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Everything posted by new_disease

  1. Make sure those memes are extra dank
  2. Good luck make all the money
  3. happy birthday
  4. i too ask myself that
  5. this song shall be theme to my life from this day forward and sideways because i totally keep a coin in my pocket. and i headed to californ-i-a also i do what i want while saying 'do what i want' in singsong to myself
  6. Damn right it is also the coin is invisible to everyone but me, but i never lie about the results im just that lucky
  7. Because I flipped a coin and it said to do the thing. so i did the thing
  8. GOOD I am all powerful and have taken the chips with salsa
  9. Too late, I just ate all the tacos all of them. There's no more in the whole face of the planet of the earth
  10. but are they chocolate medals?
  11. i too, once saw creepy lights in the sky
  12. Thats a first -_' i never posted much so most never remember me either way, things been good. almost done with school, but still not doing this adulting thing right
  13. ::]::
  14. i remember those the water would always come out hot when i was in need of water
  15. its yo butt
  16. :poop:
  17. idk, probably
  18. Damn Despite being on the [as] boards since 06 I never had much interaction with him since I was never much of an active user but the times I saw him post he always seemed like a good guy that cared for the community. I appreciated the hell out of him for creating a place for us to keep on hanging out after the old boards shut down. RIP Luuv, we'll miss you
  19. Go rescue, then, take him to get his revenge :robotmad
  20. saw the news on fb so had to check in here for any other updates RIP luuv
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