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Everything posted by Tengu

  1. The stakes have been raised!!
  2. So are you trying to make up for that in a single day?
  3. But you haven’t retired.
  4. 🙄
  5. Tengu


    사랑이란 무엇인가? 아기가 나를 다치게하지 마라. 더 이상 나를 해치지 마라.
  6. Tengu


    Wrong!! It’s Korean. 😉
  7. Dude wrote a book to explain a ban.
  8. Considering inflation from 1918 to now the cost of a first class ticket would be $50,000. So you’d be traveling in steerage for $170.
  9. In other words you’d pussy out. Some alpha you are. 😒
  10. Hell by his own standards he’d be a cougar.
  11. He’d be like that one guy who dressed as a woman to get on the lifeboat.
  12. Good thing the crew were ordered to shoot people like you.
  13. STOP! Hammer time!
  14. Pfft, he’s no match for Miyawaki Sakura.
  15. Doesn’t make me want to eat it either.
  16. Yeah, you’d have survived because you pushed a kid out of the lifeboat.
  17. The 90’s weren’t all rainbows and unicorns.
  18. Must not like your ass very much.
  19. Mmmmm, gravy toast. 🤤
  20. Why do you think anyone cares about this?
  21. Well according to the Flintstones the only beer you can drink is Busch. I don’t know about the pizza though.
  22. But the real paleolithic diet consisted of woolly mammoth. 🤔
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