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Everything posted by Tengu

  1. Martial arts movies? Naw, my man learned those moves from Naruto.
  2. Yeah that definitely sucks. It’s like vampire living.
  3. Hey, working the day shift ain’t easy either. All i can think about is going home to sleep.
  4. No wonder you can’t hold a job for long., you’re an asshole.
  5. Probably still has more money than you.
  6. Ratting on yourself?
  7. Then post a video of you beating your dad’s ass. But until then enjoy your new title, beta boy.
  8. Sounds like your dad is the real alpha male. Until you can beat your dad you’re just a beta boy.
  9. The ASMB is dead. Let it rot in peace.
  10. Don’t know but it’s pissing me off too.
  11. Better advice for you. 😉
  12. Blackjack and hookers
  13. I just wanted you to know i read none of this.
  14. You mean a few girls yelled rape on you? No wonder you didn’t bother them again. Restraining orders are a bitch.
  15. She yelled rape, didn’t she.
  16. Liar! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  17. Have you?
  18. Titless. How was yours?
  19. Wouldn’t know; never use it.
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