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Everything posted by Tengu

  1. でも、朝ごはんに卵食べます。
  2. It’s a national treasure. 😉
  3. Ok. Grand Vagina
  4. Don’t you mean the grand hooha?
  5. No, but i would really like to be in an echo chamber right now.
  6. Not one but TWO near perfect rectangular icebergs broke off the Antartic ice shelf recently. And they say there are no straight lines or right angles in nature. 😉 http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/goddard/2018/2-rectangular-icebergs-spotted-on-nasa-icebridge-flight
  7. You always were a creep.
  8. Too bad you didn’t get a bomb in the mail today.
  9. Most watchmojo titles should be “10 shocking facts you probably already knew like a few years ago”.
  10. Stop stalking the local high school.
  11. Orange Cookies It’s as tasty as it sounds.
  12. Well that sucks. Meanwhile....... 😉
  13. I said post the reply. I don’t care about whatever lie this is you’re telling them.
  14. Yes, appeal it saying it was revenge porn. Post the response.
  15. Chu premeres Thursday at 11 PM......... Korea time. 😒
  16. You know you could have uploaded to youporn. But honestly nobody wants to see that shit anyway.
  17. Tengu

    Hey brah

    Do you even Halloween?
  18. You’re doing what is right for you. Try not to think about what others think, it’s irrelevant anyway. Good luck, you have support.
  19. Still waiting on pumpkin spice flavored cigarettes.
  20. The irony is everyone laughs at the call center morons. Right after they hang up on your ass.
  21. Anyone tell you you’re a pussy? Besides me that is.
  22. A friend of mine made vegitarian “cheese steak” sammiches with wheat gluten seitan and non-dairy cheddar cheese. Essentially NOT a cheese steak sammich as there was no actual steak or cheese in it. Why not call it a wheat gluten and non-dairy cheese sammich since this is what it’s actually made of, calling it a cheese steak is a straight up lie.
  23. He’s a fucking australian and you’re a creepy ass stalker.
  24. Pretty sure there are laws against this.
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