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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. They've been parodying adult dramas for years now.
  2. Thanks for stealing my old sig. Your shit fetish is absolutely disgusting.
  3. Why is Lionel Richie giving me the finger?
  4. It's 2017 and people still say that the cake is a lie.
  5. It already has very high ratings on rotten tomatoes.
  6. She's not gonna be in this one, though.
  7. Time to see Neil Patrick Harris in drag:
  8. I used that simply fit board today. I thought it looked stupid at first, but it really does work your core muscles well.
  9. I encountered Trump making anime real far more than I did with Bernie . . .
  10. That's a good one. Janitors at my old workplace would say the women's room is always filthier than the men's. Some women just throw their used tampons on the floor. Many times, there were blood and shit on the walls, which supposedly never happened in the men's room. There are some foul bitches out there.
  11. How could you give up caffeine?
  12. Just keep drawing yaoi. Anime is supposed to become real in a millennial's lifetime after all.
  13. I have. Feels good, man.
  14. Thanks for sharing your abhorrent fetish.
  15. bnmjy

    Pie v cake

    I was gonna avoid getting juvenile, but fine: meat pies with fine beef curtains
  16. Most people find it unappetizing. I personally don't care, as I still eat fast food. Not sure if I'd ever bother eating horse meat by itself.
  17. Time to bring out the judas chairs again.
  18. Just buy the Swedish meatballs from IKEA. They have a secret ingredient you'll probably never bother using: horse meat.
  19. blue waffles are bomb
  20. Not only that, but it's a cancerous combination.
  21. You've obviously never been snowed in. There was over two feet of snow to push. I don't even remember how I got it open.
  22. In the great northeast snow storm of 2010, I literally couldn't even open my front door.
  23. Personally, I blame everything on Zenigundam.
  24. Too cheap to use 4G?
  25. I still have six years. Thanks for making me feel young, everyone.
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