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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. Picks the marshmallows out of Lucky Charms, throws them away, and eats the cereal.
  2. Does both the Hanky Panky and the Hokey Pokey.
  3. Your powers of observation are equalled only by your proficiency at basic arithmetic.
  4. Look at it. You're backwards. You fail.
  5. It's not only math, it's wrong. You just flunked percentages.
  6. Has been singing "The Song That Never Ends" since 1992.
  7. Because you touch yourself at night. Duh.
  8. If one wants to lurk, hang out, or use the restroom without buying anything, one should go to the public library.
  9. Hey! I resent being lumped in with him!
  10. It's so that we, too, can have catsup flavored potato chips
  11. My kids were born in Florida, and never saw snow in real life until we had to come back up to New York for my mother's funeral. The older one was 11, the younger one was 8, and when we stopped at a reststop in PA, they got out and jumped into the disgusting slushy parking lot snow with that same look on their faces, because it was SNOW! Thanks for bringing back that memory.
  12. See, this kind of bullshit is why my children won't let me near AI. It's easy enough to embarrass oneself as one ages; one does not need electronic assistance.
  13. I was ready to go to sleep at 10, but I pushed until the laundry was done, and now I've got a second wind. And it's a school night, and I promised Dexter I'd get him up at 6....
  14. There's a saint for almost every cause, even if their first job happened to be local pagan spirit.
  15. St. Dymphna, more likely. Or St. Jude.
  16. There are no body farms in the north east - I think the closest to NJ would be in Virginia, and they may charge for shipping. Check out local med schools instead - they usually have a free pickup range, and will have you cremated for free. Plus, make sure you've got it documented somewhere so that action can be taken as soon as you die - if it's only stipulated in your will, you may wind up embalmed or otherwise made useless for study by the time it's read.
  17. Forget the house, dude - you can't afford the insurance, not in Florida.
  18. How do you keep a moron in suspense?
  19. But you had to respond anyway.
  20. Quick Draw McGraw, with Bobbalouie (the little burro). You're probably right about timelines - we had Magilla Gorilla and Secret Squirrel in the afternoon, but sometimes in the morning after Kimba the White Lion...it's all starting to run together. Edit to add: how has Gargoyles not shown up on anybody's list?
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