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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. It's a little late for me to be concerned about what my children see on TV.
  2. Yeah, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  3. 🤯
  4. Hey! I'm first. Get in line.
  5. Docket. How did you get into college? How do you write papers?
  6. How will you be it? You can't even spell it.
  7. *Psych English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?
  8. For what? Telling you how many ignorant you are?
  9. He can tell the state if he wants to, but if the person he's telling the state about isn't on Medicaid, he's breaking HIPAA, and will lose his license.
  10. Tell the state what, that I have NPD? Goddamn, you're dumb.
  11. Don't stop him. I want to see what happens when he reports me for abusing my 38 and 35 year old children.
  12. Why not now? If you're that concerned, report me now.
  13. So you don't know. And you don't care, because if you actually saw a reportable situation, you wouldn't need to be mandated to report it. So. You're a poor student and a poor excuse for a human being. Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
  14. Why don't you answer me? Is it because you can't? What are the responsibilities of a mandated reporter?
  15. Tell us what it means. Otherwise, as a mandated reporter myself, I'm going to conclude that you don't know
  16. It just hit me - you can't tell cluster B from STDs. Sorry, dude. Cluster Bs aren't required reporting.
  17. If you were actually that concerned, you'd report now. You don't have to be mandated.
  18. Oh, come on. You can talk about it. After all, we all float down here.
  19. Went into Dexter's room to get a t shirt for him to tie dye, and found a half dozen empty Monster cans and diet Pepsi bottles tucked next to his bed, and the switch under his pillow. No wonder it's been so hard to get him up in the morning lately. I am too old for this.
  20. Yeah, that's all on me - the dementia was strong with this one yesterday, like I didn't realize that I had my pants on inside out until mid-afternoon.
  21. Do we have an extradition agreement with Serbia?
  22. Yeah, that's my fault, I'm having massive brain farts today, Plus I'm even more confused because Joshua Goldberg/ Moonmetropolis and Joshua Moon (Null is easier).
  23. The Viagra calls, the Cialis calls, starting Fridays, right after lunch. Usually, they were looking for samples, and although there was sometimes a bit of salt, most were polite if we couldn't accommodate them. One, however, called looking for an actual prescription. How refreshing! I get his name and birthdate to pull him up on the computer so that I can send a request to his provider. Lo and behold! He's nowhere to be found. I ask which provider he usually sees, and he tells me that he used to see Dr. X, who retired a few months ago. Dr X gave him Viagra for years, he says, but he's out, and doesn't have any refills. I'm sorry, I tell him. The providers can't just write a prescription for a patient they've never seen before and for whom they have no records (dude is in his 70's. Viagra is probably not the only thing he needs a script for.) If you'd like to establish with one of them, we have an NP and a physician who are currently taking new patients. I can set you up with an appointment. He hems and haws, but finally agrees. Bear in mind, this is a Friday afternoon, probably around 2 - 2:30. The office closes at 5. I check the computer, and find an available appointment on the following Thursday. (He's actually pretty lucky, because a new patient visit requires a longer block of time, and it can sometimes be a wait of a few weeks or a month before we can book one.) I offer him the appointment and he goes through the roof. "I can't get one today? This is an emergency!" There follows a five minute (I timed him) diatribe about the state of health care in America, especially as it relates to his personal life and convenience, my rudeness and stupidity because I won't comply with his request and give him a prescription (sorry, sir, I have the wrong initials after my name) or badger one of the providers into doing it (sorry, sir, they need to see you first), and how we're all just about money. Then he ends with "There's going to be a lot of disappointed ladies out there because of you! I hope you're happy!" I still don't know if he had delusions of grandeur, or if he was the guy who was responsible for the chlamydia outbreak at the retirement village.
  24. It's possible, but I don't know if he would have had time - his Twitter got yeeted again.
  25. @katt_goddessNVM. I thought you were talking about somebody else. Regardless, I haven't seen either of them (again, granted I'm not there for politics) - and the FBI request in OP's screen shot was made in 2022, so I doubt it's about hewhomustnotbenamed.
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