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Everything posted by Tengu

  1. So..... you’re wrong. The DSM V (or VI) does not list compulsive spending as a definitive symptom of bipolar disorder. In the state of SC the TITLE HOLDER of the car pays the property tax. Any other lies you’d like me to clarify for you?
  2. When psychiatrists evaluate someone for bipolar disorder they usually don’t draw a conclusion based on the person’s spending habits. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4230313/
  3. You could show some shit you claim is proof but that would put you on packard’s level of bullshit.
  4. According to the DSM 5 it’s not.
  5. That’s called irresponsibility.
  6. Midnight nailed it, the car is in her brother’s name.
  7. Of course zeni thinks he knows the answer. 🙄
  8. For all we care your brother could be giving out hand jobs at truck stops. And probably is.
  9. You are a character. 😒
  10. Pumpkin spice has no actual pumpkin in it. It’s just cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice.
  11. Who doesn’t love rats?
  12. Some of his best work.
  13. zeni would get lynched.
  14. Are the feet backwards?
  15. I was bugging last night, Chu premiered yesterday and i couldn’t find a streaming site with an english sub. Took me a little bit but alas, i have my subtitled stream! So happy right now!! 😊
  16. dickbutt from internet folklore
  17. I don’t know about anyone else but i ain’t fucking no bitch with backwards feet, no matter how much of a hoe she is.
  18. Yeah, officer robin with the fake brooklyn accent. It isn’t mentioned until near the end of the movie, and as shitty as the third movie was this was an even bigger “ugh” moment.
  19. Come on tortilla!! You can do it!!
  20. 膣を書いた。
  21. 何これ?😐
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