers 2 was never released on the NES and in Super Mario Brothers 3, Mario would always become small after only one hit while using any item.
  4. You must be my lucky star.
  5. When you hear the Poem of Everyone's Soul in Persona 5. Patience, grasshopper.
  6. Pork rinds, chitterlings, and shit like that. Feels like I'm gonna have a heart attack.
  7. timer doesn't work; skip to 1:30
  8. not really. her mother tho.
  9. It's like Charlie Sheen didn't say but heavily implied: doesn't everyone deserve a thirtieth chance?
  10. IB was full of teens back then. You know, the age where people think they're special to make up for their lack of self esteem.
  11. touche
  12. You know that's not what I meant. Post a pic of you and phillies.
  13. pics or it didnt happen
  14. It's a fucking onion.
  15. Supposed to start production this year. Who knows though?
  16. Oh, you can create as many scenarios as you want. Odds are the golden shower will be done privately. If not, YOLO. S:
  17. Depends on if there is money involved. Might be the one willing to sell the video to TMZ myself, if I can edit the video to have myself blurred and voice unrecognizable.
  18. Sure. I was only joking, though Bethesda really is in Maryland.
  19. I'm really the only one who said yes? Urine is tame, albeit degrading. The real question is: would you let a celebrity shit on you? (I wouldn't.)
  20. depends on which sweater guy; steve will kick my ass but joe is a total pussy
  21. Well duh, that's where Bethesda is. Disgusting shit games.
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