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Everything posted by bnmjy

  1. Anne Rice does not like fanfic of her works, therefore she is shit.
  2. Member when South Park wasn't always about politics and had random episodes about anything? I member.
  3. bnmjy

    Vidya Game Music

    I love how simple yet mysterious this sounds.
  4. https://youtu.be/Ldyx3KHOFXw
  5. You've never had it? Does that mean you've never actually played Undertale? Get it, anyway. Plenty of cheap indie games you'll no doubt enjoy.
  6. mr brady had aids lol
  7. It's just Zeni playing with his zanpakuto prop, so idk. I'd probably do nothing but laugh.
  8. Some people out there are willing to buy my copies of Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance for over 100 dollars. It's tempting, but I'll be keeping them. Skies of Arcadia seems to be fetching quite a price, and I'm willing to part with that.
  9. Nobody likes to be forced to sing kumbaya. Still, effort was actually placed into this place, unlike the current asmb, so I feel much less inclined to troll.
  10. I was about to say, I like sweet potato pie more than pumpkin. My favorite pie made in that kind of fashion would be carrot pie. I want to try squash pie one day.
  12. I'm not thankful for anything. To be American is to have entitlement issues. I am not thankful that the Indians didn't decide to scalp those nasty fetid Puritans instead of helping them. /edge #edge
  13. God, I hate it, but I felt the need to remind you so you can suffer too.
  14. It's tumblr. It's always full of shit. That's the real punchline.
  15. Please, nowhere near fat enough.
  16. Oh dammit.
  17. My life. Laugh.
  18. I thought you said you had done it for weeks. Did you relapse?
  19. Well, since you failed to specify, I'm just gonna talk about Civilization. I'd say the midway points of the Renaissance Era and Industrial Era are my favorite. It's usually when all countries finally meet each other and form a World Congress and shit starts to get serious. My least favorite era is the Ancient Era. Boring and very slow, and barbarians are annoying. :\
  20. Yep. I also block the camera on my kindle. I'd also recommend to avoid using headphones with mics when your voice isn't necessary (many have built-in mics that can't be turned off).
  21. Rewatching FMAB for the third time. Probably gonna watch the entire Ghost in the Shell series and Cowboy Bebop afterward.
  22. I get it now; you're fucking fuggs.
  23. https://youtu.be/1ytCEuuW2_A
  24. bnmjy


    Indeed, but thanks for helping me finally decide on an avatar.
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